Welcome to Clan DARK(Army of The Dammned)
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Welcome to Clan DARK'S Homepage

DARK- is...


www.clankotg.com Is the new Clan KOTG azeroth clan! www.cafeshops.com/clankotg you can buy stuff July 30-DARK: Fellow DARK members I wanted to announce that the Order of The Shamans is up and running! Welcome to battlme our new shaman!!! Blade master matt has been trying to run for the rank of Shaman but failed the Shaman Test. He plays orc and please any member that knows orc please help him out! Jayr is the next canidate fit for Shaman and he is 1st in line and azn gambit following him in 2nd. AZngambit needs to be more active with his DARK name for him to qualify as a shaman.

July 26-DARK: Attention all DARK members! Please recruit good and active members soon! We are losing members fast and need to replace them with expierenced and active peop welcome to CLan DARK! This is our new website originally designed by me and hydr

Warcraft3le! Thanks

December 24: Enjoy the techno! Credits to sidewinder

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Email: Btwestonsf@hotmail.com