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Fire Safety by ACC JavaScrip Example 2

Fire Safety is Very Important

One should make sure that they have a fire alarm in every room that is most often used. They should also make sure they have a fire escape and a safe place to meet. You should also make sure that your smoke alarm works every 2 months. Make sure that your batteries aren't dead.

I belive that you need to do all this stuff because I have been in a fire it isn't a fun thing so please be carful around fire and remember what Smokey the Bear says "Only you can prevent forest fires." Of course we know that you aren't the only one that can prevent forset fires but still your one of them.

For all those pyros looking at this site i know that fire is cool looking and its fun to burn things and hear things explode (i know this because i am a pyro also) but that doesn't mean dont be safe when palying with fire. Please make sure that nothing you light on fire will go out of control. have sand water shovel something like that when you light a fire that way you can put it out. I know that every one out there probably hates smokey the bear. I know that I do but he has a point other then my verson of it is your one of the people that prevent forest fires so why not prevent them I say.

I also say that if you like to blow stuff up then go right ahead but be careful when you blow things up that you dont blow off your finger or your head. So have a first aid kit and water at your side just in case.