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About me!

NaMe: ApRiL
AgE: 16
SeX: Female
LoCaTiOn: Georgia! No where else would do!
LoOkS: Long, light brown hair; brown eyes; skinny--but muscular--lovely legs; about 5'4
HoBbIeS, InTeReStS: God; Soccer=#1 Sport; Computers (laptops); BOYS!!!
FaVoRiTe MoViE: Pretty Woman
ShOuT oUtS: **Kayla Patterson; Andrew Mack; Jeremiah Gilmore; Amberly Wyrick; Brittany Taylor; Tiffany Norris; Jonah Sullivan; Nathan Mack; Courtney Ledford; Ryan Stowe; Audra Jordan; Daniel Babb;
Jacob Hall; Justin Kenedy; Lauren Harris; Sara Cato; Melanie and Melissa Cape; Megan Powell; Will Kelly; Amy Pasko; Jenny Albertin; Coach; Soccer Team**

sorry if i forgot ur name! Tell me and i'll add it!
