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Striding Studio
Photoshop Tutorials

3D Text

1. Start a new image, any size, white background. Select Text Tool (T). Click on canvas. A new window pops up. Enter your text, size, font, and color. Hit OK. You will need to render the text layer to a regular one (Layer>Type>Render Layer).

2. With the rendered text layer selected, duplicate the layer (Layer>Duplicate). Select the move tool (V) and nudge the duplicated layer 1 pixel down and 1 pixel right. To nudge, just hit the down arrow key once and right arrow key once. You will need to repeat the process 6 more times, but make sure you always duplicate the top most layer every time you duplicate and always nudge it 1 pixel down and 1 pixel rite. You should end up with something like this below.

3. You should now have about 8 layers, excluding the background. On the top most layer, select that layer and click on the preserve transparency check box above it. Next, select a new foreground color. Use a lighter color and fill the top most layer with that color (Hold ALT + Backspace). Your layers palette should resemble the example below.

4. Hide the background layer by clicking on the eye and merge all visible to compress it all back to one layer (Layer>Merge Visible). You're done!