Still Missing - Ann Gotlieb
Still Missing - Ann Gotlieb
This little girl of a mere 12 years old, and her disapperance has always haunted me. On Jun 1st, 1983 Ann was riding her bike with a friend in the early evening hours in Louisville, KY. (where I grew up), at Bashford Manor Mall. When she didn't come home, her parents called the police for help. When help did arrive to look for Ann, the only trace of her that was found was her bike leaning against a pillar at one of the malls entrances/exits. The news reports eventually said what could've happened to her, that she'd been kidnapped, but not much more. That's where the story ends. Without any information to follow up on, the only thing left to do is on the aniversary of her disappearance, her pictures and story are added to the local news papers.
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Ann Gotlieb - Past
Ann Gotlieb - Past 
Photo taken around the time of her disappearence in 1983.