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Tyler Wight -



Tyler Richard Wight

Born: December 16th, 1987

Height: 6'1     Weight: 200 lbs

Winner of Most Valuable Defensive Player for the Pee Wee Eagles in 1999

Winner of Rookie of the Year for the Bantam 49ers in 2000

Winner of Most Improved Player for the St. Albert Bantam 49er's in 2001

Winner of Most Valuable Defense Player for the St. Albert 49ers in 2002

 Chosen for the Northern Alberta All-Star Team in 2003 as a lineman

and now playing for the St. Albert Skyhawks Jr. Team in the 2003-2004 school year!

Click here for some awesome links!

Coming Soon -

 Awards Page...

Acknowledgement Page...

Coaches of the Past

Click Here to See Pictures from the All-Star Game in Calgary, Alberta on May 19th

Coming Soon - Pictures of Tyler from the Bantam 49ers days!

Coming Soon - Pictures of Tyler from the Pee-Wee Eagles / 49ers  Days!

Coming Soon - Pictures of Tyler from the Adam Buccaneers Days!

How to Contact Tyler!

This Website was  Created by and is  Maintained by Jessica Wight

See a list of other pages done by this webmaster here !

Last Updated on May 26th, 2003

E-mail Tyler at