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- Checkers


- Tic-Tac-Toe

Coming Soon...

- IRC Services


- President

About Soft-Win:

Soft-Win is a new software development company. Our goal is to create WIN32

Applications and some unix applications. Game development is also a product we

deliver, however it is new. Currently were working on small projects, and within a

year we hope to have around 3 major products released.

Who are we:

This actually should be "Who am I:" My name is David Dill and ive been

programing for 3 years mainly in C. Unfortinitely the last 2 years ive been busy

with all sorts of things and havent had time to dedicate to programing. That year

that I did spend a lot of time programing I worked with a guy on IRC and we

changed the X2 Channel services bot to a whole different bot. That was a lot of

work and I learned very, very much working on it. It can currently be seen on the

IRC network Irc.Chat-Net.Org.

Current Projects:

We are currently developing a Checkers game using WIN32 GDI. Currently it has no

releases due to some bug issues. More information can be seen here.

Released Projects:

Right now the only completed project ive released is a Tic-Tac-Toe game. It was

made using WIN32 GDI graphics. Soon I think ill release the source code with the

game. This was the first game ive ever made, the first WIN32 program I ever

made, and its the first thing ive worked on since about 2 years ago. So expect to

see some things that either were'nt necessary, or were'nt efficient. It can be

downloaded here.


  • We plan on developing an IRC Channel Service bot within a year. More on this project is listed in detail here.

  • Games will also be released within a year, however were not sure what type of games these will be, as we are currently learning the development of games.

  • A specific game that will hopefully be started within 5 years is a Police Simulation game. It will have the appearence of Grand Theft Auto III.