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Hello, Welcome to the All A Boot Me Section of the Site yea ha.... Enjoy^_^
In General
  • age:14
  • birthday:3-18-89
  • location:Washington, Puyallup near Tacoma
  • height: Unknown
  • Occupation: Sock Stealer..thats right i sneek into your house and seal your socks from the dyer! mah hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa
  • weight:...unknown...
  • im a vegetarian and i have been one for 10 or 11 years now

  • eyes:change, mostly brown at times hazel
  • natrual hair: brown with a tint of red many people thought i actually have red hair but i dont.
  • hair at the moment: red soon to be blue...again heh
  • skin: Pale White lol i dont go outside any more to many freaks outthere lol
    You are APPLEJACK!
    You are APPLEJACK! You're such a cute pony, why do all the bad things happen to you?
    First you get run into by one of those darn
    speeding pegasi, then you fall into a river because of a faulty
    bridge! Ah, well it all turns out okay in the
    end... look on the bright side,
    you're still alive and your a cool little pony.
    I thought this Puppy was REALLY REALLY Kyut!! so i HAD
    to put it in here...isnt it Coot?? heh

    Frogys are NEAT!!! Frogys are
    My fave animal to learn more of my favorites
    go to the favorites part of the site

    Monkys are Neat 2!!!
    (*)O.o°møñkê¥'§ R kêw£°o.O(*)
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