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By : Tony YM Wong    Mobile : (852) 9045-9170    E-mail :    

[Income Protection Plan]  [Retirement Plan]  [Premium Deposit Fund]  [Education Fund]  [My Contact]


I. Objectives  

The following "Protection & Saving" solutions are specifically designed for professionals & executives with objectives to : 

  Secure Current Living Standard against unexpected events (e.g. illness or accident)

  Plan for a Prosperous Retirement Life

  Achieve Flexible but Yield Enhancing Saving Plan

  Plan the Future of Next Generation

II. Characteristics  

   Low Cost : Premium (保費) paid is refundable

   High Protection : Our "Income Protection" allows $18M coverage with $765 monthly refundable premium

   Low Risk / High Return :

   Rate of return of our "Retirement Plan" can be 343% 

   4.5% interest rate on our "Premium Deposit Fund" (保費儲備增值) - 450 times of current bank saving rate 

III. Our Solutions    

Please click the following hyper-link for details of our solutions : 

  Income Protection Plan - secure your Current Living Standard

  Retirement Plan - plan for your Prosperous Retirement Life

  Premium Deposit Fund - provide you a Flexible but Yield Enhancing Saving Plan 

  Education Fund - plan the Future of your Next Generation



Note : Information provided above is simplified for illustration. If further explanation is required, please click here for contact with me.