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In this section there is statistics for marijuana and club drugs. As much as I would love to write about every other drug statistic on the planet, there is simply no room, but, there is links at the bottom of the page for further information.

Marijuana is the most popular drug in all of the US. This drug is a hallucinogen which alters the state of mind. In 1990, 1.6 million people in the US were using the drug on a regular basis. In 2002, that number jumped to over 14 million people over the age of 12 who used the drug at least one month prior to the survey, 12.2 percent of the people used the drug 300 or more occasions in the past 12 months. That means about 3.1 people people used marijuana on a daily basis or almost daily basis in the past year.

A study shows that the amount of users between the age of 12 and 17 had declined slightly between 2001 and 2002, while users between 18 and 25 had increased slightly. Most teenagers claim that it is very easy for them to obtain the drug.

Club drugs such as ketamine, MDMA and GHB are very popular with teens and young adults in clubs and bars. Although hospitalization rates did not increase at all from 2001 to 2002 (2 mentions for every 100 000 people), there is a very big jump between the years of 1995 and 2002. For example, there were 421 MDMA mentions in 1995 and in 2002 there were about 5000 mentions. There were 145 GHB mentions in 1995 and in 2002 there were 3330.

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