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Vs. Buff Bagwell

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Joining Wrestlemania Entertainment

Wrestlemania Entertainment has been on the air for over a year, in which many wrestlers from around the globe have united together, to create one of the most fascinating and unpredictable wrestling industries in the world today. Many of these superstars have come and gone, whilst leaving their mark in wMe history, such as Vampiro & Billy Gunn. But as these passing era's flash before every wrestling fans' eye's, it should be only right that new era's would begin in Wrestlemania Entertainment. Some breakout performers from Smackdown would include the nWo's Scott Hall, and the newly-crowned World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Jericho. But there's one man, who's got that will to be the best, one man who's willing to grab the brass ring, one man who's ready to DOMINATE the wrestling world once again. Goldberg. Whether you love him or you hate him, there's no denying that Bill Goldberg is one of the most powerful men in wrestling history, and will continue to be one for many years to come.. He was the leading player in World Championship Wrestling, but now he's travelling to a completely different ballpark. Goldberg's gonna be unleashed amongst some of the finest wrestlers, who also carry the same hunger to become the very best sports-entertainer they can be. Will he accomplish this? Only the future knows the answer to that question, but as for the present, Goldberg will be placed against Buff Bagwell, in what should be a heated encounter.


'This following article is taken from WME Magazine, after journalist Phil Flint, managed to catch up with Smackdown's newest signing, Bill Goldberg, during last week's Smackdown! taping in the Compaq Center in Houston, Texas. Goldberg talked with a horse-throat, and had just arrived backstage in Harley-Davidson gear.

May 5th, 2003

WME: So Goldberg, after a 2 year hiatus, what brought you here to the wMe?

Bill Goldberg: Well basically, I've been bored with my current placing. I've been working shows in Australia & Europe, and I really didn't get the same vibe that I got from working in the United States. It's something about the crowd that just gets me jacked up, and ready to go out there and whoop me some major ass, plus half the crowd were like, 'Who the hell's this guy?', which is expected. I also caught this weird flu virus whilst I was working in Japan about 3-4 weeks ago, and with this whole SARS thing going on down there, I didn't think it was too safe for me too stick around for much longer.

WME: "How are you feeling now?

Bill Goldberg: "Well I had it checked out by the doctors, and it turns out that it was just a minor flu virus, which I'm getting over now. All I've had was a little headache during my flight to Texas, which isn't nothing I can't really shake off in a day or two. I'm just here to meet up with some of the guys, and watch 'em wrestle in the ring, it's better to watch them close-up to really get a grip on how some of these guys work in the ring. I just finished watching some of those girls wrestle, and man can they move, they could give me a run for my money if I'm not careful! But yeah, I'm doing almost 100%".

WME: So, how did you feel when you got asked to join Wrestlemania-Entertainment?

Bill Goldberg: Fantastic. I'm so thrilled to know that there's still a place in major wrestling industries for Bill Goldberg. I owe the wMe a LOT more than they owe me, so I'm gonna get ready for next week and hopefully make them proud of me. Wrestlemania Entertainment is the next biggest pedestal for me, and I've been waiting for my big break here for a long time.

WME: Anyone in paticular that your looking forward to seeing wrestle here tonight?

Bill Goldberg: Yeah, I'm looking forward to the main event with Jericho & Christian, those guys really impress me. I mean Jericho's a Tag Team Champion AND the World Heavyweight Champion. He's come a long, long way since his WCW days, and I'm proud of his achievements in the wMe. I know that me and Jericho were never really on the same page at all, what with all the 'Greenberg' stuff and all that other s*** he came up with, but it's nice to see that he's accomplished the ultimate dream. Both those guys are incredible athletes, and I'd love to take on one of those two guys in the near future.

WME: Are you worried about what the fan response might be towards you?

Bill Goldberg: I've been asked that qestion so many times, and it's like this; I'm going into Wrestlemania-Entertainment entirely neutral. I support the fans in every single way, because without them we wouldn't even have wrestling. It's just that I'm not gonna go out there with a bunch of buzzwords and catchphrases, and expect the crowd to mimic everything that I say and do, because that's just not me. The reason I've been hired by Smackdown! Staff is to beat the living crap outta everybody that takes me on. If the fans don't like what I do, or what I represent, than that is entirely up to them. What I can promise them is that I will give them a kind of match that they will never of seen before. I mean when I started off into the WCW, I was green as an apple, Hell I was just a kid compared to the Hulk Hogan's and the Sting's that surrounded me at the time. But with the fan support and help from some of the guys in the back, I began to perfect my abilities, and I believe that I am now well and truly a man. Now I'm ready to take on anybody who wants to take me on and take me out. When I hang up the boots for good, I just wanna be remembered as this guy who never ever stopped trying to take wrestling to that next level, and who always gave it his all in every single match that he was in, whether the fans' disliked me or otherwise.

WME: Interesting response. Also, what are some of your goals that you wanna accomplish here?"

Bill Goldberg: Well, I'm taking on Buff Bagwell on Velocity next week and one of the main things that people keep asking me is, 'Oh Goldberg, is Bagwell gonna be 1-0?' and 'Are you looking for another streak, Bill?', and stuff like that. Well basically, one of the reasons that people disliked me back in WCW, was because I came into that company with nothing and nobody, and soon I was seen as this 'undefeatable' man. I think some fans, as well as some of the boys in the back, were getting upset due to the fact that I was recieving all this credit, which quite frankly, I never asked for in the first place. I've come into this company with a clean slate, and getting a winning streak isn't the most important thing going on in my head right now. What's going on in my head right now, is just trying to bring that World Heavyweight Championship right around Goldberg's waist. I don't wanna be one of those guys who just get handed over the belt for no reason, I want to be able to earn my stripes as well as respect in th locker rooms, and that's what means the most to me. The last thing I want is to be given too much credit, because I just wanna work as just one of the boys.

WME: You mentioned Buff Bagwell, how do you feel about him seeing as he is your first WME opponent?

Bill Goldberg: Well Bagwell, he's one of the guys that I've had the pleasure of wrestling in the past, and he's quite an athlete. He's got a hell of a future ahead of him, but he's gonna have a huge amount pain dished out to him when I take him on. I just hope that he's ready, and that he brings everything that he's got, cos' I don't wanna waste no time taking him on, and taking him out.

WME: You sound pretty confident there, do you think it's wise to underistimate him?

Bill Goldberg: I ain't underistimating him, I just want him to know that I'm here in the wMe, because I have the desire to become the absolute best. It doesn't matter to me how big the opponent is, or how many titles he's won. What matters to me is just going out there, defeating the guy who they place in front of me, and moving on to the next one. And in Buff Bagwell's case, here you gotta guy who I believe carries that very same desire. You gotta be prepared going up against a guy like Bagwell, but I feel in my heart that I've waited long enough, and I just wanna REAL fight on Velocity. I just pray that Bagwell doesn't let me down, and hopefully we can have a rock-solid match. I'm not doubting myself, I never do, but it's time that Bagwell gets the fight of his life. Cos' as far as I'm concerned in my mind, and I don't mean to blow my own horn, but as far I'm concerned, I'm #1.

WME: Well thank you for talking with us Goldberg, we can't wait to see you in action. Any last words?

Bill Goldberg: Only, that there's a new Next Big Thing on Smackdown, and I'm gonna go to all extremes to make sure that everybody knows that. <

WME: Okay, thanks Bill.

Bill Goldberg: Thank you.

End Interview


Time: 17:57

Location: Downstairs Boiler Room/Pre-Velocity

The area appeared to be inside a very dark room, which only had one working lightbulb, whereas the rest of the bulbs were flashing or not working at all. There were large rusty pipes hanging from the ceiling, and several industrial steel barrels on the floor. The camera then panned towards a very active Bill Goldberg, who was wearing his wrestling gear. Goldberg left a large shadow on the wall, whilst he continued to throw left & right punches and diving up and down. After he finished, he sat down on one of the nearest barrels and picked up a bottle of mineral water. He took a small sip of water, before pourng the rest of it over his face, and then drying himself down with a small white towel. He tossed the bottle into an open barrel, before getting ready to work out again. Before he could do so, Marc Loyd ran up to Goldberg with a microphone and a cameraman.

Marc 'I Killed Cole' Loyd: "Bill, Bill Goldberg! You seem busy, do you mind if we just get a couple of words from ya?"

Goldberg began jogging on the spot for a few seconds, whilst staring down Marc Loyd, who had both a nervous and excited look on his face.

Bill '...Next...' Goldberg: "And you are?"

Marc 'I Killed Cole' Loyd: "Me? Oh I'm just Marc Loyd, they sent me to catch some words from you, if that's okay?"

Bill '...Next...' Goldberg: "Okay, Marc? If there's one thing you should know, is to never EVER interupt my training. The reason I come down here, is to prepare myself physically and mentally for my matches, and to escape from people like you."

Marc 'I Killed Cole' Loyd: "Well we can go, if you're busy. Steve, turn off the camera. I saw Paul Heyma walking around upstairs, I think we might be able to still catch up with him."

Bill '...Next...' Goldberg: "Wo wo, wait a minute guys, I owe you more than that. I mean, you guys are looking for the hot scoop, right? You guys wheeled your big-ass camera down here, just so that you can get your little interview with me, and I appreciate that. So, you over there, that the camera's are gonna keep rolling."

Marc 'I Killed Cole' Loyd: "Aw, thanks Bill, first off we here at Wrestlemania Entertainment would just like to welcome you to the Smackdown roster!"

Marc stuck out his hand for a handshake, and flashed a cheesy grin towards Bill Goldberg. Goldberg stared down into the eyes of Loyd, and then into Marc's chubby pale hand, before staring back at Marc. Goldberg's facial expression changed from a pretty serious look, as a large smile grew across his face. He scratched his beard, before slapping Marc Loyd a couple of times in the back.

Bill '...Next...' Goldberg: "Thanks Marc, I appreciate that, and it feels great to be in the wMe, and it feels fantastic to represent Smackdown!"

Marc 'I Killed Cole' Loyd: "Goldberg, tonight on Velocity you're gonna one on one with Buff Bagwell in your wMe wrestling debut, how important is this match for you?"

Bill '...Next...' Goldberg: "Oh it's very important because to me, first impressions count. For Bagwell, this is gonna be a first for him as well, cos' he's gonna be the first person in the wMe to step in the ring with a REAL powerhouse. I'm gonna give Bagwell a match like nothing that he's ever had before, and when the match is over, he's gonna feel like he's been ran down by a god damn bulldozer. I've got tons of respect for the guy, I appreciate all of his accomplishments, former Intercontinental Champion and all that, but all of that goes out the window when I step into the ring. I'm gonna spear his a** down to the mat, and I don't think he's gonna be liking that too much. I've got only one goal in mind, and that's just to defeat every wMe superstar that I come across, and hopefully one day beat that chump who everybody knows as Chris Jericho, and bring the World Heavyweight Championship around my waist. I know I gotta start small, but that's okay, cos' everyone knows that champions don't just drop outta the sky, they're grown through time & experience."

Marc 'I Killed Cole' Loyd: "You're absolutely right Goldberg, and the word in the back is that you're gonna be a fantastic addition to Smackdown, and the future looks bright for Goldberg."

Bill '...Next...' Goldberg: "I certaintly hope so, but as for right now I got to continue training, so if you don't mind?"

Marc 'I Killed Cole' Loyd: "Oh, sure no problem Bill. We might still be able to catch with a few other guys before we go on the air, but I just wanted to make sure that I got to talk to you first, cos' I know you probably got a busy schedule."

Bill '...Next...' Goldberg: "Oh, well thanks for droppin' by, but I'd appreciate it if you caught me when I was training instead."

Marc 'I Killed Cole' Loyd: "Not a problem Bill, not a problem. I'll catch ya later, and good luck tonight."

Bill '...Next...' Goldberg: "Thanks man."

Goldberg helped Marc Loyd & Cameraman Steve hoist the camera back onto the rampway which lead up towards the first floor of the building. Goldberg than walked back underneath the spotlight as he continued to do a spot more of shadow boxing before his match.
 • Disclaimer •

This layout was made by Paul aka Rob Van Dam here in the wMe and was than modified by Troy aka The Rock and can only be used by me, Jay aka Bill Goldberg