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Unanswered Questions from 9/11

(Presented at 9/11 CitizensWatch Press Conference; Customs House, NYC, March 31) 1) Why in the months before 9/11 did FBI headquarters consistently obstruct field agent investigations of potential terrorists or terrorist financiers? 2) Why were many detailed warnings from the intelligence services of Britain, Germany, Israel, Egypt, Russia, Italy, and other foreign governments ignored? 3) Why were some prominent travelers warned not to fly on 9/11? 4) Why in the days immediately before 9/11 were there massive spikes in the number of "puts" on the stocks of airline and insurance companies? 5) Why did the chief of Pakistani Intelligence, Gen. Mahmoud Ahmed, approve over $100,000 in wire transfers to Mohammed Atta prior to the attacks? 6) Why in the 1 hour and 20 minutes after the onset of a multiple hijacking, with hundreds dead or dying in the Twin Towers, and a third jet hurtling to our nation’s capitol did no USAF, Navy or Air National Guard fighter defend the Pentagon? 7) From investigator and former NBC reporter/producer Daniel Hopsicker’s Florida investigation: Why do eyewitness accounts of the behavior and movements of lead hijacker Mohammed Atta conflict with the findings of the government investigation? 8) Why in the wake of the most cataclysmic intelligence and air defense failures in American history have no government officials or Pentagon brass been held accountable for the September 11 tragedy?   9) Why, in the wake of the most cataclysmic intelligence and air defense failures in American history, have responsible government officials and Pentagon brass been rewarded with promotions?   10) Why did the Bush/Cheney Administration for over a year stonewall victims’ family members demands for a full independent investigation?   11) Why, after 9/11. are new government contracts being issued to private government contractors who have never been accountable for $3.3 trillion of "undocumentable adjustments" in the accounting and information systems they manage?

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