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Welcome to Our Homebased Team!

Are you like Our Homebased Team members?

...Tired of losing your money trying to make money.

...Tired of all the hype (make a million dollars by next week without doing a thing)!

Have you finally realized that a home-based business is just like any other business?

...It takes time, money, dedication, and WORK to be successful in the
   Network Marketing Industry.

Have you "Been There...Done That?"

...Joined program after program for FREE, thinking you were going to
   make money?

...Wasted your time and energy joining "Benefactor" programs, only to have them fold?  (The benefactor profited...your contact information is extremely valuable.)

Are you totally FED UP?  Have you been disappointed enough?  Are you REALLY ready to settle down now and make some money the "old-fashioned" way?

Here's what Our Homebased Team offers you...

...a straight forward, no nonsense way to make money from home. 

...a marketing team of serious, honest, ethical people who are willing to help you achieve your financial goals.

...a “system” that is simple and easy to do.  But most importantly, a system that works.

Our Homebased Team is looking for people, who like us...
...are SERIOUS about making money from home.
...are tired of living pay-check to pay-check.
...are very concerned about the security of our current income.
...are WILLING to WORK together and follow a PROVEN step-by-step plan of action to develop a Monthly Cash flow of $3,000 per month within the next 6 to 9 months.

Do YOU qualify to partner with Our Homebased Team?  Would you like to see what our research discovered?  Would you like to see what we have proven to be a system that really works for the average home-based entrepreneur?

If so, read on...

Building an organization (downline) is critical to the success of any marketing team.  What we discovered when we studied the various downline building systems was that each one has a major advantage and a major disadvantage to offset it.   


The Forced Matrix
  Provides spillover and some width.  
Disadvantages:  Spillover is not guaranteed.  Width is limited and it tends to attract people that are not willing to work their business.

The Unilevel Plan
Has enormous income potential built in.  
Disadvantages:  It promotes width but not depth.  It does not truly encourage a team approach over the long term.

The Powerleg
Requires team work.  Uses a Team approach for building depth. 
Disadvantages:  After the first leg is built you are on your own.

Our Homebased Team has eliminated the disadvantages and combined the advantages of the Forced Matrix, Unilevel and Powerleg systems to create a powerful business building system.   



Much to our surprise, we also discovered that MOST of the larger companies...successful, growing companies, are getting back to "basics."  

The Internet is an excellent "tool" for communicating, BUT, it has changed so much over the past several years, that it is no longer "THE" only place for the average networker to earn a substantial income.  

We learned that we needed "more" than just the Internet to make the kind of money we DESERVE for our efforts!




Refer people to your own personalized website.

Mail out our postcards that bring prospects to your website or for those without internet access we mail them the information.

As a team member you automatically benefit from our advertising.  Our advertising brings you PAYING MEMBERS; NOT LEADS. 

Our system reaches the 50% of the population that does not have internet access and allows them to build an online business without owning a computer.

No SELLING - Our combined online/offline system presents  the products, the business opportunity and the system.

Your personalized autoresponder will follow-up with everyone that visits YOUR website.

and UP TO 4 Team Members  Will 
Go To Work Building YOUR downline!

As a Homebased Team member you automatically benefit from our online and offline advertising.

Our advertising places paid members into YOUR downline.  

NO more paying good money for leads that visit your website but do not join.

When you fill out the form below you will be 
e-mailed a link to take a tour of our system.
You will also receive a link to your FREE bonus.


Free Bonus

$49.95 Value

You must have a US Mailing address to participate.

  Please enter your name and e-mail address below to receive your FREE e-Book.

Email Address:

