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Tom's OA Flap Trading Page

Hey Thanks for stoping by my small site. Thats right I am the big bald guy. My name is Thomas Cox of Catawba Lodge 459 in Charlotte, NC. I am currently the Vice Chief of Programs but I have always been an avid patch collector. I have decided to try this web based tradeing to see if I can reach more people because some of the things I am looking for I just can't get in section SR-5. I am also the seior Vice president and Co-Founder of the Patch trading orginization known as OASPO. The "Orginization Against Screwing People Over" was created at the 2002 Noac after myself and two other scouts realized how rude some traders are. They wouldent even look at youy unless they thought you had something of interest to them. So as our motto goes "We put the FUN back in Patchin"!

Flaps I am looking for:


My Lodge's Website
