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-7/7 Judy gets back .................................... -7/20 Europe!!! ....... ................................. -9/17.Move in day....

...... ... .










































You may have not asked for it, and you still have a chance to leave. You are coming into TheOpenCloset.

I'm constantly trying to come up with more and more ideas for this site, so keep a lookout. I know how to do video, but I'm skeptical of people wanting to watch and being able to watch them, so I don't think it'll happen yet.

In case you just can't figure out this awsomely complex site, I'll help you a little bit. Basically, this is the home page for everything. On the top bar, you'll find links to other parts of my site. All you have to do is click on them and a new window will open with the new link. Also above you'll find the music bar. All you have to do is click on the play button (you're welcome for the option) and magically music will start playing. OOO AHHH

That's pretty much all you need to know. I'll try, as always, to update my site regularly. There is a message board that you're welcome to use to give me complaints, compliments, requests, or anything at all. Have fun!



















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