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Moon Phase

Welcome to Harmony's Silver Oak.
Obviously this page is still under construction but in the meantime,
we wanted you to have access to the event information for the coming months.
Keep in mind this is just a partial list and information will be added on a regular basis.
Every Thursday from 6 - 7pm we have meditation hour.
Right now we are working on a meditation that draws earth
and celestial energy through the body and centers in the heart chakra.
We are also practicing the Hathor elemental chant....
It is very simple but effective.
As a matter of ettiquette,it would be best to come early but
please do not come in after 6:15 as you may disrupt the flow of energy.
Please feel free to join us!

June 7th: Tarot with Dragon Joan

Dragon Joan will be doing tarot readings at the shop on Saturday afternoon.
Please call to find out time,
schedule an appointment or just stop by.
: During the comming months we will be offering classes
on things like tarot,aura reading, witchcraft, druidism, runes, etc.
Please let us know what you are interested in and times that are best for you.
We look forward to meeting you....

Blessed Be!

The Staff and Family @ Harmony's
112 South Monroe
Spokane, Washington 99201