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Recently, out of the blue, I came across a very strange loophole. 

This is, without doubt, the only way I know of making FREE MONEY!

Hold on, I know that's a very hard thing to believe. But I stake my good reputation on this fact:

There is a guaranteed loophole you can exploit right now to easily generate a weekly sum of money from nothing.

My name is Joe Brice-Cohen, Managing Director of and as many have discovered we're not in the habit of making hollow claims.

This is a logical loophole that occurs because of a special kind of business mistake made dozens of times each week. These mistakes allow you to make hundreds of dollars, legally, from nothing. Quite literally, this is a form of investment where you can never, ever lose.

Q: What do you need to profit from this loophole?
A: Knowledge of its existence

Once youíve read the information I am about to direct you to, I promise you'll have the following reactions...

1) You won't believe that this is actually a real way to make a 100% guaranteed profit and you'll read the page again
2) When you learn why and how this loophole occurs, you'll realize it makes perfect, logical sense
3) You'll wish you'd discovered it sooner... because if you had you'd be making money from nothing right now!

I have uncovered many solid investment opportunities, so I found this idea hard to grasp at first. But after putting it to the test many times over, I couldn't argue with the results.

In fact... they're sitting in my bank account right now!

Take a look at the information then think long and hard about it.
I want you to be as critical of this idea as you can be. Is this for real?

Is this really a legitimate way to pluck money out of thin air? Could you be making a fortune from this right now?
I know the answers to these questions, and very soon you will too.

Discover this amazing loophole here:

All the best!
Nicholas amison
(On behalf Of Joe Brice-Cohen)

P.S There is no possible way you can lose any money profiting from this loophole. And your returns are guaranteed. I know it seems far-fetched, but read the information and all will be revealed.

P.P.S: To make your profit calculations even quicker, I'm including an easy-staking chart that will automatically calculate your staking for every single possible arbitrage opportunity. This will be completely FREE OF CHARGE.

©2001 All rights reserved.

See *exactly* how it happened in this rare public confession ...

Including FREE resell rights!!!


Inside the "Embarrassingly Simple Way", you'll discover exactly what I did, step-by-step, nothing is left out.

Just peek over my shoulder and start grabbing your own top positions ... without spending a dime on pay-per-clicks or search engine optimization. It's simple and takes just 10 minutes to complete.

Along with other two bonuses, you receive FREE RESELL RIGHTS if you order before midnight tonight!

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It's worth at least the $299 it costs to get listed in Yahoo! But order now, and this "Embarrassingly Simple Way" is yours for only $9.97

Grab your copy with FREE resell rights by coming to:

All the best!
Nicholas amison

©2001 All rights reserved.

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Finally! A Respectable, Enjoyable and Totally Risk-Free Home-Based Business for Straight-Thinking People Like You!

Address America Is the Proven, Stress-Free Way to Enjoy the Satisfaction of Making $200 or more Per Day - With No Face-to-Face Selling


Are You a Victim?

You see it happening everywhere! 

Layoffs and downsizing in record numbers. Will the economy recover. Sure it will, but what's a person to do in the meantime?

You could answer one of those ads to stuff envelopes or assemble products at home. 

How about making your million dollar fortune in just 30 days!

If you are tired of chain letters, scams and phony promises, you'll love this business!

Discover just how easy it is to with just a little bit of effort to earn $200 or more every day starting within the next 48 hours.

We're talking about a complete Turnkey Business that is 100% foolproof. And you can make more money because you don't have to "reinvent the wheel".

This proven system WORKS every you can start to make money right away. 

Check it out for yourself at:


All the best!
Nicholas amison

$1,000 reward for the first person who can show us a better business. 
Since 1995 we have challenged anyone to show us a business that allows the common person to begin immediately earning so much money, with no personal selling, and with such low start-up capital. This is a real award that will be paid if it can be beaten. We have been running this guarantee since 1995  with no takers.

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