The Names Karlee :) and im 17 years old and i live in minna-so-ta.I'm a outgoing funny girl who loves to listen to music. Loves:
Singing,writing,swooning over hot boys,patty,gethen,trina,my cat,chinese food,concerts,Justin Timberlake.
hypocrites,fakers,stupid-asses,Kathy-lee gifford,Billy Joel,and Justin Timberlake.(hehe)

» March 23rd:i start my birth control pills :o!
March 25th:Patty comes back home!!
» April 3rd:Jason Mraz
» April 9th:Good Charlotte concert
» April 14th:Donny Osmond(LOL)
» April 20th:Avril Lavigne
» May 4th:The Beach Boys
» July 18,19,&20th:CFTCV :)!!
» August 24th:Justified and Stripped

FEELING: The current mood of sweetcandihearts@msn.com at www.imood.com craving: Chinese Food
funkee fortunes: U will recive a fortune,cookie.

» c u r r e n t
» a r c h i v e s
» p r o f i l e
» d e s i g n e d
» D i a r y L a n d

» Justin Timberlake - Rock your body (video version)
» Good Charlotte - The Anthem
» Christina Aguilera - too beautiful for words
» Aerosmith -Drop Dead Gorgeous
» Chicago (the movie) - Cell block tango
» Eminem - Criminal
» Audioslave - Like a stone

» e m a i l
» L i v e J o u r n a l
» a i m

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|| Karlee is a happy girl! ||

2003-04-11 - 6:35 p.m.
Goooooooooood Charlotteeeeeeeeeee.

Man the concert rocked.

NFG.The Disasters.Good Charlotte.Less Than Jake

*pets them all*

I met them all but less than jake.

Billy is a hot mofo,i wanna have his babies.thanx.and no im not a fucking teenie.thanx again.

I will post the pics asap!

2003-04-01 - 7:39 p.m.
In the latest leg of what must be the longest farewell tour in rock history, Kiss will play arenas in North America this summer with Aerosmith.

No dates have been scheduled yet, and it is unknown whether the bands will co-headline or if Kiss

will go on last every night, according to a source close to Kiss.

The planning has been long in the works. For more than a year, rumors have circulated that the two rock legends wanted to hit the road together, but their schedules didn't synchronize until now. Neither Kiss nor Aerosmith were available for comment.






I am speechless.that is all. *freaks out*

2003-03-20 - 8:01 a.m.
my computer is being a bitch.blah.Anyways I should be getting the tickets in the mail today :squeee:

I'm so stressed out,Patty is out of town and so it Trina,and im scared that something might happen cause of the war thingy :( *cries* come homeee!! :does irish jig:

2003-03-19 - 4:01 a.m.
whoooohoooooo i saw "PUNK'd" last night.Oh my god i laughed my ass off,but i did actualy feel bad for justin when he's all like "u took my DOGS??" the bastard knows how to make girls like him.haha. evil i tell ya!Why can't his concert be closer :whines:

But anyways...

I went to the "woman doctor" :|.Yeah fun times right there,or not.But i need to take birth control to regulate my period.And they took a thyroid test too.Just for your information,cause i know u guys LOVE to know about my period cycle.

2003-03-18 - 5:31 a.m.
im in a loving mood,so ill post a couple pics from my *NSYNC Celebrity tour from Iowa and Minnesota

2003-03-18 - 5:07 a.m.
I'm so damn edgy,my dad's friend is out of town and i dont know what tickets i got for the justin and christina tour *whines* i wannna knowwww damnnit! :| fecker face bastages!

I miss Patty :( i want her to come home now.and im scared b/c of the whole "war/no war" thing goin on. and she's so far away,i dont want anything bad to happen to her.

Look at me,being the same ol' same ol' fucking paranoid fecker.


2003-03-18 - 3:04 a.m.
whoooooo! i think i got this thing under control.


but yes,I'm not feeling very good today.

My self esteem is at a all time low.

i feel like shit and i fucking hate it.

i'll talk about it later,adios for now.



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