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World Cyber Games



Back Of Wade's Head Playing in Warm-ups for WCG


Wade's Close Up During A Game Playing

Back Of Wade's Head When His Factory Getting Finished Vs Guitar)BG(Masta


Brian (Guitar)BG(Masta) Side Veiw Vs St.Anger[cF]


Brian (Guitar)BG(Masta) Side Veiw Vs St.Anger[cF] He's Building Probes

Wade (St.Anger[cF]) Playing

JoJo (JoJo. In Blue), Cong (no.2 in Red), and not sure about the other guy

ObtuseLogic and some other guy

Same Picture Just Admin in it watching

Back of Magius Head Winner of the WCG In SouthLake

Louis (tech-sup), Brian (Guitar)BG(masta), and Wade (St.Anger[cF])

Wade (St.Anger[cF]) Playing Against Magius In Warm-ups

Wade (St.Anger[cF]) After A Game, I Think i Won It

Brian (Guitar)BG(Masta) close up, probably vs tech-sup in some game