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Updated: 08.26.03


Welcome to the Alpha Psi Omega - Kappa Theta Cast website. This past school year
we have managed to complete a very aggressive and active schedule in an attempt to
increase the interest of theatrical activities here at Central Michigan University.

We are very excited about the plans we have set for the approaching year. Recently, our
honorary fraternity found its membership among the highest in our history. We hope to
continue this new trend for years to come.
We hope that our website can give you some
incite on a few theatre-related things that go on here at Central Michigan University.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Alumni for all their hardwork
and dedication in the past. We wish to let them know that they are not forgotten, but
remembered at the very heart of the organization as we depend heavily on tradition.

Alpha Psi Omega Kappa Theta Cast
333 Moore Hall
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859

Please report feedback to:
Quentin Crump
Comments are greatly appreciated.