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 Tufts Class of '64 40th Reunion



      Class of  '64 Home Page  
      Class Survey  
      Class Survey
Printable version
      "Class book" form  
      Intent form  


      Message Board  

Who's coming?




Class Gift update



      Class Photos  
      Classmate Websites  
      Reunion Lodging  

Missing Classmates



      Favorite Links  
      In Memoriam  
      Alum Online Community  

Tufts Home Page

      Contact  Webmaster  
      Contact Tufts
40th Office





WOW....did we have a super time or what!!!!!
You had to be there!   Classmate connections, old friends, new friends....telling our beach ball stories, laughing at our survey results,
applauding our class gift success, Duck tour crash, Bubs, Barnstormers, nametag photos, great grub,
Pete and Brenda's fine Jewelltowne wine,  talkin' and talkin', dancin', singin' and more dancin' !  Alley oop oop...
Whatta class!  

Click  here to go to Reunion Slides and Class Photos



Class Meeting Agenda  (May 22, Barnum 008 12-2)

11:45 -12:10
Please interview the classmate to your right /3 questions/ you will introduce your classmate to all.

          Name of classmate__________________
         1. Who was your favorite Tufts prof?   1 reason why?
         2. What 3 adjectives describe you the best?
         3. What do you want to do when you have more       
  time, money or energy to do it?

12:10 -12:40
Presenters using same 3 questions

Steve Soreff, Susan Bauchner, Mary Hardeman, Donna Apgar  

Introduction of Classmates answering the 3 questions

Classmates who are with us in spirit only
Website-  "In Memoriam"

Class Gift Results/ Thank you everyone!    
Website- Class gift   

Brief tour of other pages: Photos, links etc.

Class Survey Results Powerpoint Presentation
Dawn Terkla, Tufts Alum statistics

12:50 - 1:40
Discussion of Survey results!    Website -  survey


  • Your favorite life/family or professional story in 1min. 

  • Special topics?    

  • Events of 60-64?      

  • 50th Reunion….plan to be on the Hill with us again!  

  • Mary Hardeman - vignette

 2 pm 
Head for the Duck Tour bus




February letter '04
Dear classmates,
We hope you received the news of our 40th reunion, May 20-23,2004 and have already sent in your "intent form" questionnaire saying yes to all!     You've "gotta" be there for our 40th!  It promises to be the best one yet especially if you will join us on the Hill for the 4-0 festivities.   The Reunion committee is developing plans for a wonderful celebration of '64 togetherness and good times and wants this to be the most successful reunion Tufts ever had.

The 40th Reunion is a milestone opportunity to reflect on the past, celebrate the present, and influence the future.   Tufts has entered a new era with a new President, a new Provost, and continued educational excellence. 

This year is especially exciting to us.  Greg Barmore, Tim Vaill, and Dottie Altman Weber have pledged a total of $50,000 to the Tufts Fund if we can reach 45% participation for our class gift!  To get there we need 245 people from our class to make a gift to the Tufts Fund.
No matter what you give, they promise an additional $200 for every single gift!  If we reach this goal, we can break the 40th Reunion record for participation, currently held by the Class of 1958.
What a great way to get more of us reconnected to our alma mater.

Please register for the 
Alum Online Community (click on link to register)! This will ensure that you receive news about the reunion and that your contact information is up to date.  You can look up friends in the alumni directory or sign up for a  email forwarding address.  We have a  Message Board  but you need to be registered with the Online Community to access it!  We hope you will post any questions or comments about the reunion to the message board and reconnect with friends there.

Help us find “lost” classmates.  Do you know anyone on our class lost list?  Take a look and if you’re in touch with anyone on the list , tell them to send an email to with their updated contact information.

Relive old memories and fun times on campus.  Fill out the class "intent form" and Class Survey.   We'll have a special book available at the reunion with everyone’s comments.  The Class Survey will allow us to have a fun and lively class meeting discussion on Saturday.  Be sure to start going through your old photo albums for photos to share with all....either on this site or when we meet!

We need to see you on the Hill in May!  If you have any questions, feel free to post to the message board or email and we will get back to you.

 40th Reunion Committee:

Betsey Eggleston Anderson, Donna Apgar, Gregory Barmore,
Susan Kaplan Bauchner, Theodora "Teddi" Winters Berlatsky,
Jerry Blaivas, Susan Lieberman Blaivas, Edward Casabian, Jr.,
Paul Fitzgerald, Joyce Murnane Gelzer, Thomas Hale, Mary Moore Hardeman, Arthur House, Douglas Moxham, Peter Oldak, Ann Haslerud Ross, David Schor, Richard Siegel, Stephen Soreff, Dorothy Altman Weber, Marianne Cooper Weill,
Paul Weiss, Pat Wood