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Shadowrun Archtype Examples

Welcome to the Archtype Examples page for the Shadowrun Detroit MUX. These are only guides to help with the character generation process. Along with the character sheets are priced gear lists of items that are within the character generation policy of maximum availability of 8 and maximum rating of 6. The installation costs for modification and customizations are not included within the prices of gear purchased in character generation only. Post-character generation modification and customizations are treated as normal.

Adept | Mage | Shaman | Samurai | Rigger | Decker

Race (E): Human

Attributes (A):
Body 4 Charisma 2 Essence 6
Quickness 6 Intelligence 6 Body Index 0
Strength 6 Willpower 6 Magic 6
    Reaction 10 Init Dice 3D6

Dice Pools
Combat 9/9

Skills (D):

Active Skills

Stealth 6(10) B/R Electronics 5
Electronics 5 Pistols 4
Etiquette 2 Unarmed Combat 4
Athletics 4    

Knowledge Skills
Magic Background 5 Magic Resistance 5
Paranimals 5 Legendary Martial Artist 5
Magical Groups 5 Electronic Security Systems 5

Language Skills
English 4 Cityspeak 2
Cantonese 3    

Magic (B): Adept - Invisible Way (6 Power Points)

Spells / Physical Adept Powers / Magical Abilities

Improved Refelxes 2 Points: 3.00
Stealth +4 Points: 1.00
Traceless Walk Points: 0.50
Microscopic Vision Points: 0.25
Thermographic Vision Points: 0.25
Vision Magnification Points: 0.25
Low-Light Vision Points: 0.25
Enhanced Perception +1 Points: 0.50

Resources (C): 90,000 ¥

Form-Fitting Full-Body Ballistic 4 Impact 1 2000¥
- Thermal Dampening 4         6000¥
Forearm Guards Ballistic 0 Impact +1 250¥
Armor Jacket Ballistic 5 Impact 3 900¥
- Nonconductive 4         600¥

Micro-Transceiver 3 3000¥
- Subvocal Mic 500¥
Ruthenium Polymer Cloak (4 sqm) 40000¥
- Imaging Scanners 4 20000¥
Ares Predator III 650¥
- Silencer 500¥
- Laser Sight 1300¥
Capsule Rounds (50) 50¥
- Nacroject (50 doses) 7500¥
- DMSO (50 doses) 500¥

Decker IceBitch 1(1)
Fixer Grey 1(1)

Total: 83750¥
Adept | Mage | Shaman | Samurai | Rigger | Decker

Race (D): Dwarf

Attributes (C):
Body 3 Charisma 6 Essence 6
Quickness 3 Intelligence 6 Body Index 0
Strength 3 Willpower 7 Magic 6
    Reaction 4 Init Dice 1D6

Dice Pools
Combat 8/8
Spell 6/6

Skills (E):

Active Skills

Sorcery 6 Stealth (Astral) 3(5)
Conjuring 5 Shotguns 3
Etiquette 5 Biotech (First Aid) 3(5)

Knowledge Skills
Magic Background 5 Magic Resistance 5
Paranimals 5 Named Spirits 5
Magical Groups 5 Security/Police Procedures 5

Language Skills
English 4 Cityspeak 2
Aztec 3    

Magic (A): 25 Spell Points

Spells / Physical Adept Powers / Magical Abilities

+ 6 Spell Points 150000¥
Improved Invisibility 5 5 Spell points
Levitate 5 5 Spell Points
Armor 5 5 Spell Points
Trid Phantasm 5 5 Spell Points
Stunball 6 6 Spell Point

Resources (B): 400,000 ¥

Sustaining Focus - Armor 5 (5 Spell Points) 75000¥

Form-Fitting Full-Body Ballistic 4 Impact 1 2000¥
Forearm Guards Ballistic 0 Impact +1 250¥

Tactical Comm Unit 4 6000¥
- Subvocal Mic 500¥
Hermetic Sorcery Library 6 36000¥
Hermetic Conjuring Library 6 36000¥
Elemental Conjuring Materials - Force 6 (10 units) 60000¥
Franchi SPAS-22 1000¥
- Gas Vent IV 1000¥
- Laser Sight 1300¥

Talismonger Diego 1(1)
Fixer Grey 1(1)
Decker IceBitch 1(1)

Total: 374050¥
Adept | Mage | Shaman | Samurai | Rigger | Decker

Race (E): Human

Attributes (C):
Body 4 Charisma 6 Essence 6
Quickness 5 Intelligence 6 Body Index 0
Strength 3 Willpower 6 Magic 6
    Reaction 4 Init Dice 1D6

Dice Pools
Combat 7/7
Spell 6/6

Skills (D):

Active Skills

Sorcery 6 Stealth (Astral) 4(6)
Conjuring 5 Pistols 5
Etiquette 5 Athletics 5

Knowledge Skills
Magic Background 5 Magic Resistance 5
Paranimals 5 Named Spirits 5
Magical Groups 5 Security/Police Procedures 5

Language Skills
English 4 Cityspeak 3
Sperethiel 2    

Magic (A): Full Gecko Shaman 25 Spell Points (+2D6 Illusion Spells, -1D6 Combat Spells)

Spells / Physical Adept Powers / Magical Abilities

+9 Spell Points 225000¥
Improved Invisibility 6 6 Spell points
Gecko Crawl 3 3 Spell Points
Physical Mask 6 6 Spell Points
Trid Phantasm 6 6 Spell Points
Heal 6 6 Spell Points
Catalog (extended sense) 1 1 Spell Point

Resources (B): 400,000 ¥

Sustaining Focus 6 - Improved Invisibility (6 Spell Points) 90000¥

Form-Fitting Full-Body Ballistic 4 Impact 1 2000¥
Forearm Guards Ballistic 0 Impact +1 250¥
Armor Jacket Ballistic 5 Impact 3 900¥
- Thermal Dampening 4         6000¥

Tactical Comm Unit 4 6000¥
- Subvocal Mic 500¥
Shamanic Lodge 6 3000¥
Ares Predator III 650¥
- Silencer 500¥
- Laser Sight 1300¥

Magic Group Natural Order 1(1)
Fixer Grey 1(1)

Total: 336100¥
Adept | Mage | Shaman | Samurai | Rigger | Decker

Race (D): Ork

Attributes (B):
Body 8(9) Charisma 3 Essence 2.06
Quickness 6 Intelligence 5(7) Body Index 3.4
Strength 10 Willpower 5 Magic 0
    Reaction 6(9) Init Dice 5D6

Dice Pools
Combat 11/11
Task 1/1

Skills (C):

Active Skills

Street Fighting 4 Athletics 3
Small Unit Tactics 4 Stealth 3
Assault Rifles 6 Launch Weapons (Grenade Launcher) 3(5)
Intimidation 3 Pistols 4
Etiquette 3    

Knowledge Skills
Chess 5 UCAS Military Tactics 4
Street Rumors 4 Magic Background 4
Magic Resistance 4 Police/Security Procedures 4

Language Skills
English 3 Cityspeak 2
Spanish 2    

Resources (A): 1,000,000 ¥

Cyberware / Bioware / Augmentations

Cerebral Booster 2 110000¥
Enhanced Articulation 40000¥
Mnemonic Enhancer 3 45000¥
Trauma Damper 40000¥
Synaptic Accelerator 2 200000¥

Smartlink--Complete System - 2 (Alpha) 7000¥
Boosted Reflexes 3 (Alpha) 21000¥
Plastic Bone Lacing (Alpha) 15000¥

Cyber Replacement Ears (Alpha) 8000¥
Damper (Alpha) 7000¥
Hearing Amplification (Alpha) 7000¥

Cyber Replacement Eyes (Alpha) 10000¥
Flare Compensation (Alpha) 4000¥
Low-Light (Alpha) 6000¥
Electronic Vision Magnification 3 (Alpha) 22000¥

Datajack (Alpha) 2000¥

Form-Fitting Full-Body Ballistic 4 Impact 1 2000¥
- Nonconductive 4         600¥
Forearm Guards Ballistic 0 Impact +1 250¥
Armor Jacket Ballistic 5 Impact 3 900¥
- Thermal Dampening 4         6000¥

Tactical Comm Unit 4 6000¥
- Subvocal Mic 500¥
Savior Medkit 1500¥
Ultrasound Emitter/Detector 4 1200¥
Ares Alpha 2000¥
- Shock Pad 200¥
- Gas Vent IV 1000¥
- Grenade Link 750¥
- Rangefinder 150¥
10 IPE Defensive Minigrenades 1200¥
10 IPE Concussive Minigrenades 1200¥
Ares Predator III 650¥
- Silencer 500¥
Wire Clippers 25¥
Nav-Dat GPS 700¥
Respirator 500¥
White Noise Generator 6 7000¥
Bug Scanner 6 3000¥
Data Display Unit (100mp) 2000¥
GMC MPUV 70000¥
- Anti-Theft System 6 w/Electric Shock 4400¥
- Photovoltaic Chameleon Paint 5000¥
- Transponder Library Chip 6 2160¥
- Morphing Plates 5000¥
- Enviroseal System: Gas/Water/Engine 8000¥
- Life Support (48 hours) 5200¥
10 Plasteel Restraints 500¥
10 Jackstoppers 1000¥
Skilltwitcher 200¥
Maglock Passkey 4 40000¥
10 Tracking Signals 6 (AOD) 36000¥
Signal Locator 6 (AOD) 3000¥
20 Thermite Burning Bars 10000¥
Acid 6 (20 doses) 60000¥
Ruthenium Polymer Cloak (5 sqm) 50000¥
- Imaging Scanners 4 20000¥

Mr. Johnson Local-12 1(1)
Gang Leader Buzzsaw 1(1)
Fixer Grey 2(2)
Decker IceBitch 2(2)
Arms Dealer Remington 2(2)
Talismonger Diego 2(2)
Mechanic Rachet 2(2)
Cyberdoc Vader 2(2)
Mob Lieutenant Bane 2(2)

Total: 974285¥
Adept | Mage | Shaman | Samurai | Rigger | Decker

Race (E): Human

Attributes (D):
Body 3 Charisma 4 Essence 2.92
Quickness 3 Intelligence 6(8) Body Index 1.8
Strength 3 Willpower 5 Magic 0
    Reaction 4 (6) Init Dice 3D6

Dice Pools
Combat 7/7
Control 9/9
Task 1/1

Skills (B):

Active Skills
Athletics 3 B/R Car 3
Pistols 3 Car 5
Etiquette 4 Rotor Aircraft 4
Electronics (Electronic Warfare) 5(7) Gunnery 5
B/R Electronics 4 Stealth 3

Knowledge Skills
Police/Security Procedures 5 Military Drones 5
Engineering 5 Urban Brawl 5
Sports Cars 5    

Language Skills
English 4 German 2

Resources (A): 1,000,000 ¥

Cyberware / Bioware / Augmentations

Cerebral Booster 2 110000¥
Enhanced Articulation 40000¥
Synaptic Accelerator 2 200000¥

Smartlink--Complete System - 2 (Alpha) 7000¥
Vehicle Control Rig - 2 (Alpha) 120000¥

Datajack 1000¥
Microscopic Vision (Alpha) 10000¥

Form-Fitting Full-Body Ballistic 4 Impact 1 2000¥
Secure Jacket Ballistic 5 Impact 3 850¥

Strato-9 30000¥
- Smartlink 2 Intergration Kit 900¥
Remote Control Deck 4 20000¥
- ECCM 6 90000¥
- A/V Display 100¥
- Remote Control Encryption 4 20000¥
- Remote Control Biofeedback Filter 3 30000¥
- Rigger Decryption 4 20000¥
- Rigger Protocol Emulator 4 20000¥
- Signal Amplifier 6 1500¥
- Storage Memory: 1000 mp 6000¥
- Clearsight Autosoft 3 13500¥
- Sharpshooter Autosoft 3 18000¥
GMC Bulldog (Security Edition) cf used: 47 52600¥
- Drone Rack (cf: 5) 7760¥
- Anti-Theft System 6 w/Electric Shock 4400¥
- Power Amplifiers 6 1500¥
- Sensors 5 15000¥
- Pilot 3 25000¥
- Photovoltaic Chameleon Paint 5000¥
- Transponder Library Chip 6 2160¥
- Morphing Plates 5000¥
- Remote Control Interface 10000¥
- Rigger Adaptation 2800¥
- Enviroseal System: Gas/Water/Engine 8000¥
- Life Support (48 hours) 5200¥
- Smartlink 2 Intergration Kit 900¥
- Internal Hardpoint 3000¥
- Pop-Up Remote Mini-Turret 6000¥
- Gunnery Recoil Adjusters 4 2000¥
- Ares Alpha w/Gas Vent IV, Grenade Link 3750¥
- Ammo Bin (cf: 1) 250¥
- Spotlight 600¥
- Autosoft Interpretation System 3000¥
- ECM 2 20000¥
- ECCM 2 20000¥
- ED 2 30000¥
Transceiver 1 500¥
- External Transducer 1000¥

Mechanic Rachet 1(1) Free
Fixer Grey 1(1) Free

Total: 945760¥
Adept | Mage | Shaman | Samurai | Rigger | Decker

Race (E): Human

Attributes (C):
Body 4 Charisma 6 Essence 4.36
Quickness 6 Intelligence 6(8) Body Index 1.4
Strength 2 Willpower 6 Magic 0
    Reaction 6(9) Init Dice 2D6

Dice Pools
Combat 10/10
Task 1/1

Skills (B):

Active Skills

Computers 6 B/R Computers 5
Stealth 5 Pistols 5
B/R Electronics 5 Athletics 4
Electronics 5 Etiquette (Matrix) 4(6)

Knowledge Skills
Data Havens 6(7) Defensive Utility Design 4(5)
Matrix Rumors 4(5) Special Utility Design 4(5)
Combat Utility Design 4(5) Police/Security Procedures 4(5)
Frame Core Design 4(5)    

Language Skills
English 4(7) Cityspeak 2(5)
Japanese 3(6)    

Resources (A): 1,000,000 ¥

Cyberware / Bioware / Augmentations

Cerebral Booster 2 110000¥
Mnemonic Enhancer 3 45000¥

Smartlink--Complete System - 2 (Alpha) 7000¥
Wired Reflexes 1(Alpha) 110000¥
- Reflex Trigger (Alpha) 13000¥

Cyber Replacement Eyes (Alpha) 10000¥
- Flare Compensation (Alpha) 4000¥
- Thermographic Vision (Alpha) 6000¥
- Microscopic Vision (Alpha) 10000¥
- Retinal Clock (Alpha) 900¥
- Electronic Vision Magnification 3 (Alpha) 22000¥
- Cosmetic Modification 1000¥

Datajack (Alpha) 2000¥
Math SPU 3 (Alpha) 22000¥

Form-Fitting Full-Body Ballistic 4 Impact 1 2000¥
Forearm Guards Ballistic 0 Impact +1 250¥
Armor Jacket Ballistic 5 Impact 3 900¥
- Nonconductive 4         600¥

Tactical Comm Unit 4 6000¥
External Transducer 1000¥
Novatech Hyperdeck - 6 125000¥
- Satellite Link Transmitter 6 6000¥
- Satellite Interface Software 6 14400¥
- Radio Link Transmitter 6 1500¥
- Radio Interface Software 6 14400¥
- Cellular Link Transmitter 6 3000¥
- Cellular Interface Software 6 14400¥
- Active Memory +1000 7500¥
- Storage Memory +3500 17500¥
- Programming Suite 6 - 540mp 108000¥
- Spoof 6 - 108mp 21600¥
- Armor 6 - 108mp 21600¥
- Attack-D 6 - 180mp 36000¥
- Analyze 6 - 108mp 21600¥
- Browse 6 - 36mp 7200¥
- Commlink 6 - 36mp 7200¥
- Decrypt 6 - 36mp 7200¥
- Defuse 6 - 72mp 14400¥
- Encrypt 6 - 36mp 7200¥
- Read/Write 6 - 72mp 14400¥
- Relocate 6 - 72mp 14400¥
- Cellular Link 6 - 36mp 7200¥
- Radio Link 6 - 36mp 7200¥
- Satellite Link 6 - 72mp 14400¥
- Validate 6 - 144mp 28800¥
Dataline Tap 6 6000¥
Ruthenium Polymer Cloak (4sqm) 40000¥
- Imaging Scanners 4 20000¥
Mitsubishi Runabout 10000¥
- Morphing Plates 5000¥
- Anti-Theft System 6 w/Electric Shock 4400¥
- Photovoltaic Chameleon Paint 5000¥
- Transponder Library Chip 6 2160¥
Ared Predator III 650¥
- Silencer 500¥

KE Detective Robinson 1(1)
Fixer Grey 1(1)

Total: 940460¥

Adept | Mage | Shaman | Samurai | Rigger | Decker

WizKids, LLC has sole ownership of the names, logo, artwork, marks, photographs, sounds, audio, video and/or any proprietary material used in connection with the game Shadowrun. WizKids, LLC has granted permission to Shadowrun: Detroit to use such names, logos, artwork, marks and/or any proprietary materials for promotional and informational purposes on its website but does not endorse, and is not affiliated with Shadowrun: Detroit in any official capacity whatsoever.