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The open web page as following - B170, B280, B121, CE165, B100, B230,                


                                              This page just for student information only. WARNING: This web site is developed personally by a Student of the Open University of Hong Kong (OUHK).  OUHK in no way endorses or is affiliated with this site.   Please read the copyright information carefully before using any materials and information contained in this site.

                                    e-mail   Update at:2003/04/06 00:18

   About this web page: include some tutor's audio (MP-3) , tutor's notes , and some Past paper.   If any new notes , audio, or past paper please e-mail to me think you .  I will upload at this web to share.                                                                               

B100  (05) Business Communication                         B121  (05) Business computing with internet application          

B170  (10) Quantitative Methods for business                B230  (10) Introduction to economics

                                                                         Note1  Note2   Note3   Note4  Note5  Note6   Note7   Note8 

                                                                         Note9  Note10   Note11   Note12   Note13  Note14        

B280  (05) Introduction to financial management           CE165  (05) Understanding Bank Services

Note1  Note2   Note3   Note4                                                        Note1  Note2   Note3   Note4 

  (10) Introduction to accounting                            (05)Principtles and practices of management  

   (05) Introduction to marketing                               (10) Business Law





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