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Welcome to My Website



*      Favorite Links

*      Contact Information

*      Current Projects

*      Biographical Information

*      Personal Interests


Favorite Links




Contact Information

E-mail address

Preferred Address

My Other Addresses

*Email me for my home address*

Mobile phone (Text Messages ONLY)

 (513) 213-9129



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Current Projects

*      Fixing Up My ’82 Toyota Supra

*      Writing Shareware Programs In True Basic

*      Finding $ So I Can Co-op In Japan

*      Building This Site


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Biographical Information

          April 9, 1985,  I was brought into this world.  Childhood was great,  although it did not last long.  I grew  and grew  and grew … until becoming the 61/2 foot monster  I am now.  Sometime during that period of mental and physical growth, I discovered I was musically h  xq  talented and soon learned piano and trumpet.  Fast-forward to high school.  I did pretty well in class, had some good friends, and dun grajuwaytid 13th in my class with honors and a GPA of 4.1 .  As of right now, I am a freshman at the University of Cincinnati, majoring in Mechanical Engineering.


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Personal Interests

*      Auto-Enthusiast

*      Doing Things That Make Most People Piss Themselves Like:

*      Rock Climbing

*      Skydiving

*      Bungee-Jumping

*      You get the idea…

*      Playing Trumpet With The UC Band

*      Hanging Out With Friends

*      Long Walks On The Beach… haha j/k

*      That you email me since you have seen my site!


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Last revised: July 30, 2003