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And here we have the New Age in the hopes that all may be forgotten.

06/22/04 Holy cow am I a lamer... forgot to fully transfer the site base from my parents computer to mine and gotta update all crappy like. Brandon I'm sorry I cut it so close but at least I got your stuff up. WILL rework site cause it'll be easier than transfering data. Go check out Brandons newstuff at Temp Gallery Update. Later all!


Ryan:  Long time no reall new comment.  Been working on a lot of pictures but haven't finished many of them.  I hope to have a new header here in roundabouts a week, but knowing me, it might take slightly longer.  So lets all hope for the best.
Ryan's gallery 03/27/04
Brandon's gallery 06/22/04


02/24/04 Information
03/27/04 Galleries
02/24/04 Links