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Stephen's Website


Hey well welcome to my very first Website.  For warning it's probably going to suck because I have no clue as to what I am doing. O well enjoy.


Hey well if your looking at this you probably know all this.  I am fourteen years old and in the ninth grade at St. Petersburg High School.  Most people know me as a "Seminole Kid" though which probably is true considering I am the stereotypical Seminole Prep.


- -My Friends- -

^ My Good Friends- Back row from left to right- Me, Ashley, Alex, Andrew, Chris.  Middle Row -Paul Olivia, Jessica, Lauren.  In front- Hannah and Chelsea.

Some random photos...

^BEST TEACHER IN THE WORLD with her favorite students!^


OTHER BEST TEACHER with also her favorite students.

^Chelsea with Me-----------------Chelsea with Drew^



^ME n Lauren

Inside joke..for Ashley Michelle and Paul...

^Me n Lauren

A lil bit of Humor..

Seminole Guys

Matt goes to matt for the picture.

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This is the end. I'll slowly add more.

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