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Nicole's Page

BeSt BanDs


Cool Lyrics
Phantom Planet
American Hi-Fi

My Friends....(Yes I have friends)...HAHAHA Mmmm...Where to start... Kristin John.---My bestest friend in the entire world...can't wait til this summer..we are going to cause so much trouble and if you crash while i'm in the car...lordy lordy...find a boy and stick with him... still can't believe you are cheering now...everything i've worked for...just kidding...i hope things work out with that brian him to be more respectful when he answers other people's phones....Say hi to your German friend from Iowa for Brooke---(terror twin #1)Hmmm....My bestest friend on this side of the continent...finally....we get into to much trouble to name...mmm...sea biscuit... Good times and bad times, we've had them both.....There are many fish in the just have to catch the right one...And catch one that can drive too...Maybe Mark would work (just a thought)hahaha Maple Syrup... Andrew---We've had some good times and some long conversations...You have to do what makes you happy because in the end no matter what, that's all that matters...I'll miss you when you're at Hanover next year just make sure you call once in a while so we can stay in touch(...maybe one day things will be different...)and don't think I'm going to forget about that fudgescicle you owe me either... Kristen B. (Briggey)---Oh my...6th block history all up in your face...sorry i annoyed you so much this year...but hey what can i say...your bigger than me...oh yeah...some people never shut up....ramble on and on and on and on... DrAmA,dRaMa,DrAmA...thanks for helping beth and stephanie lock me in beth's closet and then take pictures of my ears...that was so foul...i probably deserved it though.... Stephanie G.---Once again...6th block history all up in your face...who's your daddy!!!...My rat died...ha i still love that.. Michael F.---Have you talked to any cops lately? fun surfing this summer...i hope you get eaten by a shark..jk Hurley---My favorite freshman...You're like my little brother...he he he...evil laugh...i promise i will save you from all those girls...just give me the're a little manwhore and you know it...oh ____... Ben---oh my goodness....we had so much fun this year...iloveya!!! rasberries...don't let them girls ruin your mind...and if any of them hurt you i will hurt them...i'm not naming any names...ahemmdanielleahemm...can't wait til next year... Casey J.---quit smokin stuff....are you talking?.....are you still talking?.....i swear i didn't steal your pencil... Catherine---...make sure you come visit me...have fun at hanover with know you had fun at my house whe those ac men scared the crap out of us... Brady----!!!!My my my, ...Surfing rox....your band is cool...don't forget to call with those dates!!!! know you had fun in ocean and drivers really...i still think Catherine and jacob need to go out... Shannon---man some people need to get a life...for example a.b.(not the good one)...the other one...there's a reason the boy is another state boy needs to stop stalking you... Kristie---my favorite know you had fun at the wedding with all those old people...we put text messaging to good use...thank god they invented cell phones... Beth---thanks for helping stephanie and kristen lock me in a closet...really appreciate it...i guess i need to stop listening to certain know who i'm talking about...i want those pictures you took when we were all over at your know which ones im talking about...<<<>>> Kristin Jaco.---Oh geez...had fun at your house still cant believe everything that happened...we all cause too much trouble...i swear...and that boy needs to stop stalking shannon... Meghan---OMIGOODNESS...and you know who has one fine mmmmm...hahaha...and yes meghan most people do live with their families... Scott-- MY IDOL!!!!!!!....hahaha....dufus....thanks for finally adding i guess i will add you...thanks for boosting my self esteem for making fun of me so much i really appreciate it... know how much i enjoy staying up all night on works out really well except for the little part where you you feel like crap afterwards....But yeah I saw real pirates in case you were wondering.....I hope you get yourself to California soon....I hope you conquer your computer even sooner.... I will look for it when it flies past my window...Oh wait...Glides.... -------------------------------------------------------
