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Live and let live

I, as a normal human being on earth, would like to earnestly request you, to let me live as a human being... I would like to point out to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to know about the minimum rights of  a human being in order to maintain any existence. You just can't remain criminally ignorant and criminally innocent about it.

No matter what kind of power and privileges the megalomaniac psychopaths enjoy, everyone will be a little concerned about their "qualification" as a human being... and based on what they are doing for so long, (so easily and so consistently),  I can't go wrong in here...No matter how much bedazzling their hypothetical bull craps are, the ways and the means, the intention and the follow-up actions for this long says it all......It doesn't matter, what they pretend to be as, they have shown their true character, color and class...,the color and class of some abnormal, vicious, beastly, brutal, monstrous, demonic psychopath .. and that too, for something so insignificant... Their height of unparallel cowardice can match their unparallel brutality only. This kind of senseless,purposeless, criminally abnormal, sick, satanic brutality can't be accepted and taken for granted for anything on earth.


By the way, I would like to remind them that, this is not the ideal condition and time for me to fight for my quality and caliber (if any). So let not that be deciding factor right now in enjoying power and privileges....So, please don't try to judge, assess, criticize or evaluate me now and in this way, and please remember that my personal life is none of your business...

Let's concentrate on the fact that, this is the worst possible unprecedented brutal perversion on a human being that would  even shock the animal right activists!!! ..The world should not allow this kind of huge wrongdoing to be taken for this will create a precedence of brutal torture & exploitation, that would shock the future...After all, what I'm looking for in here is a normal life - a life like billions of people out there - a life with basic rights, basic human dignity and freedom and  free from technological torture.. I can not take this pathetic non-existence of mine full of endless  pain, agony, anguish, suffering and sorrow.

I guess, I'm not asking for too much...

--An unfortunate victim

"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." --- Abraham Lincoln

"God loves you and He knows all the secrets of your've allowed the past to come between you and God. Turn the past over to God. He's strong enough to take it. And give Him your future, too....He'll make you strong enough to live it."

My Conviction