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Dear J,

NICH ST, 2/10/03

I'm so bored and bleh I don't even know where to begin. I started doing this sort of thing about a year ago when I was working in London for the CAA so somewhere in that big www there's a diary of my time there. I can't find it though, wish I could. I must have a record of it somewhere. Anyway. I've got Mad World tearing around in my head today. The mood of that song is tapping into me greatly today. I wish I had a purpose of using all the skills that I have. I'm just killing time at the moment, but waiting for what? Marriage and kids? Who's to say that that's going to be the answer or will I just stay like this and hope (bad word) for a new cause. There won't be when your stuck in a marriage having to raise sprogs because that's your lot. Anyway, enough about you, lets talk about me. Its all about the principles isn't it!!! But that's all you've got left to think about when you're imprisoned in a desk with nowt to do. I think its time for some food. xC