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My name is Dank, I am a Drug Dealer in an undisclosed location.
Welcome to my corner of cyberspace. I would like to thank the American Government on behalf of my smokers and my clients. This is my plan of profit. I front ounces of marijuana to my friends who then take it to local hangouts and sell it to kids. Ronald Reagan is who I owe my fortune to because it was him who recriminalized the plant after the 70s.

I do believe that I do not violate any of the rules of Angelfire and through excersizing my right of the first amendment I'm going to explain to you how I made my fortune and why America should legalize the plant.

American politicians are so scared to be seen as un-American that sometimes they are so blind that they cannot see whether or not something is morally wrong. What's wrong with growing a plant and then putting it in a pipe and smoking it? Some people would argue it's a gateway drug. But its those same stupid people that illegalized it making it an influence alongside Cocaine or Heroine. If we're risking our freedom with smoking weed, why shouldn't we risk it if we're going to try other drugs. You don't see people smoking ciggarettes just because they drink.

Look at me, I move half-pounds of weed throughout my neighborhood, I am not over-exxagerating. I make about 400 to 500 dollars a week. Usually I buy video games or beer or something else with the money. Hey American Government your keeping me in business! I have you and only you to thank. If you a Senator or somebody with influence, don't listen to the legalization pleas, cuz then I wouldn't have any spending money :-). The whole idea of illegalizing the drug is so proposterous, it's like a second prohibition for another Al Capone, except this Al Capone doesn't have to worry about the plant becoming legal, because as far as I can see theres nobody smart enough to do anything about it in politics.
