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Erwin Schrödinger
The Best Atomic Theory!

The Cat's Out of the Bag!

Erwin Schrödinger is a physicist from with a theory to explain the unexplained, no matter what the oposition says. From his years at universities, Schrödinger has come up with a completely new theory, a wave equation for electrons. And his thoery has yet to be disproved! As Mr. Schrödinger said himself:
"Thus, the task is, not so much what no one has yet seen, but to think what nobody has yet thought, about that which everybody sees."
And there you have it folks! Philosophy in the making! Click around and explore! No one knows what's happened to the cat until they open the box, so open this box and see what's inside!

Places to Go
So who exactly is this guy? Here's a short biography of this man's life from childhood to his new-found theory!
The Life of Erwin Schrödinger

If you know about the man, maybe you want to know about the theory itself, his means for fame.
Atomic Theory

The theory of the unexplained and what does it do to help those of us who don't know anything about physics or even math?
Contributions to Society

And for those of you who'd like to have this man working along side you in your own laboratory, then here's the deal: He needs a job! Take a look at his resume and see what you think. Don't forget the Nobel Prize award of 1933!

Still like what you hear? Well what about the oppostion? Yes, that's right. Werner Heisenberg! Click and read about how this man is trying to bring down the scientist of the century!
The Oppositon

Are you interested in Life? Of course you are! What person isn't? Well, read Schrödinger's book, What is Life?, and figure out what you've been missing!
What is Life?

Another one of his famous theories is his cat theory that made it into the history books.
Schrodinger's Cat

"Especially in physics and mathematics, Schrödinger has a gift for understanding that allowed him to comprehend all the material and apply it." - Weyl

Perhaps you aren't a science junkie or you don't know so much about this man, but all you have to know is that this discovery has helped many men in their scientific line of work. No matter what, this is the greatest discovery of all time! This is a man who not only fights for knowledge and the ability to use it, but he fights for country and what's right! Vote for Erwin Schrödinger for the best Atomic Theory today and don't let yourself or the scientific community down!
