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The view

October 20, 2007. A pivot-in-one-spot panorama. North, on the horizon, are the Gatineau Hills. Then the Ottawa River, then Ottawa's Westboro area, with the highrises. Behind and to the right of the highrises, and much further away, is Gatineau (Hull). I can watch the fireworks at the casino. Centre/foreground is our courtyard and pool. On the left is the far end of my building; on the right, ditto of its twin. If I lived in the tenth-floor apartment like mine at the far end of the other side of the other building, I'd have the view I have now (except for the courtyard), and I'd overlook downtown/Parliament Hill/etc.

October 20, 2007. A pivot-in-one-spot panorama.

North, on the horizon, are the Gatineau Hills. Then the Ottawa River, then Ottawa's Westboro area, with the highrises. Behind and to the right of the highrises, and much further away, is Gatineau (Hull). I can watch the fireworks at the casino. Centre/foreground is our courtyard and pool.

On the left is the far end of my building; on the right, ditto of its twin. If I lived in the tenth-floor apartment like mine at the far end of the other side of the other building, I'd have the view I have now (except for the courtyard), and I'd overlook downtown/Parliament Hill/etc.

Northeast. However, I'd be overlooked by a very tall apartment building. I've been in the 11th-floor apartment over there, and the view is spectacular, but that monolith seems to fill the sky. I like the sky empty.


However, I'd be overlooked by a very tall apartment building. I've been in the 11th-floor apartment over there, and the view is spectacular, but that monolith seems to fill the sky. I like the sky empty.







South-southwest. On the right is that corner window in my living room. And if it wasn't already perfect – I am directly under an Ottawa airport flight line. Dad would have loved it. Not a runway they use often, only for take-offs when the weather's bad from the west... I get my lifelong sternum vibration plus the post-9/11 tingle. I have to move things back on the shelves about once a month –if we've had bad weather from the west. :)

South-southwest. On the right is that corner window in my living room.

And if it wasn't already perfect – I am directly under an Ottawa airport flight line. Dad would have loved it. Not a runway they use often, only for take-offs when the weather's bad from the west... I have to move things back on my shelves about once a month – if we've had a good run of bad weather from the west. :)

These trees below my balcony are breathtaking; in sunshine, they glow.

These trees below my balcony are breathtaking; in sunshine, they glow.

October 21, 2007, a blustery autumn day that turned dark and thunderous, driving me inside. But, oh, after the storm... I love sky. Because I'm on the tenth floor, I can squint and imagine I'm in Scotland, where's there's sky galore, and much closer to earth than here. Sounds stupid, I know, but it's true. Finally, I have enough sky.

October 21, 2007, a blustery autumn day that turned dark and thunderous, driving me inside. But, oh, after the storm...

I love sky. Because I'm on the tenth floor, I can squint and imagine I'm in Scotland, where's there's sky galore, and much closer to earth than here. Sounds stupid, I know, but it's true.

Finally, I have enough sky.

The rainbow was so close even my panorama setting couldn't get it all.

The rainbow was so close even my panorama setting couldn't get it all.

I spend a ridiculous amount of time on the balcony, and have taken a ridiculous number of pics.

I spend a ridiculous amount of time on the balcony, and have taken a ridiculous number of pics.

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