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Third Shift News Site

Welcome To Our New Site

First things first: This is the new Third Shift News letter web site. During the many hours of boredom and nothing to do I have decided to create this page to help spread the info around. Note: this site dose not replace Thomas’s newsletter it will still be coming out every so often. I do hope that Thomas will help out with writing articles; I hope everyone else that might be interested in put in there ideas i will do so.

Hey! Where’s my email

Friday July, 11
This has been a real hot issue for third shift’s AT&T and Allstates employees. The real issue is if you don’t know all ready, is that on June 30th AT&T and Allstate were scheduled to have outlook available to them on that date. Its now July 11 and there still isn’t any sign of the promised and long awaited email. So far this is the only info I have as of yet but I will keep you all informed about this issue.

Sunday July, 13
Hey here’s some more info about the email issues. While talking with mark he informed me that that Allen had told him that there having to upgrade the Microsoft servers in order to support the amount of email needed. It scheduled to be done by the end of the month. I guess we'll just have to see if they actually come through this time.

Complaints for the Week

Sunday July 13

Mark from third shift is complaining about other people complaining so much.

How come 3rd shift dose not get the same benefits as the day shift? For example- Allstate got pizza two days in a row and third shift was forgotten.

Bluepumpkin enough said

Next would have to be how the breaks have been messed up lately.

Another complaint would definitely have to be the air-conditioning prob its why to cold at night, but that’s nothing new.

An ongoing complaint that I have along with many other people is that there is a grate lack of supervisors on the floor for Friday and Saturdays.