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Site information

Using CSS

This page is basically the template of a good page that uses correct CSS and a Style switcher. This is my first try at this, but I'm not bad. Btw, this page's CSS validates.

Strict XHTML

In this site, I also have correct XHTML that validates. (validating links can be found at the bottom of the page.)

New styles

I'm going to try having at least 1 more style to choose from. Right now, I have 4 choices. No style (for printing?), the default style, Bleuwy, uglyOne and linear. I don't know what my other style will look like, but I'll try to make it nice.


I don't know if I sould add javascripts to this page. I try figuring out if it's "compatible" with everything I want it to be (all browsers). Of course, having javascript will never be "necessary" for this page. But some cool features would be nice.

That's it!

That's pretty much all there is. I know about XHTML, CSS and javascript. And that's what there will be on this page! It's basically just a model for the "perfect" validating page. So if I ever need to make a real website, I'll know where to start from.


I am happy to be able to put the following images on my web page, because it validates as XHTML 1.0 Strict and as CSS.

Valid XHTML 1.0!   Valid CSS 3!