The S.E.A.Ls

S.E.A.L Team 7 has 6 members who are regularly deployed as part of a FireTeam. These men, and hopefully in the near future, women are what makes S.E.A.L Team 7 what it is today, and are the backbone of our operation. Each and every member of our TEAM is valued, both as a friend, and as a fighter.

These Members Include:

Team Leader [ST-7] Mo|dY v4g|n4L Ch33z3
Staff Sergeant [ST-7]Lonewolf
Sergeant [ST-7]Sir p0ta|0t
Lance Corporal [ST-7]Koopsta
Private First Class[ST-7]Griftor.
Private [ST-7]Headshot

I've decided to go with Marine Corps rankings as i am more familiar with them. Our ranking system is based solely upon seniority, actions for the benefit of the team, and the grunts who have put in the most combat time.
Those of you who currently have little, or no rank, be patient as promotions will come

For heroic acts such as saving a Team-Mate, or acts above & beyond the mantatory Services - medals, and citations will Be conferred and awarded Regardless Of Rank.

We appreciate each, and every member of our team & respect them as equals regardless of rank and/or time allocated. Without them we do not function, without us, they do not function, as we are a team. Below you will find information about our members, as well as photos of everyone that makes up our team.

Without further adue, meet the men who make up S.E.A.L Team 7

Team Leader [ST-7]Mo|dy v4g|n4L Ch33z3

Sergeant [ST-7]Sir p0tA|0t

Lance Corporal [ST-7]Koopsta

Private First Class [ST-7]Griftor

[ST-7]Lonewolf, and [ST-7]Headshot will have thier pages up as soon as i am able to get photos, and bios.

This page is under heavy construction, and will resume expediently once I have obtained photos of everyone In Our Clan.

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