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Dallas Daft Day Blues

      The NFL draft was held Saturday and I have only one comment “WHAT WAS DALLAS THINKING”. They have no mentionable RB are in desperate need of a definite starting QB and what do they do. They take a CB with the 5th over all pick. Does Jerry Jones have no concept of the game or is he just plain stupid. I will admit that Terence Newman (Kansas State) is an outstanding player but they already have some young talent at the CB position and would be much better served by bringing in a veteran to work with the players already there. At the QB position they have young talent but I believe the players they have need some time backing up a better veteran QB before they are ready to start. At RB the Cowboys just need help. The lose of Emmitt Smith left a vacancy that would be very difficult to fill, but their were two players still left in the draft when Dallas took Newman that may have had that kind of talent. When Dallas took Newman there were Byron Leftwich QB(Marshal) and Rex Grossman QB(Florida) still left and either would make a good starter considering Dallas’ receivers. They also could have chosen Willis McGahee RB(Miami) or Larry Johnson RB(Penn State), either would have made a suitable replacement for Smith. Instead of addressing the main issues for the next season they wasted their first round pick on a position that a draft choice could not help. There second round pick was much better though, they picked up a lineman to help then now faltering Dallas offensive line. I don’t know what the plan was with this years draft but it must have gone terribly wrong. Though I don’t like the way the team is run now I am still a Cowboys fan, I always have been and always will be. I just don’t see them winning another Super Bowl, or even making the playoffs for that mater, until there is a either a change in ownership or Jones decides to stay out of team business.
     Be sure to vote on how you think the season will go this year.

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