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     The inclusion of computer technology into the American education system has become fairly commonplace. Many teachers regularly seek information from the Internet and send e-mail messages. Some teachers are even using computers as aids to instruction by creating websites, following hyperlinks to additional online resources, and as a replacement to the now old fashion 35mm slides through the use of digital presentations. Students are also using computers by accessing class information from home, developing presentations for oral reports, producing online portfolios, researching topics, and even for something as simple as word processing.
     The inclusion of computers in the discipline of art education then, both in its curriculum and in its classrooms, is to be expected. Not only has technology become omni present in the culture, student artists are developing creative skills that could lead to future employment. With nearly every business involved in producing some sort of visual material, computer graphic artists are in high demand. In an educational role, technology aids in the transmission of information from teacher to student and, given the importance of technology today, it is a way of generating interest in students to learn.

Statement of the Problem
     The purpose of this study is to determine if middle and high schools within Hamilton County, TN, have technology available, if and how that technology is being used, and how teachers feel about using technology. It will also look at the correlations between age, education and training of teachers and how this could relate to the use of technology.

Statement of the Hypothesis
     Computers have become a regular element in classrooms across America. They are being used with software to promote reading, connected to the Internet to help teach history and world events, and to invoke creativity through playful programs. Similarly, Hamilton County schools have integrated, and in some cases even promoted, computer technology into the curriculum. Has the art curriculum also taken on this added feature? Just as there is a variety of art curriculum in Hamilton County, so to is there a variety of interest and use of computer technology. It is likely that there is a large variety of use methodologies, equipment, training and teacher interest. Further, it is likely that in some cases the technology, if it is present, isn't even being used.