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By siobhan carroll

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Hello who ever visits this website,
My name is Siobhan Carroll and this is my 'Shrek' English Assignment. I choose to do this assignment in a webpage format because I was BORED with normal Word documents and Powerpoint presentations.


For this assignment we were given a question sheet. The question sheet contained three sections, each with questions with a difficulty to suit the section. The sections were:
*Off The Scale
Each question was worth a diiferent amount of points depending on the difficuly. The lowest point amount being 5 points and the highest amount being 30. we had to enough questions to get a grand total of 30 points. And our total amount of words had to be 600 words. We could do all the questions from the 'Easy section (5 questions) or just one from the 'Off the Scale section. I have chosen to do a mixture of questions from all the sections.

By siobhan carroll

Questions from the OFF THE SCALE section-30 points.
How does society treat difference?
Our society treats difference all different ways, as people don’t just have the one opinion. For example,one of the really big issues rocking today’s world is the illegal immigrants that are constantly trying to get into Australia. Some people say, like the government, that we should send these people back to their countries whereas other people say that we should keep them here. I think the reason that people think that we should send the refugees back to their home country is because of all the terrorism going on in the world. You see a lot of the refugees come from the countries where most of the terrorists have come from; therefore people think that the refugees are like the terrorists. Another common difference in today’s world is homosexuals. Most Australians, Europeans and Americans treat this as an everyday occurrence, but some countries, like India for example are ashamed if their son or daughter is a homo/bisexual. You often hear fathers say, “If my son turns out gay I will kill him”. Though most people treat this as an everyday thing, but then there are also a lot of people who are absolutely outraged by this sort of thing. That is why I couldn’t give a very clear answer to the question, because everybody is different and everybody has different views.

227 words.

By siobhan carroll

The film challenges stereotypes associated with traditional fairytales. Choose three characters and show how their appearance/behavior/speech is not typical of the role we would normally associate with that character.
I think the most obvious character that fits the above criteria is Lord Farquaad. Lord Farquaad, unlike the usual villain, is very short and therefore not as scary as a normal villain. An example of a ‘scary’ villain would be The Queen off "Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs". Lord Farquaad’s speech is also different to a normal villain’s speech. Lord Farquaad’s speech is more ‘Stuck Up’ than scary. Again I use the example of the Queen from the Seven Dwarfs as a ‘Scary’ person.
Princess Fiona is also another example of a character that is not stereotypical. Usually a princess would not fight, burp etc. but princess Fiona does. Also, Princess Fiona falls in love with Shrek ‘The ugly Ogre’, even though she is an ogre too, she was still brought up expecting to marry a price or a king. Also, even though many people don’t know it, she is an ogre and is not scary like many people think.
Another example of a character that challenges its stereotype is Shrek himself. Shrek is a kind and caring ogre although many people do not realise this. People are used to ogres being scary and ugly…. yes Shrek is scary and ugly on the outside but on the inside he isn’t. Although Shrek isn’t scary, as such, he will still scare people by simply saying "BOO"! The only reason people are scared of Shrek is because they think he is scary.

273 words

By siobhan carroll

Questions from the EASY section-10 points.

What is a parody? List all the fairytales charcters you see in the movie Shrek.
A parody of fairytales is a group of already written fairytales grouped into the one story. An example of a parody is the movie Not another teen movie this has imitations of scenes from other movies put into the one movie to make the one story.
Here are some of the fairytales/characters I saw in the movie Shrek:
#"The Gingerbread Man"- I saw the gingerbread man in the scene where Lord Farquaad threatened to cut of the gingerbread man’s legs.
#"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs": I saw Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in the scene where the fairytale characters invaded Shrek’s swamp.
#"Robin Hood and his Merry Men": This was in the scene where Shrek, Princess Fiona and Donkey were walking through the forest and Robin Hood and his Merry Men tried to steal the princess.

141 words

By siobhan carroll

Why do you think the movie Shrek has a 'PG' rating
I think that Shrek has 'PG' rating because some parents may not approve of the content of the movie. Some things they may not approve of might be some of the 'crude' jokes, and also some younger children may find scenes like the one where Shrek rescues Princess Fiona from the dragon scary. Also a lot of the fighting scenes may encourage children to fight even though it is low-level violence. Even some of the minor things like Shrek being selfish about keeping his swamp to himself may encourage young children to be selfish. Although I think this is a great funny movie for kids and adults alike it is parents decision to what their children are exposed to.

130 words