Just One sentence suffices it for all in here for this crime :-

It’s an all-time crime and poisoning/murder/manipulation inside brain, body, mind and in home, air, water  and in situations and people around it ..If you know about non-consensual intrusion , assault in your low-organs as rape  / gang rape and murder , this is also equivalent to gang-rape and gang-murder   in here in the highest and most precious organ.. A GROSS, ABSURD, PERVERTED MURDER-GRADE CRIME AND A GROSS HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS, EVEN IN ALL CHAIR TERMS ..


Ø What are the salient things to be considered first in here for this incident?


To begin with I must say that , there was no provision, permission, authorization or scope for doing any such thing on me ever in any place , especially in India and West Bengal ..Some purchased criminal rascal-ism would amount to some extreme corruption, crime and satanism with false gimmick, hype and cheap glitter in here …It was about some empty vessels that used to sound too much ..The world history and was getting falsely manufactured and concocted in here , with false influence and manipulation, all for rascal power and greed ..


·        It was a false speculation murder and jealousy murder conspiracy for me(A case of “Devil & the Cross Theory” ) 15 years back (in vested interest) .. It was a serious life-threatening crime situation for anyone and everyone..

·        It was an out-of-scope, out of jurisdiction , illegal and uncivilized crime and conspiracy for all involved that deserves exemplary punishment .. All and everything done against law and order and against constitution, but got falsely justified with all kinds of lies, nonsense, rubbish and make-believe nonsense  ..

·        Just because you could do all such hardened crime and absurd perverted , crime-rascal-ism all along, I have no trust in your evil eyes and cunning criminal brain ..Were you hallucinating at those times?

Now, no one can deny these things in here :-

A.  I was human being and a worthy human being 15 years back, and very much even now ..(I mean, the world has to follow certain rules and regulations in here for any of my treatment anyway …)

B.  It was an absurd , life taking crime on me , which was never on and could never have continued for a day ..( The details about the knowledge, information and intelligence regarding this , was well –published beforehand in my web-site and blog-site for anyone to be aware of all that ) ..

C.  People who have tried to make crime-profit/murder-profit at my expense in this situation and through this for months or even for years are really the prime criminals , who should be grand punished ..They are the worst culprit ..

D.  I regularly deep thud all of you with, “JUSTIFY YOUR EXISTENCE IN MY LIFE AND COME CLEAN” OR ELSE …You can’t avoid a deep crime and a deep lie in you that made you continue on me for so long ..Every day was about a deep crime that you started with a deep understanding lie and persisted with it with deep perception lie , lie spreading, influencing, manipulation, representation and inference ..

·        Only insatiable greed, absurd idiocy , lowest class jealousy continued with it .. All are purchased and arranged people/decision ..

·        The word “authority” was a big myth , and that “myth” was getting big-busted everyday and they were shown through and through in here.. They were just jokes ..On what are they showing their authority on ? My brain, mind and body (and it’s murder), my home, air , water and sky even ? Huh!! They make me laugh and I feel pity for them and supercharge them for their audacity …

·        ”Blind Obedience” is a crime , which is not genuinely on for any worthy material …

·        People involved in God business are not worth their respect , as they don’t even know the basics of humanity , forget about following any other God virtues in a demanding situation…

·        Situation shows a person better than anything else in the world, and hence everyone was shown through and through in  a murder-hostage crisis situation ..All of you were brought into a murder-crime situation , and look at what you have done after that …No criminal was worth that much crime as you all rascals are ..Everyone, everyday was really getting judged by their understanding , motive, reaction and action in the given situation ..You can’t go wrong in there ..

·        Any chair is about some minimum principles (called chair-principles) that can’t violate law & order condition, constitutional restrictions, natural rights guidelines and code of conduct for a chair and the essential work required in any given situation 

·        In a life-threatening /life-harming situation , urgent and compulsory are the two minimum shots for any min. chair holder anyway…Also, this could have been easily recognized as a lawless crime situation on a helpless individual ailing in dire distress and which can result in a death even any day, anytime …Absurdly no question of any kind for anyone to question on anything else , but to detect the lawless situation as crime and to stop the absurd same immediately ..So no police/minister even could have done anything else at any point of time during in the 15 years ..No rascal could have conspired for a murder-exploitation and murder-profiteering concept and could have made any statement in that regard …

·        The crime was all written large on the crime arrangements, crime-set-ups, crime-exploitation, crime-brutality , crime-effects, crime-techniques, crime-fix up and got up games …Everything is pre-conspired, arranged and prepared rascal-ism and criminality that got accentuated and proliferated over the years ..

·        This murder technology is rubbish and anything taken from it are illegal and criminal stuffs …Any conception, perception, interpretations, representation and inference drawn at any point of time based on this crime-technology is utterly rubbish and grossly criminal … No doubt about that …All were getting done in vested murder and ruin interest anyway …

·        It was a blindfolded terrorism cum murder and ruin effort for a helpless individual , bleeding in despair for any given day, any place, anytime, for the last 15 years ..It was unquestionably a gross wrong-doing , a gross injustice and a gross crime .. No other thought could have been entertained in this regard..

But the silly rascals were not convinced with the gross and obvious it seems ..They came up with all kinds of rubbish like superiority, worth and all on a murder-platform…So, to overcome their audacity and false conviction for my  grand murder , I had to shoe them down and kick them out left and right ..In the process, I really proved my worth and superiority over them convincingly..

It was a grand murder-criminality out of fear ( they being wrong), jealousy (they being inferior), and vested interest (they being cheap)…

You people have shown yourself through and through in all these years, as you went all out for a preposterous “murder and ruin” game against me , in a situation where you were going fine ( no extra need of anything at all) , an all-round murder of a helpless individual like me should have been unquestionably out from your mind ..But you all showed your true blood in there with all the ingredients, that would make you dead punishable under any circumstances ..

If course, some of you were flooded with propaganda – murder rubbish ,and were falsely influenced, manipulated , instigated and provoked for a murder ..But no matter what , this was inconceivable under any circumstances ..

You have showed yourself out for a false “win”, in here, in all your readings, in all understandings, in all accepts, in all interpretations, in all inferences and in all deeds.. If any of you were any worthy , you couldn’t have accepted and done anything like this..No doubt,all of those deserves grand punishments and nothing else ..


A few more guidelines in here for you : -


·        I won’t talk to you in  a lawless situation ..It’s a blind murder crime and absurd terrorism against me althrough ..You are bound to stop it first, before you earn any talk ..If you still try to proceed I take it very criminally and charge you with criminal intimidation and threatening and crime provocation with evil and false intentions ..

·        You are no way trusted in here  ..

·        You have no civil incident with me , that was reported properly ..Hence I can’t meet you in wrong/unknown terms ..

·        I am knowingly refusing you, knowing that it’s a part of ongoing “murder-ploy” and criminal conspiracy & Satanism.. .This serious murder-crime is going on for the last so many years with serious lies, nonsense, craps and rubbish and make-believe nonsense..

·        Everyone is deep purchased and influenced (inc. Police, Govt. and even court) to act corrupt and criminal against me .

·        Everything is prepared rascal-ism with arranged situations/papers ..

·        No one is any say on me ..Any rubbish is in vested criminal interest in here ..

·        You didn’t have any civilized communication with me , as of now , to take you in any strange terms ..I refuse you straightaway (all manufactured, fabricated nonsense and rubbish doesn’t make any count for you)..


1.  Anyone who has got any access to me in any uncivilized terms through electronic ways and means , were being charged for serious crime and conspiracy for long ..This must be stopped immediately ..

2.  It’s an illegal and criminal murder-crime offense , that must give them serious jail/life terms ..

3.  I must be compensated heavily for all the loss and damages that has happened in all these years on account of

Life loss, health loss, career loss, brain loss, emotional loss, reputation loss, family loss and all ..


Now, please note the followings in here :-


·        Any chair is only about some duties, responsibilities and accountabilities .

·        You are judged in your situation based on your knowledge , understanding , reaction and action .. Quite definitely you all are some damn cheaps and dead criminals ..

·        No one is any say in here (an especially on me) .. All in here are bound to do anything as per civilized rules and regulations (i.e law and order , constitution, human rights , code of conduct and code of ethics) , norms (civilization norms and humanity norms), and principles (like Directive principles of The Constitution and the Preamble ) ..

·        It was a through crime and crime provocation rubbish all along, all the way (for the lat 15 years), in vested interest ..Everything in here is taken criminally and acting criminals and especially violent criminals do not have any law in their favor ..

·        You rascals are no one to judge me anyway , but I judge you all of you based on the criteria mentioned in pt. 2..All are verifiably rubbish, nonsense and damn criminals only in the context ..Now all that came out in the context are all you ..That’s what you people are essentially all about ..( A win situation, lose situation or a time-pass situation shows all of you essentially …Opportunism blood in you defines you mostly ..


Ø How worthy are the prime criminal masterminds of Notunpara/Englishbazar ?


The prime criminal masterminds in Notunpara region, were mainly an international crime and sex racket from US & UK …( This was perhaps the largest Organized crime syndicate in world that found their crime-haven in here in West Bengal , ( because of the lowest and the worst Police &  Govt Corruption index) in here in West Bengal ..

They formed a corrupt and criminal hub in there in the remotest village and Township of west Bengal , where no election has ever taken place ..

It was quite easily a non-Govtship area , a Non-Ministry and non-municipality area also …Other than being the most corrupt and criminal they were the lowest and worst ever things ever born  kind ..

Here are couple of observations on them  to reinforce my statement ..


a.  None of them were any Real Scientists worth any kind of “research” term .. No min. Ph.D. degree holder was even there..No one has worked in any Scientist position in any established organization (India or abroad) also .. Hence Totally no credential and no credibility in there …


b.   Some rascal graduates who never got a job over there  were mainly hoarding in there for black money, black sex and black power ..Mainly black money and international sex racket was their main strength/power ..It is for the cheap flesh trading of the cheapest Bengali US NRIs , they got a connection to the psychopathic criminal beasts of US & UK , who has got some monkey knowledge about this Dangerous Technology  ..Everything was illegal, criminal and false over there ..THEY WERE ABSOLUTLEY NO WOTHY MATERIALS AT ALL, DOING ANY WORTHY THING IN THERE ..

c.   In fact, they were really some psychopath, criminal & clever maniacs who didn’t have any real identity & existence of any worthy kind 15 years back ..

d.  Over there they were not even doing any legal stuff of any kind ..Only black-marketeering  and absurd perverted sex was their main life over there for almost 11 years ..

e.   Mainly 4 rackets were operating in there ..

1.  Psychopathic criminal beasts from US & UK , with a false “Scientist” tag …

2.  Sex racket (the biggest Bengali NRI sex racket), was operating jointly in there along with a big Mumbai underworld sex racket …

3.  Absurd Lunatics & street rogues formed the third part of the racket ..

4.  An illegal & false Police Officer’s racket was giving them the main strength and false protection …Some cheap bureaucrats (amlas) & Police stuffs protecting the black underworld operation ..

5.  The fifth element of the racket was TMC cadres /sub-cadres ..

6.  Later on Mrs. Jaya/Pratap tried to bring in some show-piece camouflage staff (like Sayantan etc.)..All those and the Corporation Bank , nearby( and it’s manager over there), was some cheap source of all  false whitening attempts ..TMC tried to do the rest of the crime and corruption –whitening in there ..

7.  None of them had any practical identity and existence over there , as they were like crime-slaves and sex-slaves (with psychopathic beast Mr. James Anderson , leading the pack).

Later on some false IT offices were opened with false licenses to fool everyone over there ..Those offices were nothing but cheap gimmicks with absolutely no real work and real earning of any kind .. It was the source of all cheap camouflage for the all the crime and terror operation in there and was used for  black money laundering, terror funding and false piping  operation in West Bengal/India …It was there to make an absurd and false existence true …Mr. Arghya Ghose ( one of the prime criminal mastermind) was the head of all such operation ..He is the worst possible scam-star and cheap hate criminal over there …That company where he works is total false , total lie and total fraud , a product of true corruption and true crime …Only with false influence & manipulation they were running a huge murder-crime show over there grossly corrupt TMC party assisted them in making all black things white …In return they were getting a huge crime-money, crime-sex, power, privilege, profit and publicity benefit , as a joint crime –fixing and got up game play with Barrack Obama led US Govt …


8.  From absolute nothings, they all in there grew up at my blood expense .. A wholesome nurturing, nourishing, flourishing and polishing all at my expense for the last 15 years , can make them appear as some glittery gimmick show now , but their false “worth” should not get counted in any way ..They lose all of their false worth through this rarest of rare category of crime  and corruption ever , as no real worthy material would have simply gone for any such thing at any time and in any part of the world ..


§  What is your say against US in here?


Well, they are doing an absurd Murder-Terrorism (International border terrorism with weapons of mass destruction) and profiting those who murder-conspire, murder-connive, murder-profit, murder-exploit and murder-deprive a helpless individual in dire distress .. They are no nothings to go by in here and deserves  good punishment ..terms for doing this to me ..


        With their sense of law and order , rights and wrongs. Constitution and all , they are doing this murder-smuggling (in & out) and dead-absurd murder-terrorism to profit the rascals.. Their sense of “profit” in every sense of terms (Countryship, Govtship, Godship, Corporateship and all), should be deeply condemned and super-rubbished for ever ..


Please read this link also for legal aspects of this thing so far as US/World is concerned..


I charge you all on account of ,


o   Criminal/Murder conspiracy

o   Crime/Murder attempts

o   Criminal masterminding

o   Murder Deceit

o   Murder-profiteering

o   Murder-exploitation

o   Murder-deprivation

o   Murder-provocation & Murder infuriation

o   Criminal/Public incitement of hatred

o   False criminal propaganda

o   Criminal instigation and provocation to provide murder-venom and murder vengeance

o   Manufacturing of Murder-prepared rubbish in vested criminal interest ..

o   Criminal defamation, denigration, degradation.

o   Murder Terrorism with weapons of mass destruction ..


I super-rubbish your anything and claim a heavy compensation and damage amount ..


§  These are some “crime-slaves” and “sex-slaves” doing an absurd, cruel, inhuman, degrading , dreadful Murder & ruination conspiracy & crime against me and are getting “Supari” (Murder-Money) as black US terror funding scheme ..This is like running a black economy as criminal undercurrent and false networking “wealth” generation to create some false white business and false white economy.

§  All the big vultures are in this “Murder Business” for false profit and publicity ..

§  US is the real terrorist in here ..False ideological murder-ism business generating power and false profit is the real terrorism and US has been doing this for years ..All crime-blood filled murder opportunism stuff full of jealousy , lies, nonsense, rubbish, craps , make-believe-nonsense and hypocrisy ..

§  All those born out of it in my name are manufactured, fabricated, concocted, cook-up rubbish and damn illegal , criminal and crime-provocative stuffs ..I reject and rubbish it altogether and demand punishment and claim compensation and damage amount for that ..

§  This ruination-absurd was really no “model” to follow anytime , anywhere .. But some cheap, rascal, rogue club tried to make the max just for false profit and publicity ..

§  “Mind Control” is a devilish conspiracy against humanity & criminal by concept .. I t was no nothing to go for .. It’s idiotic , criminal and evil concept  and has remained time-tested and proven thing in the world ..

It could have been, would have been , should have been dead abolished long back , had there been any minimum of any individual in here   ..

§  Who otherwise gets purchased, corrupt & criminal that easily and to that extent ..? Some cheap, raw, rascals for sure?

§  West Bengal Govt, US Govt and  Patel Consultants are playing an all evil , all murder got up game for mutual profit and publicity ..

I charge them all for :-


o   Murder Conspiracy

o   Murder Exploitation

o   Murder Profiteering

o   Murder deprivation conspiracy extreme ..

o   Murder got up game ,(including crime-fixing and all)

o   Murder and Murder Deceit game..(Big time lies, rubbish and nonsense)

o   On account of criminally influencing, manipulating, bribing, coercing,  instigating, provoking and purchasing a whole hell to act for my murder, ruination and deprivation ..


And I rubbish their everything except that heavy compensation and damage amount that I always claimed, and so definitely deserve..


Ø Why should you consider no complaint against you, in this condition?


No complaint against me can be considered as any valid one as I clearly stated long back …As, If I ask for any basis of any complaint stuff , the basis remains deep nullified  as some illegal, criminal, obscure, unknown, manufactured, fabricated or prepared, purchased and on conspiratory ground (either one or all ) …Any valid and acceptable material proof of anything can never be established either.. Also, all these are getting done against law and order, against constitution, outside jurisdiction and without any valid reporting of any complaint in due time ..Also acting against law & order always takes away your right to speak any law to me anyway ..


Hence I reject and rubbish any such stuff …


Ø How are the people involved in the crime can be considered as total rubbish and total criminal not worthy of anything in the world?

There are way too many reasons for that as I have said before in many questions …

First of all, There was absolutely no nothing that could have been done in terms of this technology in India and especially in Kolkata …There was no such provision in here ..It was absolutely against law & order and constitution , an ugly uncivilized criminal concept , that could have been  criminally inconceivable by any standard ..


But everything was getting done with worst class of gutter jealousy of Bengalis (famous for the” “Supercrab theory “) , lowest class of show-off rascalism(from Mumbai rascals), and worst class of idiotic Nazism (from US) and low class of devilish racism from others …


This kind of crime is happening for long in the world ..No one could know what it is actually , and who are those rascals, who are doing this ? If found they would have been genuinely hanged ..


This is the first time (in India especially) , where the crime was explained in ample terms by me to many so that crime prevention and crime detection becomes easy …


The nature of the crime(Mind Control and DEW Crime Technology Knowledge), the crime effects, (Information)the crime techniques( Intelligence) and everything was explained to the authorities day after day …


The grossly incompetent and corrupt authorities were just nothing to take care of anything in here …With all the things that were getting provided by me , they could have spread the news of some such happenings right  then and there to all the Police Stations of WB, instructing them of an immediate stop and arrest for that …But no such thing happened ..


I provided detailed Investigation clues also, day after day to make the job easy for them …


It was quite easy for someone to understand that if I was the cause of concern for anyone on earth he/she could have approached me 15 years back or 14 years back or even 13 years back .. If anyone as willing to do any help he/she also could have approached me in any civilized/normal terms and through civilized ways and means .. Since nothing like that ever happened , I mean the same for rascals who are saying anything in either terms They won’t ever mean any truth to me ..All are gross criminals , gross liars and gross rascals …No way worth any trust any day, anytime , anywhere …15 long years is not a joke …To me even 15 mins in this nonsense terms is a joke …


Rather than brain-murdering through this criminal V2K technique, why would you not call me up with a phone and say the necessary , why wouldn’t you send me an email if it was any detailed nature? ..


Only because you get caught immediately rascal ….I would have immediately informed someone of your phone number /email address , complaining of criminal harassment , criminal voyeurism and a grand criminal conspiracy …

Then and there you get arrested immediately and your crime operation stops …


With all those gross impotence and much more , no one could have said that I won’t stop his crime and won’t arrest the criminals immediately …


Secondly, India was doing OK with Privacy Bill , Prevention to Torture Bill, Supreme Court Verdict on Mind Invasive Technology , Bill  for protecting Whistle-blowers , Cyber Crime Protection programme , it’s Non-Lethal weapon research and published information about that in paper and all ..I have all the published records for all those , and hence no moron could have said a thing regarding anything on earth ..


But, this cheap TMC Govt , tried to do something after 13 years of immeasurable crime from an unknown crime and corruption hub , that was unprecedented and unimaginable by any standard …They were doing active crime and active murder day after day for the last 4 years for self-profit and publicity …No Chief Minster ever have done this amount of scam, scandal and crime for self-profit and publicity ..


Along with a 3rd degree murder & ruination category crime , she was murder-provoking many rascals with some cheap fabricated and crime arranged nonsense and did black corruption in terms of black paper generation and false persecution conspiracy .. This conspiracy is still on with purchased rascals and their arranged , prepared talks and got-up games ..


This is really the lowest and the worst ever crime and conspiracy in the history of the world


They really deserve a grand fall, a total banishment from  politics ( for playing the dirtiest murder-politics in National and international arena for so long, with crime-fixing and set up ..)..and a grand punishment … These are just disasters in chair terms and damn criminal in gross terms ..I demand for their grand punishment and claim a heavy compensation and damage amount from them ..


Five absolute points are in here to note:-

·        No matter what any grand rascal had against me, they could not have acted against law & order condition, against constitutional rights & against human rights and all .. It amounts to through and through murder-crime efforts of 15 long years, that is severely punishable ..


·         No one could have denied and deprived me criminally of a good life/living/livelihood for any excuse whatsoever ..I again demand heavy punishment for all the crime/murder-deprivation and crime/murder-exploitation and resulting loss and damages in all these years .. If I was living and earning full as par my ability in all these years , no rascal could have come upto me to create any amount of nonsense ; and any silly rascal-ism could have been taken care of easily (but all under valid law & order conditions for sure) ..  I give a damn on some nonsense evaluating me as small / worthless in this world, I don’t have to live a life in this world in his/her nonsense terms ..

See, in actual terms they are some grand criminal rascals only , who did do all kinds of filthy hardened criminality and rubbish rascal-ism , and I was an innocent victim getting butchered, slaughtered  & murdered needlessly , over a period of 15 long years, where they could never came upto me to justify their perverted brutal criminal nonsense of any kind..

·        No one is any say on me in here , as they might be acting in vested criminal interest , to get crime-profited only..So all of them gets super-rubbished anyway .


·        All is happening in here at my blood-expense. No chair and no personality, in no excuse whatsoever, could have used, misused and abused me miserably like that and made profit out of it ..  Hence I claim their blood and their money, for all such deeds over the years ..


·        Not only the fact that, No law & order procedure, constitutional procedure, human rights principles, code of conduct/ code of ethics for any chair or institution and no acting principle / code would favour them in here .. Here no such excuse in the name of Patriot Act for dead criminals/ terrorists exists and no human experimentation concept or acting guidelines..Even in Us also it violates “Nuremberg code” of human extermination, whose basic prerequisite is consensual act ..


·        It was a dangerous crime and dangerous lie through and through ..It can’t be taken as any basis of any thing (false allegations or otherwise) .. The very basis is illegal ,criminal and full of lies, nonsense and craps ..Any false thing called allegation on me becomes illegal , criminal and fabricated cheap rubbish .. Hence nothing can be trusted upon or acted upon anyway … 


Ø Why no one can be any say on/against you ever ?


·        No real time incidence with anyone on earth has produced any wrong words in real time so far ..But everyone is purchased now and can produce any nonsense in my name in vested murder interest and with arranged and prepared , manufactured and fabricated stuffs …These are anyway illegal, criminal and conspiratory stuffs and hence worth no considerations ..

·        I was not related or associated with anyone else in such a way that he/she will be any say on me ..Deep understanding lies , and criminal technology produced nonsense, rubbish and craps can’t be taken as any basis for anything , especially in a life critical condition … Quite evidently , this crime and murder technology born stuffs are all illegal ,criminal , and pure rubbish and can’t be worth any basis and worth any consideration anyway …

·        I’m living a crime-victim’s life for the last 15 years ..Anyone, who has got any queries /doubts/issues about me could have approached me through any civilized mode, in all these years …

·        Many queries by Police Dept/CID/IB/Central Govt authorities were conducted , for this and hence I accept no rubbish can be generated  against me  falsely and criminally , through illegal and criminal fabrication ..

·        No nothing could have been remotely applied on me for any excuse whatsoever, without my consent .. No law and order procedure or court could have done/approved  that, especially when it’s known to me and has been reported repeatedly  as extremely dangerous and damaging …These are not only no authentic, safe and proven instruments/ devices anyway ..

·        The criminal and their aids are doing these over the years and are dangerously lying all about it ..So it was a dangerous crime and dangerous lie all the way .. These people have no credential or credibility good enough to talk about anything on earth ..I super-rubbish them and their manufactured stuffs anyway …

·        It was a “false propaganda murder”, and everything was done in vested interest ..All illegal, criminal and invalid stuffs all the way ..Hence I rubbish anyone anyway ..


NO ONE WAS REALLY ANY ONE, AND NO NOTHING WAS ANYTHING FOR ME, as this purchased organized murder and murder-conspiracy was brutally ruining my life from all corners and generating false murder profit the rascals … 

Ø Why you can go dead against your Government ?

I felt dead strongly in going against the Govt. (and this obviously includes party members and Police Personnel) if necessary ..The reasons are as follows :-

1.  No Govt.  can show me any such authority to apply this kind of deadly, murderous technology 15 years back ..I challenge the Govt’s or any uniform’s audacity in this regard. I challenge any agreement made regarding this technology me 15 years back , when I was in this country ..So the continuation of any such thing is out of question and a hardened criminality only.

2.  No court also could have given any such ruling to put  me in a criminally subjugated condition for any damn thing ..Mind Invasive technology as declared by Supreme court was not only cruel , inhuman and degrading it was unconstitutional also …To apply it on me was out of question anyway ..You can’t enter me without my informed consent , forget about invading my mind , body and brain , along with invasion of room, air, water chemically and otherwise ..This is a wholehearted murder effort only..

3.  Kulatali Village of South 24 parganas , the original crime hub was such an unknown remote village suburb area , that was not even known to any civilized human being .. Naturally it was non-constitutional area , not under any Government-ship …Any activity from there was automatically illegal and no Government could have acted from that area or on their behalf .. No political party also could have acted and supported anything from that area ..

4.  No Govt can impose anything suddenly on an individual ..They have got no right to do so , especially in a dead crime condition  where I’ve warned, cautioned and made and them criminally responsible and accountable for any such happening day in and day out..

5.  Police modernization OF 1600 Cr. done regarding Police Surveillance and all. They knew al acting guidelines about that already .Some cheap, corrupt rascal crap can’t make me think anything anyway and can’t act any clues on me ..Also, we already know what Bank Surveillance, ATM surveillance, Office Surveillance and all are all about …

Don’t you tell me anything about legal police job/legal Govt. job .You are a big lie about anything & everything in here ..               

6.  No one can apply any remote machinery on me , especially when I know the functionality and effect of some such machineries ..I challenge any wavelength , ray and radiation license and any equipment or machinery/operator license in this regard ..I challenge any authority in this regard.

7.  I could have questioned any wavelength license document and any equipment license document . These all are illegal, criminal , damaging & dangerous waves, rays and radiations which can’t be licensed to be applied on anyone , especially me, who knows it pretty well..

8.  Defense Technology purchase from US was out of question by cheap West Bengal Govt . It was out of scope too .. It’s way too expensive, plus the policymaking documents could have been questioned. I already knew India’s progress in this regard and in regards to Privacy (Rights to Privacy Bill, Prevention to torture bill, Illegal Tapping , Mind Invasive Technology application , Animal Cruelty ( in terms of deprivation , ill-treatment , experimentation, Non-Lethal weapon, e-weapon research and DEW planning for defense purpose  ). Any question of any legal research and all and that too in this way , was totally out of question anyway ..

9.  At least 175 billion dollars of foreign investment came in so far by Indian NRIs.  You rascals still didn’t learn how to do any NRI investment in here ..You rascals are cheap jokers only . Don’t try to act smart with me ..

10.              It’s a known fact that, even long term cellular phone wave  radiation causes tremendous harm and damage . So this kind of ELF and microwaves are so deadly and murderous that anything was out of question to begin with .. This minimum knowledge was at least required ...

11.              As a public servant you must know some code of conduct, code of ethics and ways and means to do any Govt /Police job ..I challenge all those things in this regard. You must know how to do legal Police job or legal Govt job , and then talk about it  ...And by the way, don’t talk Science or research to me, learn how to do any Science and any application of Science first...Naturally no private party can think about any such thing , as no such permission can be given to them..

12.              It was against any law and order condition …No Govt can act against law and order condition. It was criminally violating Section 144 and 107 and was amounting to 120B to say the least ..

13.              It was against Indian Constitution.. It was violating Article 21 and Article 14, 17,and 19 to begin with ..

14.              It was against human rights and civil rights …It was a gross human rights abuse and gross human rights crime .. No chair can do it ..

15.              It was against any Society norms and civilized norms …This kind of uncivilized criminality is unheard of in the history of West Bengal and even India …So no such precedence could have guided them for such kind of criminally misconceived act ..

16.              It was all criminally malicious and criminally malafide anything and everything executed with such criminal vengeance that amounts to unimaginable crime and corruption..

17.              The new Govt got elected after 12 years of some such crime that was reported as deadly and murderous in several occasions ..Before and after the election also I reported 5 times to the CM and TMC party regarding this including such incidents such getting brutally attacked and getting hurt to level that would lead to good hospitalization and after care ..One was bound to to stop this crime immediately …Anyone could have come to regarding this fro any clarification .. It was minimum duty of any chair I believe to attend to such kind of huge, heinous crime ..But no one came ..No one could have acted on a 12 years old deadly murderous crime heap , where the source is all illegal , obscure and unknown and ways and means are all heavily damaging and criminal ..

18.              I was getting the feeling that Govt. uniforms and chairs are getting influenced. manipulated , bribed, coerced and purchased slowly and they are criminally conspiring and murdering me in vested interest for sheer criminal greed, ego and meanness.. It was showing their character blood to say the least ..

19.              . It was an intentional, deliberate continuous and aggravated criminal assault, torture, battery and murder attempt that amounts to  grievous hurt or harm …I consider section 323, 325, 338, 304 and 307 and others in this regard as a part of dead crime and murder attempt against me day in and day out.

20.              All the crime equipments manufactured are all either smuggled in or illegally manufactured dangerous weapons that was criminally applied indiscriminately  for so long just cause tremendous hurt/harm or murder ..

21.              I was no way related or associated with anyone in here through any bad activity .. So no one could have taken my name in any wrong terms .. If anyone is involved in naming me in any wrong terms he must have been a criminal conspirator or crime provocator/accomplice in this case ..

22.              Anything or any allegation conceived in this fashion is considered as illegal, false , conspiratory , fabricated and provocative rubbish ..

23.              The newly elected Govt had no option but to stop the crime immediately .. They could have clarified anything from me right at that point or at any point of time during the last 12 years ..(i.e. before the Govt  was formed) regarding the absolute necessity to stop any such activity immediately .. Instead of doing anything like that they crime proliferated and infuriated the crime to an extent that has quickly taken the shape of a criminal inferno all around ..No rascal could have done anything like that , no matter what those poor little brains thought about anyone or anything on earth ..

24.              Crime-profiteering at my expense was an absurd bullshit concept  , no matter who was thinking in this regard ..No police and no Govt can be that audacious ..It amounts to immeasurable criminal impunity …They are arrestable and criminally punishable offenders of the highest order ..

25.              The amount of cheap , false, criminal propaganda, criminal instigation and criminal provocation that they have provided worldwide with a preposterous criminal defamation of the highest order is heavily punishable by itself ..No such thing could have been thought about by anyone on earth ..This was also done after the panchayat election for the new Govt ...

26.              Not only that,  before the election , the number of control  switches, system generators and all to stop this was centralized and one or two ..But afterwards just to make an uncontrolled murder of the worst possible kind they produced and distributed 5000 crime equipments and 50 microwave murder weapons to cause an absurd inhuman microwave murder, chemical murder and mind control murder …This is continuously getting profligated by Mass Mind Controlled harassment, hurt and harm in every sphere of life ..

27.              In this condition acting criminally & maliciously for murder-profiteering they tried to falsely criminally frame me up and criminally fix up  things against me. This again constitutes a dastardly crime against a helpless individual who is desperately crying out for help for the last 15 years ..It was all criminally malafide attempts to sat the least

28.              No individual can get benefited at my expense so also any Govt without my informed consent ...It’s a dead criminal conspiracy and crime only. No one can think about any illiterate term like “experimentation” and all, where laws against “animal cruelty” exists for against deprivation  and even against animal experimentation.. No Nuremberg code kind of thing or any Patriot Act bullshit also in here to talk anything like this ....

29.              Some cheap gimmick “image” selling of CM and some cheap gimmick term fabrication doesn’t make the cut either..It is a criminally ridiculous rubbish that no rascal populace has uttered before ....BY THE WAY NO RASCAL CAUSE OF ANY KIND COULD NOT HAVE PREVENTED THE IMMEDIATE CRIME/MURDER STOP THAT WAS LONG DUE ..

30.              Actually, the "public servants" are there to serve us, the people ...They are no boss, we are the real things for which they do a paid job ..It's compulsory for them to obey Constitution, follow law and order, human rights guidelines, civil rights code, code of conduct and code of ethics ...It's their duty to safeguard human life and property and they should do it without any discrimination of any kind as laid down in the Constitution ..They can't work for self-profit also, especially at the expense of others ..


Ø Why TMC Govt could  have never  used any  such  word as “decision”/”rule”  to  do  any such thing on you? 

The answer  is primarily  is  given  in the question “Why can you go dead against  the Govt.?” in question no .. already.  Some  30-40  points are  already  over  there. I  would  highlight  a  few more in here.  The  very  basic  point is  there was no other option  but to stop  this  thing immediately  and if  there was any  concerns  regarding  me, it  could  have been addressed  later on, but of course in civilized terms.

But  one straightforward  answer  for  any  false thing  called  “allegation”  against me was also given long back(In question no 5) .. A crime getting complained against for 14 long years , can’t be acted upon, in any negative terms, before stopping the crime, stopping the murder and bringing back the law & order condition ..Any murder-manufactured & prepared rubbish amounts to another crime anyway, nothing more than that .. Any other necessary talks could have been done in civilized terms, by anyone concerned .. Also  no  silly  scoundrel  could  have concocted,  manufactured  & fabricated  allegations  or  papers  against  me during this  crime period. It  amounts  to  murder  provocative  devilish rascal-ism to  divert  attention  from  the huge, heinous gruesome  murder & murder profiteering  business.  It amounts to a prepared criminal rascal-ism to flare up the crime/murder ..

See, you  are  not  taking  care of your own area at all  and  running  on organized crime on me  from a separate district (  from South 24  Pgs. To North  24  Pgs.) .. If  I ask you  about  the  origin, arrangement , preparation, devices,  machineries  &  mechanism  of all such  thing  in your  area,  that  can  make  you  think  about  me,  then  I  will make you  resign  for  your  post and  make you  go  to  jail  immediately.  

Just  to  remind  you that, it  is not  a  joke  that  I  am  talking  about  in here.  It  is about international  smuggling  and illegal manufacturing & possession of illegal and criminal weapons ( psychotronic  weapons,  micro-wave weapons  &  other  neurological & conductive  Bio-electro  magnetic  weapons, that  enslaves, hurts and  kills any  human  being  at the speed of  light and  indiscriminate use of it  continuously  for  criminal  assault, torture  &  battery  which  results  in  grievous  hurt &  harm  (as  has  been  made so evident  in the history of 50 years of such crime in any part of the world) .  It’s like providing murder-access to my brain, body and mind to wreck havoc in my life, and way too many people are always busy (24*7) in this slow-kill business .. Rest are all busy in lying all about it ..It’s like committing the ultimate crime and crime deceit of the world ..

Sir, I am  talking  about Section 144,  120B, 107, 323/325, 338, 304  &  307  at  the  minimum. Plus 499 &  500  with  292 A. I  wouldn’t talk  further  to  explain  the  term sub-judice to  you,  as its of no use, and will charge any other rascal taking my name in any such context with 120B and 107 at the minimum .. 

You can’t run a murder-exploitation  business from a chair  for  self-profit  and  talk big to me about it ..  In normal  term  also  false  criminal frame up attempts with murder-provocative prepared rascal-ism   is also a criminal  offense .  Also, I  specifically  tell you about no scope of any such  unknown machineries  (actually weapon  system)  to be applied on me, especially when I am complaining  dead against it for these many years, explaining you about the crime mechanism, crime techniques , crime effects and all ..

You just cannot  apply  any  such  machinery / device on me  face  to face also as these are not well-recognized ,safe devices  and these are  no recognized  and safe  method of application also. 

Ø What  are your  charges against Natunpara  Police  O/C ( P.S. as a whole)? 

On citing the above mentioned grounds as in Question no 12, I charge him seriously for :-

         Murder conspiracy

         Murder  exploitation

         Murder profiteering

         Murder hypocrisy

         Murder Provocation

         Murder proliferation

         Murder deprivation  conspiracies

         Devil’s advocacy

         Murder neglect

         Blind  criminal  nepotism

         On account of murder deceiting and criminally  misguiding the whole  police  dept. to act  reverse & act murderous in self -interest.

         Criminally misguiding the whole country to go for an absurd , inhuman, devilish murder and introduction and false justification of a kind of devilish and criminal system that could have been abolished from the whole world.. This kind of criminal nonsense and a super-chaotic murder  was a big absurd in this  country and could  have been an  abolished concept right then and there ..

         Illegal  police  recruitment and falsely “legalizing” all  illegal  and criminal activities and police  stations even ..

         Extreme crime pampering &  crime  patronizing for self-profit.

         Gross  incompetence in terms of  crime detection and crime prevention in his own area and getting  involved  in a  murder conspiracy and murder  exploitation in a area that is out of his jurisdiction even.

         It’s like causing a total  law  & order breakdown and committing a constitutional crime  all the  way.

         For crime  arrangement/crime preparations  and murder attempts …

 The list goes on and on . He is actually the worst  possible of all legal  police  officer ever and deserved maximum punishment long back.

Ø What is your say against US in here?


Well, they are doing an absurd Murder-Terrorism (International border terrorism with weapons of mass destruction) and profiting those who murder-conspire, murder-connive, murder-profit, murder-exploit and murder-deprive a helpless individual in dire distress .. They are no nothings to go by in here and deserves  good punishment ..terms for doing this to me ..


        With their sense of law and order , rights and wrongs. Constitution and all , they are doing this murder-smuggling (in & out) and dead-absurd murder-terrorism to profit the rascals.. Their sense of “profit” in every sense of terms (Countryship, Govtship, Godship, Corporateship and all), should be deeply condemned and super-rubbished for ever ..

I charge you all on account of ,


o   Criminal/Murder conspiracy

o   Crime/Murder attempts

o   Criminal masterminding

o   Murder Deceit

o   Murder-profiteering

o   Murder-exploitation

o   Murder-deprivation

o   Murder-provocation & Murder infuriation

o   Criminal/Public incitement of hatred

o   False criminal propaganda

o   Criminal instigation and provocation to provide murder-venom and murder vengeance

o   Manufacturing of Murder-prepared rubbish in vested criminal interest ..

o   Criminal defamation, denigration, degradation.

o   Murder Terrorism with weapons of mass destruction ..


I super-rubbish your anything and claim a heavy compensation and damage amount ..





§  These are some “crime-slaves” and “sex-slaves” doing an absurd, cruel, inhuman, degrading , dreadful Murder & ruination conspiracy & crime against me and are getting “Supari” (Murder-Money) as black US terror funding scheme ..This is like running a black economy as criminal undercurrent and false networking “wealth” generation to create some false white business and false white economy.

§  All the big vultures are in this “Murder Business” for false profit and publicity ..

§  US is the real terrorist in here ..False ideological murder-ism business generating power and false profit is the real terrorism and US has been doing this for years ..All crime-blood filled murder opportunism stuff full of jealousy , lies, nonsense, rubbish, craps , make-believe-nonsense and hypocrisy ..

§  All those born out of it in my name are manufactured, fabricated, concocted, cook-up rubbish and damn illegal , criminal and crime-provocative stuffs ..I reject and rubbish it altogether and demand punishment and claim compensation and damage amount for that ..

§  This ruination-absurd was really no “model” to follow anytime , anywhere .. But some cheap, rascal, rogue club tried to make the max just for false profit and publicity ..

§  “Mind Control” is a devilish conspiracy against humanity & criminal by concept .. I t was no nothing to go for .. It’s idiotic , criminal and evil concept  and has remained time-tested and proven thing in the world ..

It could have been, would have been , should have been dead abolished long back , had there been any minimum of any individual in here   ..

§  Who otherwise gets purchased, corrupt & criminal that easily and to that extent ..? Some cheap, raw, rascals for sure?

§  West Bengal Govt, US Govt and  Patel Consultants are playing an all evil , all murder got up game for mutual profit and publicity ..

I charge them all for :-


o   Murder Conspiracy

o   Murder Exploitation

o   Murder Profiteering

o   Murder deprivation conspiracy extreme ..

o   Murder got up game ,(including crime-fixing and all)

o   Murder and Murder Deceit game..(Big time lies, rubbish and nonsense)

o   On account of criminally influencing, manipulating, bribing, coercing,  instigating, provoking and purchasing a whole hell to act for my murder, ruination and deprivation ..


And I rubbish their everything except that heavy compensation and damage amount that I always claimed, and so definitely deserve..



Ø Why do  you dead nullify the Govt. for anything on you ?

                Please refer to Question no 11 & 12 in this regard ..

                Some essential points on this:-

·        When they tried to come into power ( 3 years back) , it was already a 12 years old crime , against which enough has been deep complained against , with all enquiries clarifications already provided ..Without any question , it would have been stopped then and there

·        Still some 5 letters were being sent to the CM for her to take immediate action on the issue , including a letter citing examples of hospitalization under heavy crime situation..

·        I had absolutely clean record till then , and proved my existence as an worthy substance in here and abroad .So no question about anything that would have prevented anyone  from stopping this crime in a life critical situation … Plus I was always there in case anyone had any doubts regarding anything ..

·        This Govt. has murder-provoked , murder-infuriated and murder-proliferated the crime to an absurd extent , for false profit and publicity , all at my expense …Dead crime all the way , all through ..

·        Murder-influenced and murder-manipulated everyone with murder money , murder sex , murder power & murder privilege to make an absurd Gross Crime possible against me day in day out ..Instead of having one psychotronic generator, they they were having for the past 12 years , this Govt audaccity have manufactured 44 deadly lethal ones, 50+ microwave weapons and 4000+ control switches just of my murder and ruin..Where, one such illegal manufacturing /smuggling warrants life imprisonment , imagine the amount of crime that they are doing considering the indiscriminate use of such weapons to criminally harm, hurt, torture, assault and murder a helpless person who is almost dying in distress ..

·        No rascal could have talked about me and my worth as any less till then, and could have been acted against me in that respect ..The cheap silly  Govt was no such say and no such excuse anyway ..They must have known the minimum-most of anything for any chair ; that everyone is equal before the law & constitution ,no one can be discriminated against for any personal likes/dislikes,  and that no one can be dead exploited in a crime/murder scenario , for any kind of profit whatsoever …   

·        They have murder-manufactured/crime-fabricated some rubbish agsint me that I reject and rubbish as murder-conspired and prepared rubbish for murder-provocation .. Since everything was done in vested criminal interest, I super-rubbish anyone anyway ..


Ø  Why can you go against the rascals around?


·        Quite evidently this was an activity against law & order and against constitution ..No one could have started it and proceeded with it , for even a day ..

·        No activity in here, in this way, would mean anything to any sensible person on earth .. All the activity in here on me, amounts to a huge crime & conspiracy against a helpless individual crying out loud in despair..Everything else , as such amounts to a Gross perverted criminal racialism and murder effort only ..

·        Other things would mean false criminal instigation, provocation and false criminal propaganda in vested criminal interest ..

·        It was a huge “murder and chaos” situation created intentionally for a “black-well” murder and murder-exploitation cum profiteering ..It was nothing but a huge heinous crime through and through ..Not even a minute of it was ever approved from my side ..

·        Had anyone faced me with any issues/concerns 15 year back / 5years back , he/she would not have found a word, to express them so far as any application of these harmful/damaging devices/weapons on me .. He/she would have been dead rubbished on any such authority /whims and would have been behind the bars for mere possession of illegal, criminal , smuggled-in weapon stuffs. The indiscriminate use on a helpless human being , bleeding in despair, would have given them exemplary punishment then and there ..

·        No one is any big or any good, unless you know “what” is big and “what” is “good”. You can’t really keep on doing this amount of murder-criminality & crime-exploitation day after day, for your benefit while a person is going to be dying in distress   ..

THESE ALL FOR SO MANY DAYS,  REALLY SHOWS WHO YOU REALLY ARE ..All the actions and the reactions while a person is getting murdered and ruined brutally for so many years really defines the very essence of who you are all about ..

·        Any chair-holder is more bound to law & order, constitution, human rights , code of conduct , code of ethics and all than anyone else ..Other than the normal stuffs these all makes them less worthy and more criminals in all respect ..

·        You rascals have sold your souls to “murder and ruin” me and became crime-slave and sex-slave for self-profit ..