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The First Voice








'Voice' Coming; as published in the Cameron County Endeavor

A group of students are planning to start a newspaper at the Cameron County High School.

Alex Davis, a freshman at CCHS, has pushed for the new paper, which will be called "The First Voice." The school paper is tentatively planned to come out Feb. 19.

The publication is expected to be a "few" pages, according to Davis. It will be printed on legal-size paper and circulated in the school. Davis said he's even hoping to print color photographs in the publication.

Davis gathered up a few friends to see if the publication could indeed become reality. Once he found out a handful of students were interested, he approached Superintendent of Schools Dr. Stephen Bugaj, who gave the publication his blessing, noting that he would want to review the paper's conent before it was published.

In addition to Davis, who will be the Editor of the paper, Lindsay Smith, Kelly Kriner and Cory Johnson are all expected to be on the staff. Smith will proofread, Kriner will be the Treasurer and Johnson will join Davis in the graphic design section.

Many other writers and photographers are expected to help as well.

Davis, just 15, is extremely interested in reporting. His work has been published in this paper, The Eagle Hills Word, The Pennsylvania Reader, the Courier Express The Cameron County Echos, as well as several other publications.