The Voice of The People



An Independent Newspaper……In Your Area

"THEY" are everyw"HERE!"


 Here is the news.  The following is not a work of fiction.  It is not a psychological conspiracy thriller.  It is the local news from Rugby, as reported by our roving underground reporter.  Be warned.  This story carries a mental health warning.  Sit back, relax, read and share his thoughts. 

This piece is called “The Stone-faced Pyramid Men From Mars”.  It will most probably be subtitled “2004”. 

So here I am again, paranoid pioneer.  I’ve just got back to the crash site and someone has already been here.  The radio has been de-tuned to the extreme.  Maybe it was my friend, and this is a greeting signal.  Then again, maybe it was them, and this is either a warning signal or a derisory two-fingers.  The monitor flickers as though this computer is being scanned.  Good job I’m not on the net is my first thought and the flicker meant nothing.  Then again, they’ve got those things that can scan your computer from space let alone the ones in the room opposite.  They killed The Princess and now they know I know it.  I’m important enough to interest them.  I know too much.  It’s all a simple matter of whether or not they think it prudent to kill me.  I’m a sitting duck.  A mad March Hare caught in the light of a tractor beam.  I’m Winston Smith waiting for the bullet…or the accident in “The Tunnel”.  Of course, it would be Mill Road Tunnel in my case, or so I feared not an hour ago.  They are not oblivious to me, although they pretend not to be interested.  It was their “interests” which started this war and they sure are looking after them now.  I’m up to my neck in their trap and I can’t get out.  All I can do is go down shouting.  When you get involved with them, when you know they exist, when you realise they are here, your life is no longer your own. 

I just cannot believe what has happened to me in the last three years.  The world has changed.  It has completely changed.  Maybe my perception and my perspective have altered also, but the world has definitely changed.  Things happen in people’s lives that leave scars.  I am deeply wounded that the world I grew up to love has changed.  Things have turned on their heads.  I am living in a virtual movie, the all-time biggest box office hit conspiracy theory film ever.  Maybe.  Sort of along the lines of The Blair Witch Project inasmuch as the plot sort of works out as I’m writing it.  The only thing is, the things that have happened to me have really happened, and if the film ever gets made, the whole world will know that the things that are happening to me now are really happening.  I cannot get out.  You cannot get out.  The world cannot get out. 

“Why is it that evidence that they killed The Princess suddenly fell into my hands?” someone asked earlier.  “Didn’t I consider it to be even slightly odd?” 

Damn right!  You’ve got more chance of winning the lottery than being me.  I didn’t ask for all this.  I just fell into a film that I didn’t ask to see, and now the movies all seem to blend into reality.  Sometimes you can’t tell fact from fiction.  It does happen like in the movies, believe me.  Do you know that you are also in the same film as me whether you like it or not?  This is the book that the film shall be made from.  You are now on the same ride as me, buddy, like it or not. 

The following…screen flicker…”extreme” perspective of reality could severely change your life.  Take this as a mental health warning.  I wish that some things had not been made apparent to me, however, now that they have been, I feel it necessary to broadcast them to the entire world.  It is a protection mechanism.  I need as much protection as I can manufacture.  The body-snatchers are taking me to kangaroo court.  They control the court system from the top to the bottom.  They even decide who gets prosecuted and who doesn’t.  They have infiltrated every level of government and I see no other hope for the people other than exposing the entire evil brood.  If you do not want to place your perspective at risk, you should not read on.  It could drive you insane.  In fact, according to The Oxford English Dictionary’s definition of the word “sanity”, and because of the extreme nature of the view to which you would willingly be placing yourself as subject to experience, should you choose to read on, and by your failure to avoid this exposure, you would also, by your actions, and by your choice, join me on the “insane” list.  You have your belief system and you have the right to keep it.  I beg you, if you have seen Invasion of The Body Snatchers, do not read on.  Your world will also change overnight.  Ignorance was bliss.  They are here. 

They have been here all along.  They have been building.  They have been walking among us unseen, taking over control of peoples minds, bodies and spirits, and infiltrating our governments for millennia.  They have built a system that exists superimposed upon our own system.  It exists like a parasite, sucking the people dry of their blood and sweat like a leech upon mankind.  It seeks to assimilate all powers unto itself.  It exists unseen and largely unquestioned, in fact, it seems as though they have such a sophisticated conditioning mechanism that people certainly avoid even discussing them.  If one persists in questioning, one is branded as an outsider.  The brandmark cannot be seen.  It is not that sort of mark.  It is a mark on a board in their boardroom. They control your life.  They controlled history and they control the world.  They control your mind.  This is why it is the way it is. 

They are the reason. 

They are the answer to all the whys. 

A noise outside and I’m off again.  Sweating.  Fearful that I might not get a chance to finish my book.  I have a right to live free of fear.  That’s what I was told.  So what?  Speak to the hand ‘cos the rights ain’t happening.  I’m not afraid they’ll kill me.  I know they will, and if you talk about it they will kill you too.  What I’m afraid of is that we are all going to walk into the incinerators with our eyes closed, when there was a chance to avoid it.  The rise of Nazism which led to The World War Two Holocaust and the destruction of The Jews was just practice.  A demonstration. 

They are an organisation of evil.  They are terrorists.  They are terrorising me by their existence.  The organisation thrives by corrupting and perverting the people it sucks in at the bottom.  Evil is rewarded by promotion to higher levels.  Good remains at the bottom and is used as a gangster uses a front, to disguise the real “operation”.  You and me, we only get to see a vague picture of the bottom end of the structure of this parasite.  They are all cells in the organism of The Parasite that corrupts our system.  And the reason for their existence?  Ask them.  I know what they do and what they are capable of.  I do not care to know why.  Curiosity killed Humanity. 

I’ve got four more nights here and then I’ve got to move on.  That’s the way it is.  England, 2004. 

Radio Five Live.  Turn it off.  They control the media.  They control your mood.  They control your mind.  They control your thoughts.  Rise against them.  They are everywhere.  They are all around you.  They live in your town.  They live next door.    They are the authority.  They have taken over.  There is nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.  They control British Intelligence.  They control The Police Force.  They control The Armed Forces.  They control Central Government.  They control Local Government.  They control World Politics.  They control the wars.  They control The Universities.  They control Judicial Systems.  They control Prisons.  They control World Trade.  They control The World Bank.  They control The United States of America.  They control The United Kingdom.  They control Israel.  They want to control The World.  They have “people” inside all organisations.  They know where you live.  They know what you eat.  They control your mind.  They decide.  They walk past you every day and you can not know them.  They look like Human Beings because they used to be Human.  That is, before they took them over.  Their outward appearance is the same but inside they are changed.  It starts with a carrot and then out comes the whip.  They are the fist in the glove.  They are the fingers in all the pies and they fear the hand that feeds them.  That’s how it works.  Fear.  Domination.  The hand dominates.  The hand of evil. 

They are Unholy.  They are living dead.  They walk the earth.  They are among us.  They start off human and then they get corrupted and assimilated by the ancient, evil, alien, parasitic symbiote.  They use our time and our lives to further their end.  Our energy, our resources, our planet, all to serve them.  They have brainwashed the masses.  To utter a word about them meets with instant derision and scorn, even amongst closest friends.  There must be no question.  There must be no complaint.  Just keep quiet and do what “they” tell you, right?  Well, am I right?  Do you question why things are the way “they” are?  Do you question who benefits?  Or do you do what “they” tell you?  We all know “they” exist.  Do you question who “they” are? 

Is it right to do what “they” tell you?  Or is it right to rise against them with all your energy?  Is it better to get a 9-5 or to try to save the world?  I believe it depends on what you believe you are best cut out for.  Only you can make that choice.  It is yours to make.  If you can’t join them, beat them.  How you do it is up to you.  Me, I’ll go down screaming blue murder.  Forget me not blue.  Better a sentient revolutionary than a blind slave to an evil alien regime.  I think it’s the more prudent, the more sensible option.  I am The Last Revolutionary.  I rise against them and all they stand for.  I unite the oppressed peoples, tribes and Nations against the greater evil that looms over mankind.   

It is said that the average person spends twenty per-cent of their energy thinking.  That explains why I’m always exhausted.  It never used to be like that.  I used to just get on with it like everyone else, whatever that means to you.  Then “they” exposed themselves to me, and the world changed.  Suddenly it all made a unique sense.  When one thing really clicks in your mind, it can set off a chain reaction.  When that reaction settles down and you start to come to a perspective, strange things happen.  Strange things happened to me! 

I mean, I’m just a regular Joe.  Not as regular as Joe, granted, but pretty regular.  I see things and I hear things.  Sometimes I can even put two and two together.  This is an uncanny ability, one that seems to be lacking in most people.  “They” control the education establishments.  “They” do not want you to put two and two together.  Homework, the art of misdirection.  As soon as you’re born, they make you feel small, by giving you no time instead of it all, ‘til the pain is so big, you feel nothing at all.  John Lennon said that.  I’m completely numb.  I just can’t believe that what is happening, really is happening.  I'm just writing the film script from my perspective.  This film is based on real events in real time.  All names are accurate and any similarity to persons, living or dead, is entirely intentional.  That’s the way it is, see?  This movie is changing the world even as I tap the keys.  I’m not going to take it any more.  No retreat, no surrender.  This is what’s happening and you better get used to it. 

This is 2004.  Twenty years after 1984.  The party no longer exists.  It was a front for a far more secret organisation, one which sought total compliance and world domination.  It was this organisation that lay behind the party and had lain behind world history.  The memory holes are more sophisticated nowadays.  Things get lost.  And forgotten.  People are ignorant, assuming, cold, hard, cruel.  It’s an impossible task, taking on evil, saving the world, especially when you are the only one who knows what’s going on.  Perhaps that’s unfair.  I’m sure there are many who know what’s going on.  Perhaps I’m the first to succeed in telling it.  But you still haven’t told us, I hear you think, and you are right. 

I have spent many years trying to write a formal appraisal of reality, a work that I hope to return to.  If there is a future.  I have called my work “The Book of Truth”.  It is set out in four parts, part one being my testament to the truth regarding the state of mind and scientific method, part two being my testament to the truth regarding reality and the origin of the material cosmos, part three being my testament to the truth regarding the origin of mortal organic life, and part four being my testament to the truth regarding the existence of god and my comments regarding Human Ethics, politics, economics, philosophy, religion, history and the suchlike.  Perhaps it’s not as popular as a film script but I needed to formalise things for myself, if for no other reason.  It now looks as though this is the one book that I get to tell it how it really is.  I’m on a timeline and it’s four days to deadline.  Perhaps I’ll still have limited access to the computer but I have learned I can’t rely on it.  I may not go to sleep.  Going out is irrelevant.  It gives them more chance to know I’m caught in their game.  Timing is everything and now I’m playing my own game. 

I’m so far out of touch with what is supposed to be reality, that reality games don’t matter anymore.  I’m in court in eight days and that’s the real deadline.  That’s when this thing goes global, on the net.  That's when they will get seriously worried.  Good.  It is entirely their responsibility and it is by their actions that were so disreputable, that they were exposed to me.  Of course, in eight days time my paranoia levels are going to go through the roof because this is going to blow them wide open.  People are going to see things happen.  By the time this goes live, I will have got my application in to The European Courts and even though they control the courts, the entire world will be talking about it.  It is only a matter of time.  It is inevitable. 

Security comes with publicity, whereas secrecy is a weakness.  Forget me not blue murder.  Kill me if you dare.  That’s what I say to them.  By the existence of my writing I cannot be assimilated.  Martyr me for The People. 

They may put me in one of Her Majesty’s Extermination Camps where life is cheap and murder easily disguised.  A fifteen per-cent increase in prison deaths in one year is not a demographic increase.  There is a reason.  Who are these people who have died in custody?  Are they my brothers in arms?  Those who could not refrain from dissidence?  Those who felt as though they had to shout out?  Those whose friends no longer wanted to know?  Those who had been made homeless and discriminated against?  Those who were desperate enough to question their rights?  Those who were confused and disoriented because of them and their evil?  Those tormented and driven mad by their hidden and oh so powerful oppressor?  Those who shouted out or those who turned to drugs?  Prison causes addiction to heroin.  Yes, it does.   

They control prisons and they control government.  They also control large-scale importation of heroin.  My old cell-mate, Rob, told me how it is.  He’d been in and out all his life, and he’d seen how it is and how it used to be.  Ten years ago, people smoked dope in prison.  It kept the prison quiet.  Just how they like it.  But there isn’t as much money in dope as there is in smack.  And smack keeps the prisons quieter.  Just how they like it.  So the ones in control of The Government who stood to gain from the smack problem in our society brought in new legislation.  Mandatory random drug tests for prisoners.  Dope stays in your system for twenty-eight days.  Heroin only stays in your system for three.  Prisoners were given a week or so notice of a test.  You don’t have to be a genius to work out what happened.  Dopers became smackheads overnight.  Rob says four out of five prisoners are addicted to heroin.  Prisoners leave prison and society has the problem we see today.  It all happened because of them.  They are laughing.  And they blame it all on the underbelly of society, the scumbags who ought to be put in a field and shot.  Well, hang on a minute, that’s me they are talking about.  And Rob, and Spotter, and Rattler, and Bestie, and all their families, and anyone who knows them, and, so Spotter told me, coincidentally about four out of five people in his area of Birmingham.  This is the art of misdirection.  Spotter isn’t responsible for the heroin problem.  But he’s paid for it.  With his life.  Thanks, Your Majesty.  Well done.  Oh yeah, I forgot.  They control The Throne of England.  Yes, they do.  Otherwise how would they get away with it?  I mean, it’s quite simple.  If they really wanted to eradicate the heroin problem in society they would start with the prisons.  They would start by carrying out effective searches on every person entering prison, prisoners, visitors, guards, governors, politicians, everybody.  I have been in prison three times in the last few months because that is where they wanted me to be.  Not once did I have a guard’s finger up my bum.  I was incredibly disappointed.  In the system, I mean.  They want a drugs problem in society and they want the drugs in prison.  They want to sell the drugs to those who take it in to prison.  They want to control your lives and blame you for it being necessary.  Drugs are not the only trap. 

The trap that I fell into was set off by the wrongdoing of a council department.  I complained.  Big mistake.  I thought I had Rights.  I was wrong.  It is convenient to them for you to think you have Rights.  It keeps you subdued.  If they contravene your Rights, and you object, they have an efficient mechanism for keeping you quiet, discredited, and misdirected.  That’s when your life changes and so does the world.  Suddenly you are on the other side, the side who gets what they deserve, or so they would have you believe.  I know.  I’ve been in the throng of a passionate football crowd.  Although I can’t go anymore, I hope I’m right when I feel there’s a little less hatred and a little more professional attitude in the stands nowadays.  Mutual respect.  I would love it! 

Somehow, even though they can infiltrate these movements, they do not seem to be able to fully control the arts, music, literature, sport and the suchlike.  The last hope for the world lies with the artists and the musicians and the writers and the sportsmen.  We must be the army that stands on The Field of Armageddon.  We are the army.  They must be exposed within our own ranks and subdued by shame.  We all share one very fundamental thing.  We have Native Spirit.  They cannot win.  They are everywhere.  We are everywhere.  I am alone.  You are all alone.  We are many.  They are many.  They ride on a single horse.  I also ride on a single horse.  Their brood cannot stand in the face of this charge.  In writing, I charge.  I am riding a white horse and I have a bow.  I am calling one word.  Geronimo. 

Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee. 

The world is moving fast.  Things are changing.  They are making things change.  You do not have to be a genius to see that there is a better way.  There can be no worse way.  Driver, where you taking us?  Who is the driver? 

In my town, there is a Cement Works.  It is owned by Ready-Mix Concrete, an international conglomerate of companies who according to their own web-site, have supplied the concrete for virtually every high-rise building in Israel.  And the occasional wall, no doubt?  They control RMC.  They control our government.  They control Israel.  They control my town.  My town is important.  I am important.  They cannot control me any more.  My voice will be heard.  They will shudder and fall.  They cannot stand.  Unless they kill me and there is no other.  They are everywhere.  They heard me talking on the phone earlier.  I knew I shouldn’t have gone out.  The fear factor is too great.  I cannot handle it.  I feel such a fool but I have jolly good reason to be afraid.  They are after me. 

They started it.  I just turned and ran.  I had no other choice.  George wouldn’t agree, of course, but she’s not in my head.  I’m still running.  There is no other choice.  They really are after me.  They are suppressing me and ridiculing me in public by their evil machinations.  They are de-Humanising me.  When I get shot, I’ll have deserved it.  Wrong.  I did not start it. 

Did the boys on the beaches or in the trenches deserve to get killed? 

Who started it?  “They” did. 

The Jews did not kill The Christ.  “They” did.  And they probably killed JFK too.  “They” killed The Princess.  “They” took away the heart of our nation.  It is said that they have taken away the head of another nation.  “They” have been here all along.  It is all their doing. 

Who are “they”? 

“They” are the ones who want you to believe that mankind landed on the moon. 

“They” are the ones who want you to believe that the universe is expanding. 

“They” are the ones who want you to believe that god does not exist. 

“They” are the ones who want you to believe that there are questions that cannot be answered. 

“They” are the ones who control you.  “They” taught you that logic sometimes fails.  History shows that Native Spirit can be subdued.  There are times when it calls out in a great cry.  In this film, logic never fails and life cannot be controlled, only subdued or destroyed by murder.  They will try to murder me because they believe they have too much to lose.  I belong to The Charter Road Whistle Blowers and now I’m blowing the whistle.  Game on.  How far can I get? 

It is open for discussion whether or not there is an ancient alien influence to this movie.  In a way there is.  It depends which eyes you are wearing when you look at it.  I guess everything does.  Do you remember that program where the man had a special kind of sunglasses that enabled him to see the aliens when he was wearing them?  It’s a lot like that.  There are definitely forces involved here that are not of this earth.  Yes, I can prove it.  I can prove everything.  First, I have to tell you who “they” are.  It’s what I’ve been building up to.  I am going to tell you the truth as I see it.  I am going to show it to you through my eyes.  I’m going to tell you what I have seen and what is happening in both my life and the world at large.  It is all connected and it all means something.  Sometimes, I realise that I am starting to “rant” and starting to become disconnected.  It all means something. 

This is your last chance to opt out.  This is the last fuel stop before you join the freeway of my life.  Get off the bus and find a warm dry corner to die in.  It’s gotta be a better ride than what they’ve got planned. 

This is where your reality becomes my film.  This is where your head follows mine.  Imagine a conspiracy theory film in which the major player is a secret sect.  It is a religious sect.  It is a sect which follows satanic principles.  This sect regularly brainwashes its members.  This sect is over six thousand years old.  In this film, god does exist, as does satan, and it ends up with this sect nearly controlling the entire world and nearly bringing on the horrors spoken of in the last book in The Bible.  It all falls down to one man, David, (that’s me), to prevent it all happening by cutting the times short, as god told us would happen in the same book.  In reality, Sean Connery would no doubt appear in a monk’s robe bearing all sorts of arcane knowledge in order to help on my quest, however this is a film that is stranger than fiction.  This is my film of your reality.  This sect really does exist.  You know them, as do I.  They have meeting places in every town.  No-one questions their existence.  No-one knows what happens when they meet.  No-one knows who they are.  Yet we all know one.  We are not taught about them in school.  They meet in secret as they have done for seven hundred years.  They are a throwback sect which has existed throughout our history.  They have always been there.  They had meeting places in every town in mediaeval times.  No-one notices.  No-one questions.  Few ever have survived an encounter long enough to have a voice. 

This sect has existed in one form or another, being known by one name or another, since it’s beginnings in the mists of time of Ancient Egypt.  There are many myths about this sect, most of them put about by the sect to hide it’s real reason for existing.  The real reason is world domination and the glorification of satanic principles by causing pain, suffering, injustice and many other torments to Human Beings.  This sect wants to control you and use you.  If you show certain characteristics or hold a certain position, this sect may seek to assimilate you.  This sect controls the media.  This is why we do not know of them.  This is why we do not notice them.   This is why we do not question them.  This is why they still exist.  If they can’t control you and if they can’t assimilate you, and if you go against them, you get killed.  Heart attack, accident, suicide, AIDS, any number of ways.  They will kill you. 

Are you worried?  I mean, seriously worried?  Could such a sect really exist?  Does it, and you’ve just never noticed or really thought about it? The Sect of Satanic Body-snatchers?  Could they be the reason for all mankind’s suffering throughout the ages.  Is there an alien force which thrives on causing suffering to men.  Does this force give the sect both power and instruction.  Could the entire world be in the hands of a few men who worship the devil himself?  Is this really why things are the way they are, because it all really is a challenge to god’s authority and the devil has been building his armies throughout time, ready for the mother of all battles?  See now, this is where people tend to lose touch with reality and have to pretend that they are not seeing what they are seeing.  This sort of thing happens in the movies all the time.  Arnie usually makes an appearance.  Just because it happens in the movies, it doesn’t mean to say it’s not real.  But to accept that this sort of thing is happening, one would have to believe that god exists and has authority and it all happens just like it says in The Bible.  Get used to it. 

So who are they?  Why am I not just coming out with it?  I guess I’m setting the scene.  I guess I’m trying to get across just how dark, evil, secret, and nasty this sect is.  This sect controls mankind. 

We live in a world of terror.  We live in a world at war with itself.  We live in a world headed toward destruction.  We live in a world of terror.  Who are the terrorists?  They are the ones who are causing you to live in a world of terror.  It is them.  This sect can manoeuvre all sorts of world powers to do many things.  They remain behind the scenes, unseen, profiting from many losses.  For the sake of the carrot, they would lead the world as we know it to destruction.  They feel safe.  They are safe no longer.  For centuries they have not been judged.  Their day of judgement is here.  Why do I know these things?  Why indeed!  Strange days. 

Everything that you see is a deliberate misdirection.  Except for the things that get hushed up pretty damn quick.  That’s the general rule of thumb.  That’s how it goes.  Think about it.  There are certain things we don’t hear about again.  Darned if I can remember what they are.  That’s what they rely on.  It is one of their tools.  They will do anything to hide the truth.  It is their way.  They seek to deceive.  They know what they do.  They know it is wrong.  They do evil.  They enjoy doing evil.  It is easier for them to do evil and enjoy doing so if you do not know they are doing it.  They have meeting places in every town.  They had meeting places in every market town six hundred years ago.  This is the sect of all evil.  Lucifer’s boys.  The devil’s henchmen.  The harbingers of doom.  The epitome of evil through the ages.  They have never been held responsible for anything.  They have always existed unchallenged.  We see them every day.  We do not know who they are yet we all know of one.  Who are they?  It’s a bit of a riddle. 

Last time you walked past their meeting place, I wonder if you realised that behind it’s doors, the building is fitted out as a temple.  I wonder if you knew the satanic ceremonies that have gone on behind those doors.  I wonder if you read the nameplate correctly.  Gentleman’s Club. 

Most people see this.  Some see the words Christian Society.  Some see Charitable Organisation.  I know who they are because I have read the brass plaque.  I know who they used to be because I have done my research.  And I know who they would be, because I believe the devil does exist.  For now. 

The brass plaque on The Head Office of this devilish, ancient, world domination seeking sect is equally as cryptic.  It merely bears words to the effect of Grand Secretary, Ring Once.  They have had sufficient introduction.  The brass plaque on the doors of the temple in my town reads thus. 

Masonic Buildings. 

They are The Freemasons. 

Did you know that throughout most of the nineteenth century, the second party in American politics was called The Anti-mason Party?  There is a reason for this.  Did you know that Washington D.C. bears the seal of satan.  Did you know that there is an inverted pentagram, designed into the street plan of the city?  Did you know that The White House is located at the bottom point, the so-called point of power as used in satanic witchcraft?  This is now my film and in my film these things are reality.  I dare you.  Search on the internet.  Try Google and search “Washington Pentagram”.  Now who is living in the film?  Paranoid?  You should be. 

The Freemasons control everything.  The designer of Washington was a freemason.  He designed it in 1791.  Did you notice the dividers and t-square, the symbols of freemasonry?  Hang-on.  Why didn’t you know this before?  There is a reason for this.  The settlement and establishment of the United States of America was an experiment in freemasonic principles by the European masons.  The USA is what England would be if freemasons dared go the whole hog.  Look at the facts.  America has always seemed to be ten years ahead of us.  The USA is The UK unleashed.  No Magna Carta.  A fresh constitution.  No history.  No ties.  A chance to put into practice, a masonic system right from the start.  Look at the dollar bill.  There is a pyramid with an eye above it.  The words on the seal are Novus Ordo Seclorum.  This, translated, reads, New World Order.  The pyramid and the eye are freemason symbols which relate to concepts of power as used in ancient Egyptian magic.  The motto for Yale University is also Novus Ordo Seclorum.  There is a reason for this.  Search on the internet for “Skull and bones Yale”.  There is a secret society based on freemasonry called The Society of The Skull and Bones.  This society admits only fifteen people per year and they are selected or more accurately put, plucked from the graduates of Yale University.  These people inevitably go on to be the most powerful people in The USA.  Why have we never heard of this?  Why is it not taught in schools?  There is a reason for this.  Freemasons are witches and satanists. 

Albert Pike, a high level freemason started up the KKK in 1832.  It is no coincidence that it was about this time that the destruction of The Nations of America began.  White man, he speak with forked tongue.  Ain’t that the truth!  Whip the slaves during the day and if they complain, dress up in a white pointy hat and burn them out at night.  That’s right.  That’s what happened.  When the KKK disbanded, the NRA started up on the same day.  Charlton Heston said “You can take this gun from my cold, dead hand.” 

Bonesman, your terms are acceptable.  You weren’t any good playing god anyhow. 

The monument near The White House stands five hundred and sixty-six feet high.  It is embedded one hundred feet into the ground.  That makes six hundred and sixty-six.  666.  Enough said.  The temple buildings lie a mile north of The White House.  There are churches and mosques in every town.  How come no-one noticed the Masonic Temples, the meeting places of witches, the synagogues of satan?  If I were Osama Bin Laden, I’d be targetting the freemasons.  They were the crusaders and they are among the Jews.  They are The Great Satan .  The Jews are not to blame.  Nor is Islam.  Nor are the followers of Christ.  The freemasons are to blame.  They have infiltrated everywhere.  I reckon that it is so obvious to the discerning mind, that Osama must still be in the pay of the CIA, otherwise he’d target them like I said.  At least it would give Al Queda some moral high ground.  Let’s face it, they need some.  Freemasons are the true terrorists.  Democracy, white supremacy, capitalism, the good old American Way.  The sons of Geronimo would no doubt have comment.  Osama Bin Laden is the ultimate misdirection.  Who pays the piper? 

Google search “Geronimo skull”. 

Are you scared now?  Are you asking questions?  Is this a conspiracy theory work of fiction or is it reality?  How does it affect you?  The United Grand Lodge of England claims to have 300 000 members.  You can be assured that those are the expendable ones.  The membership of this sect is much higher.  As far as I can make out, there is more likely to be a million in this country and five times that across The Atlantic.  The figures in other countries is harder to ascertain, especially among the Jewish community.  Even if we go by their own admission, there are 300 000 freemasons in England.  The population is 60 000 000.  Half of these are women.  Until recently, women were not allowed to join.  This explains why we have lived in a male dominated world.  Freemasons are to blame.  Even though there are now lodges for suffragettes, for the purpose of rough estimation, the female membership can be discounted.  There are 30 000 000 males in England.  One third of these are too young to be a member of The Lodge.  There are 20 000 000 eligible males in England.  Therefore, one in sixty adult males in England is a freemason.  If the higher estimate of the membership is correct, this figure could be as low as one in twenty. 

It is certain that the literature I read is now a couple of years out of date and the membership is certain to be higher now.  Let’s pick a number somewhere in between and say that it is probable that one in every thirty-three adult males in England is a freemason.  Thirty-three to one.  My dad always said it was a good each-way bet.  What did he know?  It is commonly said that five per cent of the population own ninety-five per cent of the wealth.  Perhaps it is one in twenty.  The point is.  I do not know.  And nor do you.  Unless you are one of them. 

How could it be that one in thirty odd adult males in England belong to a satanic sect of witches bent on world domination and the vast majority of us do not know?  There is a good reason for this.  The plaque on the door reads Gentlemen’s Club, doesn’t it?  It works like the little shop in Stephen King’s “Needful Things”.  It traps nice little Human Beings.  It is evil.  It is the work of the devil.  This Gentlemen’s Club, it is the man at the council, it is the policeman, it is the soldier, it is the judge, it is the magistrate, it is the MP, it is the telephone engineer, it is the doctor, it is the consultant psychiatrist, it is the man at the benefits agency, it is the local government ombudsman, it is the newspaper editor and it is the journalist, it is the solicitor and it is the lawyer, it is the banker, it is the postman, it is the man in the intelligence service, it is the vicar and it is the priest, it is the shopkeeper and the owners of business interests, it is the council sub-contractor and it is their supplier, it is the chairman and it is the shop steward.  They need it to be that way.  So that’s the way it is.  They designed the system because they knew that’s how it would be.  Infiltration and system development.  Symbiotic parasite.  Ancient worm of evil. 

One in twenty.  That’s who they are.  But not all freemasons are evil.  This is true.  However, they all start off as Human and all Humans are corruptible.  They also all have one thing in common.  They are all prepared to join a Club where it is known that the members get more than anyone else.  Perhaps they just want a cheap car.  When the time is right, they are asked to join.  They join and they get the perks.  It is only recently that I understood what the perks were.  Regular Joe me.  Eyes wide shut. 

There is us, and there is them. Their name for us is “the profane”.  We are all just ordinary men.  They are all pawns in satan’s game.  Some of them wish they’d never joined.  Some of them have not yet completely sold their souls to the devil.  Some of them do not realise what their club is the front for.  Not all freemasons are willing and practising satanists, I’m not saying that, but those at the bottom support those at the top.  Freemasonry is a pyramidical system of power based on fear.  This pyramidical structure has thirty-three basic levels, although it is far more complex and sophisticated than that.  It is a self contained intelligence and communication structure.  The lowest three levels of freemasonry are these.  The first is Apprentice Mason.  When you have shown the necessary aptitude you are raised to the second level of Fellow Mason.  When you are respected as an elder of the lodge you are raised to the third level of Master Mason.  These first three levels together form what is called The Blue Lodge.  Freemasonry only publicly acknowledges the existence of these three levels.  It has to.  It has to have a front.  They do exist.  They need a disguise and a cover.  The Blue Lodge is made up of the so-called respectable members of society.  Most people do not know that.  There is a good reason for this.  It suits the real purpose of The United Grand Lodge of England to be known as the vague Charitable Christian Gentlemen’s Club.  That’s what The Blue Lodge exists for.  Three years ago, if you had asked me what freemasons were I’d have said pretty much the same thing only I already had this vague idea that if you joined you could get a cheap car and if you turned your ring round in court you might get off if the judge was in the club.  How little I actually knew then.  If I had known, I would not have fallen into the trap.  I knew they had recognition signals.  I did not know then how scary this is.  I did not realise the significance of the perversion of justice that my vague idea presented.  I did not know then the suffering that injustice caused by the conspiracy of freemasons against a man could bring about.  I did not know the desperation of a suicide bomber.  They didn’t really exist then. 

I am a white nigger and proud.  I am proud I am a nigger.  I am not proud I am white.  I think of myself as English yet it says that I am British on my passport.  Everyone has the right to a nationality.  My nationality is English.  They have claimed me as British yet I deny The United Kingdom and the state of Great Britain.  I am an Englishman and I see that The Throne of England was subverted by a freemason Scottish King four-hundred years before I was even born, not withstanding the already broken line of Charlemagne. England does not exist anymore, except in my heart. Even on the football pitch, it’s just a name.  It’s not right.  There’s still something missing.  In this film, Giggs is English. 

They have subverted The Throne of England and have gone unchallenged for four centuries.  No-one has seemed to notice.  No-one seems to understand the relevance.  They have reduced The Throne of England to be a laughing stock and they have reduced The Monarch to the role of puppet.  No-one seems to understand what this means.  No-one seems to understand how important this is.  No-one seems to understand that it has really happened.  They tarnish The Crown Jewels each day.  No-one seems to understand what the relevance of The Orb of Power and The Sceptre of Justice is.  Damn it.  If only I could unscrew my head and put it on your shoulders.  I guess that’s what writing this film is about.  I just hope that the director will do justice to the reality of the time and to my fear.  It is a conspiracy theory, after all.  Or is it conspiracy fact?  Is your world beginning to change?  Are you waking up?  Are you afraid? 

I am afraid.  I have no choice.  Therefore, fear exists to keep me on my toes, to keep me alive. I do not fear fear.  I fear that I shall not be heard.  How do I publish this?  You will know by the time you read it.  I may publish in instalments on the net.  I cannot decide which way is safest and accomplishes the purpose.  The purpose is to change the world.  The purpose is to help people.  The purpose is to expose evil.  The purpose is to defeat evil.  The purpose is to save Queen and Country.  The purpose is to save the world from utter destruction.  The purpose is to save the residents of my town.  The purpose is to stay out of prison.  The purpose is to find justice.  Even if I cannot find justice in my reality, by writing about it, I will be finding it in my film, and in my eyes, I’ve won.  Just as soon as I finish writing this.  In this film, the first three Riders of The Apocalypse are good guys.  They come to arrest the fourth one. He’s the bad guy.  The purpose is also to stay alive to tell the tale.  The safest way is to be seen.  That’s what our cycling instructor told me.  Be seen.  Be heard.  That’s the safest way.  Tell them how it is and tell it loud.  Just look at my mate’s web-site.  I’ve started so I have to finish.  Perhaps I will put it on the net as soon as possible.  Orson Wells nearly convinced America the aliens had landed.  Hitch-hiker’s guide worked by word of mouth.  Talk about this. 

Freemason Satanists control the world.  George Bush is a Satanist.  Prince Phillip is a Satanist.  Ariel Sharon is a Satanist.  Together they are 666, the number of the beast.  Dig on that.  My name is David Crazy Rainbow.  I come to herald Michael and The Kingdom of God.  I will arrest the evil and the criminals.  I now charge at the armies of the dead and I cannot fail.  The battle lines are set.  I am The Field Marshall of Armageddon and flag-bearer of King Michael, although I am a sinner and mighty unworthy.  I am given authority to lead the charge.  I have the battle plans in my head.  Armageddon is a multi-level concept and exists at many times in many places.  The time is coming when all the Armageddon’s become one.  As a Native Englishman, I represent The Nation of England.  I am also representative of The United Nations of America, The Nations of Palestine and Judea and all the other Nations, tribes and free people of the free world and as such I declare that whilst the United States of America, Great Britain and Israel exist as states holding dominion over The Nations and whilst the evil white supremacist satanic witchery of freemasonry exists in any of its forms, a state of war now exists between us.  My surname is Edwards.  Look at the middle name.  EdWARds.  No co-incidence.  I am War.  Get used to it. 

Jihad does not mean holy war.  It means the search, the quest, or the struggle for justice.  It is the reason for many holy wars.  I am an Englishman.  I am a Christian.  I have respect for Islam.  I call “Jihad!”  I also call for Holy War.  It is up to all good Americans, Englishmen, and Palestinians, Moslems, Jews and Christians alike to rise up from within to destroy the states that hold dominion over them.  It starts with freemasons.  If you really have to bomb someone, bomb them.  Anything else is criminal.  Stop killing innocents.  Stop random killing.  The world demands an answer.  A reason for the anger and violence.  If you must kill anyone, kill the freemasons.  At least the world would have to question.  And it would have the answer.  Perhaps that would be enough to stop them.  If you, the terrorist must terrorise someone, terrorise those that terrorise you. They are freemasons.  And target the  high-level ones.  The generals.  Kill no innocents.  Preferably, stop bombing.  Arrest them.  Come on Osama.  Capture Bush and make him answer for his crimes against Humanity or put up.  That would make the world sit up.  Or leave it to the Sons of Geronimo and play up your own end.  Arrest Sharon.  Put him on trial.  Capture Phillip.  Capture them all.  Tell it how it is.  The world watches and waits.  Are you honourable or evil?  Do you stand against evil or do you work for it?  You can now show colours.  There is a peaceful way.  Armageddon may not be fought in the conventional sense of the word.  It may turn out to be a war of words, of concepts.  If our hands are to be bloodied and our bodies exploded in the midst of our enemies, then my army will have tried every intellectual alternative.  Al Queda has alternatives.  It is not justified.  I am The Last Revolutionary.  They may try to declare that I am an International Terrorist.  I hereby invite all parties to the table.  I will be the representative of any who stand against evil, especially if Bush calls them terrorist.  I would unify opposition to the evil that threatens mankind.  The real terrorists shall be rooted out and hunted down by all others.  Freemasons shall blanch.  They alone are the real terrorists.  Why am I doing this?  Maybe they’ll blame mental illness.  It is only a film, remember.  I think they’ll kill me.  Let’s see how it turns out.  It is now the early hours and I must sleep if I can.  Later today, I help people I love.  I need sleep.  The radio says the masons have put an advertisement in Holyrood magazine trying to entice MSPs into their ranks.  I do not know what MSPs are or what the relevance of this development is.  Radio Five Live.  Turn it off.  Go to sleep.  Forget it.  Shut down. Ok. 

It’s now about the same time I started writing last night.  I did not stop until the end of the last paragraph, about five a.m.  And I had hardly shut my eyes when I was awoke by my friend, at seven-thirty.  Straight out of bed, clothes on and up to his for the day.  I’m helping him to decorate his new house in preparation for his second, Danny, a brother for Tony.  He never was much good at that sort of thing.  Nor was I, but I picked up a few handy tips from my old man, along the way, and I don’t mind turning my hand for a Friend.  After the last three and a half-year nightmare, it’s good to feel useful.  People have put me down and misunderstood me so much recently.  Anyway, he hadn’t de-tuned the radio last night, so I guess they are as vigilant as I suspect.  I wonder if my friend pressed the emergency button on the electric meter before I got back tonight.  I hope they are as paranoid as me.  Or is that just plain unchristian of me? 

The point is, if they are as on the ball as they should be, you won’t even be reading this. I’ve decided now.  I’m going to put this on the net Monday or Tuesday.  It’s going to be in weekly instalments.  Just like Hitch-hiker’s guide.  Only this is real.  What you may not understand is that just because I am writing this and publishing it, they are going to be very interested.  It is sort of like the ultimate reality TV show.  Running Man.  My life is on the line.  How long will they let me live?  How will they make me die?  It’s also like The Truman Show.  The only thing is, I know they are there.  I cannot imagine how much they stand to lose.  They own the world.  So do I. 

I want to tell you about The Circus.  Three weeks ago, I was sitting at Brigg’s shoe shop, near to The Clock Tower, trying to raise Public Awareness about the tyre-burning issue which threatens my town.  I had a bucket out, to raise money to cover the expense of the bucket, and on the first day a couple of chaps wandered up.  They represented The Moscow State Circus and they told me that they were promoting The Circus in our town.  They put eight pound or so in my bucket, bought me a McDonald’s coffee and burger and asked what was my favourite tipple.  Ten minutes later they returned with £20 worth and three free tickets to the £15 side circle.  They can promote The Circus in my town anytime.  That’s where I went tonight after leaving my friend’s house.  Tony’s only three and he has never been to The Circus.  As it happens, nor had my friend’s missus so I took them all, and it cost my friend and his missus £5 for a half-price children’s ticket.  Tony didn’t want candy floss.  He seemed scared of it.  I had two. 

The chick on the high straps was beautiful.  I got slightly worried when the high-wire uni-cyclist accidentally left his second balance pole out of the stirrup.  I don’t think he noticed and it certainly wasn’t part of the act. I spent two minutes in a state of readiness.  Thankfully, the pole did not fall on anyone, or cause him to fall.  The live band added a lot to the performance.  It was all very, very colourful.  You could tell they made a lot of effort in a dying performance art-form and a good night was had by all.  If only I could run away with them.  I would like to offer them this idea and advice, in exchange for their kindness, and Spirit.  As a circus without animals, how about this for an act or a sketch?  The Clown-tamer.  The Performing Clowns?  Every act that used to use animals, get the clowns to do it.  And although I had an excellent evening, thank-you, I would have liked to have seen a magician, an escapologist and a fire-eater.  If The Circus chaps had said they hadn’t got one, I’m sure Harry would have ate some fire for us.  How about that, Circus People?  When you are promoting yourselves in towns before the event, why not invite the local community to put forward an act to have in The Show?  That would build community links and good public relationships. 

Having fallen completely in love with the chick on the high straps, I would like to say this.  I refer to the article in Rugby’s local newspaper, The Advertiser, Today’s issue.  Thursday, March twenty-fifth.  As a person who represents The People of Rugby, I am deeply sorry that any Human Being, especially a model of such graceful feminine beauty, should have had to endure the unacceptably dirty conditions that The Circus People have had to endure this week on the site that Rugby Borough Council provided for them.  I would also like to apologise, on behalf of The People of Rugby for the ignorant, unhelpful, misleading attitude of Rugby Borough Council.  I would also like to add that I did notice that the article referred to the increase in crime whenever there was a fair in town.  There is a reason for this. 

Circus People are real people.  Rugby Borough Council do not like real people.  Rugby Advertiser does not like real people either.  Although it reports the complaints that Rugby was the dirtiest place The Circus had ever visited, the editor had to mention the crime figures.  I, for one, realise the difference between The Circus and The Fair, and although the paper mentioned alcohol as the problem (there was no alcohol on sale at The Circus, and I saw none being drunk) there is definitely an underlying suggestion that travelling people are not to be trusted.  They can be trusted more than Rugby Borough Council and the local papers, I can tell you, and I think it rotten that public entertainers are given such a rough deal.  It is nice to know that Rugby is the dirtiest town around.  That gives me hope.  Perhaps everywhere is not yet as bad as Rugby.  Because Rugby is such an old town with ancient masonic connections, I had suspected and hoped for as much.  Well folks, You are not far behind. 

Rugby Borough Council should be ashamed.  There it is.  Rugby is one of the worst places The Moscow State Circus has ever visited.  The cattle-market car park.  Did The Circus People get awakened by the dying screams of various livestock in the early hours?  They had to walk through the slurry every day.  There is a reason for me mentioning this.  The Moscow State Circus is made up of real people.  Rugby Borough Council give real people the same respect as animals in an abattoir.  There is a connection here.  Earlier on, I mentioned The Cement Works in Rugby.  Rugby Borough Council and Readi-Mix Concrete have two things in common.  Both are in the control of freemasonry, and both are involved in lengthy and expensive litigation with The Last Revolutionary.  In this film, that’s me.  The Environment Agency, which is a department of The British Government, are also involved in the case I’m bringing against RMC.  Both The EA and the government are controlled by freemasons.  Freemasons created the state of Israel and RMC provides the concrete for virtually every high-rise building in Israel.  Freemasons control our government.  Our government therefore must support Israel.  (We always abstain). 

Last year The Environment Agency granted a permit to Rugby Cement Works to burn tyres in their kiln as an alternative fuel source.  There is great concern in the community and the residents of The Borough were led to understand that Rugby Borough Council were to challenge the decision to grant the permit in The High Court of Justice.  Indeed, Councillor Hayter (Lab.) assured us that if the permit were granted she would set up a stall on The Town Hall steps saying that The Cement Works would never burn tyres in Rugby.  She was one of the Councillors who assured us that The Council would fight the decision in The High Court.  The Labour Group are in the minority on Rugby Borough Council.  Freemasons are in the majority.  The Labour Group assured the public gallery, who were also assured by Rugby’s Labour MP, Andy King, that The Council were going to fight The Environment Agency under Judicial Review.  Two minutes later at Full Council Meeting, Councillor Hayter and the others in The Labour Group broke their honour and u-turned, voting along with the other freemasons to allow the decision to remain unchallenged, thereby removing the chance of having to pay £300 000 in costs should The Judicial Review find in favour of The EA.  It is interesting to note here that Councillor Pat Wyatt (Ind.) was excluded from the meeting and the voting process and thereby democratically representing the proportion of the people she was elected to represent, simply because of a possible conflict of interests.  She has purchased a small amount of shares in RMC to allow her to attend shareholders meetings at RMC so that she has accurate information to give the people.  She started up the protest group Rugby In Plume, (the Plume is the emission billow from The Cement Works), and naturally was going to vote for The Judicial Review and against RMC’s wishes, hardly a conflict of interests! 

No doubt Councillor Collett (Con.) had a word with Mr Gabittas at a different meeting.  The freemasons did not want Pat to vote or to have a say.  She did not.  Democracy is dead.  Freemasons control democracy.  Anyway, to cut it short Rugby Borough Council let The People down, big style.  They sold us down The Swanee for three hundred grand of The Borough TaxPayers own money.  And more than this, they led us all to believe that they were acting with our health and welfare in mind right up until the very last minute.  The deadline for application to The High Court for the Judicial Review was no more than a couple of weeks away!  Rugby In Plume put out an appeal for some-one to come forward to represent The People of Rugby and to take on the costs of the case.  It was suggested that some-one who qualified for Legal Aid could come forward, in short time, to put the application in on time. 

Now, I started up an independent global local internet newspaper last year and I had already spoken at a public meeting, representing, and had several meetings with the executive of Rugby In Plume regarding the issue.  I had approached Mrs. Pallikaropoulos during the summer wanting the story because I truly believe that The People of Rugby are having the wool pulled over their eyes and that their government, local and central is letting them down, putting public health at risk.  I had accumulated much information that had set another chain reaction off.  I thought that I had been keeping abreast of things by reading the papers but at that time I had not fully understood the potency of freemasonry in the media.  I saw things that really amazed me.  The many ways in which we’d been conned.  I saw how the press can misdirect people and the freemasons kicked in again.  Apparently, they think that they can be as blatant as they like, in Rugby at least.  I do not like their attitudes. They are laughing at us.  They think we are stupid.  We are not stupid.  Before the meeting where The Council voted to put The Residents of The Borough of Rugby’s health at risk, I had informed the executive of Rugby In Plume that should The Council let us down, that I would apply for Legal Aid and sponsor the campaign on  I had not liked what our MP had said at the meeting.  Neither did I like the tone Councillor Mistry (Lab. Holder of Environment Portfolio) had adopted.  I somehow suspected that they were preparing to let us all down and I chose not to go to The Council Meeting, frightened that I might cause a scene when the inevitable let down happened.  It is a good job I wasn’t there.  But I knew the result before The Council left the chamber.  Duly, I stepped forward. 

My barrister, David Wolfe QC works at the prestigious Matrix Chambers, where The Prime Minister’s wife, Cherie Booth QC works.  He must be a freemason.  He had better be good to help them wriggle out of this one, right under my nose.  Readi-Mix Concrete last year turned over fifty four billion dollars.  They are controlled by freemasons.  They have the contract with The British Government freemasons to build Israel.  I am taking RMC, The First Secretary of State, and The Environment Agency to The High Court of Justice.  Insodoing I have completely embarrassed Rugby Borough Council, whose actions against me prompted the rollercoaster ride of terror and constant fear for my life that is this film.  I have been involved in litigation with Rugby Borough Council for three years because they were responsible for the loss of my clothes in a theft, and I have accused their officers of gross misconduct and maladministration.  I took my complaint to The Local Government Ombudsman who showed a complete lack of “Impartiality” and sided with The Council throughout, although he did make me an entirely inappropriate offer of five hundred quid which I took as a bribe to keep quiet.  Because he had completely failed to acknowledge any injustice caused by maladministration of the system by officers of The Council, he had no right to advise that The Council made me an ex-gratia payment.  As I say, I took it as a bribe, and tantamount to an offer to join The Ombudsman and Rugby Borough Council in conspiracy to theft from The Public Purse.  Needless to say, I did not take the bribe, although I sorely needed an injection of cash at that time.  I still do, although I haven’t got a boat to maintain now.  They took that off me over a year ago, god, how I miss her.  At the time I lost “Summer of Love 67989 reg’d B’ston” I had emblazoned along her thirty foot cabin sides in two foot high black painted letters, “TOM CUDLIP IS A LIAR!”  At that time, Tom was Director of Housing at Rugby Borough Council.  All along, I’ve been shouting about freemasonry.  Oh yes.  They have good reason to know I exist.  I am under surveillance.  They are watching me.  They are going to be interested in this film, right from the start, right from next week, when I put it on the net. 

The first instalment March twenty-ninth.  Fifteen years since Mum died.  This one’s for Mum! 

It’s now the early hours of the twenty-seventh.  Saturday morning.  Four o’clock.  I’ve been writing for hours and somewhere along the way, Friday went missing.  I need to write a couple of letters but I’m playing my game now.  I’m a loose cannon, firing at will.  I’m going to write them here.  They will not like that.  At least you can start getting some idea of how they have got me in this trap.  Maybe not now.  Maybe later, but you will start seeing the patterns.  This film is not going to stop.  Once a week.  Instalments.  Some film company will want the rights.  Some book publisher will want the story.  A radio station will want the rights.  Some religious fanatic will fund me.  It will happen soon. will be a success.  I am open to offers.  My voice will be heard.  For once, and on behalf of The People, my voice will be heard.  They cannot allow that to happen.  Once I put this on the net on Monday, they will attempt to shut down the sites.  Then they will kill me.  Probably in prison.  I am in court on the fifth.  Monday after next.  Sweet.  They cannot allow the second instalment to happen.  I am getting the familiar adrenaline rush.  I do not like dicing with death.  I have a right to live free of fear.  Speak to the hand. 

Sweet.  If I am getting the rush of fear, then it must be for real.  They are going to have geese.  If number two gets through, they will have wild geese.  I hope that you can put yourself in my place and feel the fear.  This film is supposed to change your life.  It could really be happening.  It is happening.  Believe me, I know how important some of the things I’m saying are to the freemasons and they are going to kill me. This Monday, “2004, twenty years after” goes out on the net, and I’m going down to The Town Hall, to hand deliver a letter.  I will be wrongfully arrested and detained while they figure out that the Interim Anti-Social Behaviour Order against me is not valid.  If they put me in prison then it will be wrongful imprisonment.  I think it was last time.  This time I’m sure.  If they want to play games with my life then I will make them look stupid.  Their Order is not valid.  I wish it were so that I could breach it for real.  At least I’d get to Crown Court, where justice must not only be done, it must be seen to be done.  Radio Five Live.  Mel Gibson again.  Four hundred million dollars?  The Jews did not kill The Christ.  The freemasons did.  Get it?  How much is that worth?  That should set them off.  The freemasons killed Princess Diana and they killed Dodi al Fayed.  I have evidence on video.  The freemasons gave it to me, thinking I would not see it.  Don’t ask me why or how just yet.  I’ll explain that later.  It is still very strange and surreal to me.  I know who killed The Princess and I’ve got video evidence to back up that statement.  Freemasons make mistakes.  Freemasons are complacent.  Maybe I’ll put the video in a later instalment.  Yes.  That will stir them up.  The application will be in to The European Courts by the time you read this.  Yes, that will stir them up.  Blame Paul Barnes.  He started it.  Blame Jerry White.  He made it worse.  Blame all the freemasons involved.  They thought they could insult Humanity and get away with it.  They thought they could keep me quiet.  They were wrong.  They control my life.  I cannot get away.  They are abusing process against me at every turn.  They are abusing my Human Rights at every turn.  They shall not get away.  I will never shut up.  They must kill me.  They will not give me justice.  They have too much to lose.  They cannot take the risk.  They will kill me.  If this makes it big quick enough, as a current unfolding psychological thriller in instalments and real-time, perhaps the bookies will get the idea like with all reality shows and maybe they will start a book on when they will kill me.  Then I’d be valuable to them.  The longer I live, the more money they’d make.  They would kill me when the income stopped.  When I was no longer valuable. 

It is no good.  They are coming.  I cannot get out. 

I’m going down shouting.  Big shout to The Charter Road Whistle Blowers.  Freemasonry is run by satanists.  Hip hip hooray.  Rugby Cement kiln burns eight thousand tonnes a day.  That’s eight thousand tonnes.  Here’s the gas.  If this permit is allowed to stand, then RMC need not go through the same process should they wish to move on to other alternative fuels, not just tyres, as they have indicated is the case.  The permits fall under the same legislation, and, having already had one permit granted, the others would automatically be granted also.  This is one thing they haven’t mentioned in the papers.  Listen to this.  One of the other alternative fuel sources is quoted as agricultural waste.  Another similar kiln in Clitheroe started burning bonemeal before Christmas.  Excuse me.  Rugby Borough Council are going to let Rugby Cement burn millions of cattle, infected with foot and mouth.  Maybe.  But bone meal.  What will The Jews among us think of that?  Living next door to a crematorium that burns eight thousand tonnes a day?  Arbeiten macht frei!  Why haven’t we heard of this.  There is a good reason.  Freemasons do not want us to know that they are intending on marching the large part of the non-freemason “profane” element of our society straight into the kiln on the glorious day of their open totalitarian take over.  They are the ultimate white supremacist movement which underlie and are connected with all others.  You remember WWII and tell me it is not possible.  Ethnic cleansing?  Happens every day.  Yes it does.  The Holocaust?  Practice.  A demonstration. 

It could happen, couldn’t it?  It has happened before and it could happen again, only worse this time.  Maybe this film is real.  Maybe it is happening.  Maybe I am not comfortably sitting in luxury, casually typing out the next instalment of my fantasy.  Maybe I am on the run.  Maybe I really do think this is the only way.  Attract attention for protection.  Maybe they really did make me homeless three years ago.  Maybe they did lie.  Maybe the freemasons really are covering up for Barnes, White and now, oh so many others.  Pretty soon, every freemason in the country will know David Crazy Rainbow.  You do believe that, don’t you? 

MSP.  Member of the Scottish Parliament.  It has to be.  They are so complacent.  They insult me intensely.  They cause so much suffering and they advertise for MPs to join their satanic sect.  Unbelievable!  Well, not really. 

It always turns out alright in the movies.  This one could be different and it isn’t any use asking how it ends.  I do not know.  The time is now and it is getting light as I write.  I cannot see tomorrow.  I can see later today.  My friend picks me up at nine.  I better grab an hour or twos kip.  Goodnight. 

Saturday midnight.  I didn’t want this to be a diary.  It’s too cheesy.  But I have got to get across the desperation that time sets upon a man.  They sure know how to make you desperate.  Make you homeless and then keep you that way for years.  They then gang up in the Masonic Buildings, and on the telephone, and down the pub and all those ways that any normal person communicates, and before you know it, even your doctor is involved and your medical notes appear to have changed.  If it suits them, they call you mental, if it suits them they call you criminal.  It depends on where they want you.  They want me homeless and without regular access to a computer and landline.  They want to discredit me and make me out to be either a deluded fool or a criminal.  Your friends do not fully understand, and soon they fall away.  You just don’t see them anymore.  It’s all polite and everything, and you know they will be back when the storm’s gone, but that does not help the grief or the fear that sociological isolation instils in a man.  I spent Christmas in the fields, sleeping under the canal bridge.  Christmas Day, I spent sitting in Grandborough Churchyard.  Boxing Morning, I bathed in Rains Brook.  I could see the field at the end of Charter Road from the lane.  I grew up in Charter Road.  Dad still lives there.  We don’t have a relationship anymore.  My few friends are my family, and recently I have weighed on them more than any man should have to.  The few I have left around me know that it wasn’t my fault.  They know I’m doing what I have to do, even if they think they would do different, if it were them.  But it is me and they are not me. 

They sure know how to destroy a man’s dignity.  Fortunately, I still have self-respect and that is why I am still alive and still fighting.  I’ve been suicidal several times this year, yet I have contemplated worse things and I made the other choice to the one that all high-level freemasons face at some time.  Even though I have been suicidal, I haven’t done it.  I do not think I can.  Not over this.  I still have self respect and the more they fight me, the more that self-respect increases.  They cannot win.  By the time this goes out I wonder if they dare kill me.  Perhaps I’ll just disappear.  Perhaps I’ll be tortured before they throw me into the incinerator, first of many.  Perhaps they will bring me before their incarnation of satan in order to drive me completely ranting mad.  Give it your best shot.  I’m hard.  I can take it.  Do what you will, you evil mobster monsters.  Adrenaline.  Fight it.  Write something out there, something the reader will not believe no way no how. 

Something real. 

The universe is solid.  We consider that the universe is made up of an empty void, interspersed with solid bodies.  This is incorrect.  The universe is a solid, interspersed with rotating bodies.  This solid is a perfect solid, which has frictionless, fluid properties.  This concept is the only concept I can see that unifies the wave/particle duality dichotomy, which stumped the Twentieth Century scientists.  How about this?  The universe is not expanding; matter is shrinking.  Eat that, Stephen Hawking.  The value of The Hubble Constant is zero.  Bang. 

God exists.  No, that’s still too far out.  This is still only a film.  Phew.  God exists, QED.  Get used to it.  Satan exists.  He hates Humans.  He will do anything to cause suffering and to bring Humanity and The Earth under his dominion.  Satan knows he shall not win his heart’s desire.  He does not have The Authority of God.  Satan is a fallen angel.  Satan is a pussy.  What am I on about?  The universe is solid?  Think about it.  Freemasons worship satan as god.  Satanism leads freemasonry.  Satan is responsible for the death of The Christ.  You bet!  As surely as he held the hammer in his cold, dead hand. 

It is not my intention to mislead.  I know that the one reason that every reader will fall back on, as a crutch of necessity, to support their doubt in the reality of the events in this movie is the assertion that god is not real, therefore 2004 cannot be true.  Sadly, neither the existence of god, nor of satan, is necessary for the events I am describing to be actually taking place.  All that is necessary is that some freemasons believe in them.  As a pre-requisite of membership, every freemason is required to acknowledge belief in one supreme being.  It is happening.  There are a million Christians in England.  Where is the other side?  The ones who are against The Christ.  Which organisation selects and uses temptation to deliver?  Witch organisation.  The freemasons.  Buffy, teenage vampire slayer, eat your heart out, baby.  At least you can see who they are by their teeth and make-up.  I have to keep a tally of their vehicle registration number.  I would recommend, indeed, I call for it.  I dare you!  Go down to your local temple of satan and take down their number plates.  Keep note of the time and date.  The nights when the front doors are firmly locked at midnight and there are no lights in the building except for the big upstairs room with the half-moon shaped windows are most especially important.  Stand outside and listen to them.  Find out what they do for once.  Put them under surveillance.  Make them paranoid for once.  They’ve done it to millions through the ages.  If they have got nothing to hide, why do they not step in front of the CCTV cameras?  Make sure they know we are on to their evil game.  I shall be setting up a database on in order to expose freemasons.  Your information will be very helpful to the community.  Crazy Rainbow, witchfinder.  You bet.  Proper witches, not those who only think they are one.  Proper witches.  Evil ones.  Freemasons.  Long Live The Revolution. 

Join up for free!  This is where The Anti-mason Party starts and I swore I’d never go into politics.  Keep in touch with for details.  I’ve already decided to go into politics, anyway.  My friend persuaded me when he dropped me off and read the latest instalment.  A few people get it before it goes out.  Security.  Sweet.  I’ll tell you about it when I’ve told you how I got involved with freemasonry.  It started at Rugby Borough Council Housing Department. 

Sour.  The clocks have just gone forward.  Try listening to Radio Five Live while you are reading.  That’s my background.  Hear it with new ears.  It’s all to do with freemasonry and keeping the masses misdirected.  A bit of sport and it’s all okay.  Wrong.  This is Big Brother.  Terror Week!  You will think about what Pharoah Bush wants you to think about.  You will hate all those who he wants you to.  You will support him.  You will comply.  Freemasonry controls the media.  It controls political correctness.  Presenters are afraid.  They are under strict instruction.  Even if they are not one of them, they surely know how they want them to think and act.  Crass people.  Just like The Council.  Programmed people.  This is why nothing ever changes.  It just gets worse.  New Labour?  Old Conservative?  Same old freemasonry.  That’s British politics.  See the ad in Holyrood magazine for details.  Sweating yet?  Freemasonry controls prostitution and pornography.  Freemasonry controls the international narcotics trade.  Freemasonry controls gun-running and the arms trade.  Freemasonry controls human-trafficking and the slave trade.  It always has.  Ask the Chinese Morecambe Bay Cockle Pickers.  Meet The Charter Road Whistle Blowers.  Come in, number thirty-three, your time is up. 

And the time is three thirty-three am and I’ve gotta hit the sack.  I was hoping to write about my problem with Rugby Borough Council and give you the history of how this all came about.  I also wanted to give you a brief history of freemasonry.  I also wanted to end with telling you about my proposed foray into politics.  This is essential if you are to follow what comes later in the life of The Last Revolutionary.  After all, that is what this film is about.  I guess that will have to wait until tomorrow night.  Next day, I break down the temporary office and ship out.  Homeless again.  Then 2004 will go global and I will challenge the validity of the legal order at The Town Hall.  Maybe instalment two will be written in prison.  I’ll wait until Monday and see.  Until then, g’night. 

Sunday came and went so this is the end.  Monday, six a.m.  My friend calls round in an hour and a half and I haven’t started yet.  I shouldn’t have spent so long following up my foray into politics.  And I shouldn’t have stayed at Mick’s until four.  And I should have been writing while I was thinking for the last couple of hours.  Mum always said I wasn’t any good at self-discipline.  I guess she was right, although that does not help me now. 

I am thinking of excuses not to write because I am tired.  I have so much to do today.  I can’t finish the decorating because I have to collect my benefit with one hand and pay it out with the other.  I have a few phone calls to make and I have to e-mail this to Michael More, John Pilger, Mark Thomas, among others, as well as putting it on the net.  I wasn’t thinking straight when we arranged the early pick up.  Oh well, at least I’ll be able to pinch a fag.  I’m always out.  I wish I could give up smoking, for the sake of the kids, if nothing else.  Perhaps I will.  It is one of the few things I respect my Dad for.  He gave up on the day I was brought to his home as his adopted son.  Smoking is more horrible than you could possibly imagine.  It destroys your will and subdues the spirit.  Smoking is addictive.  It is also poisonous.  Smoking kills, man. 

I can see nothing inherently wrong with the use of a suffusion of marijuana as a medicine, but smoking is wrong.  Burning should be carried out responsibly and with much care and aforethought.  The Environment Agency could do with taking heed. 

Anyway, I have to hit the target for this night’s writing.  I have to finish setting the scene.  Let me tell you what has happened to me over the last three and a half years.  It may seem mundane but the consequences of the mundane often lead to very strange outcomes and that is what this is all about, but it is only a film in the making, and the scene must be set.  It is the way it is done.  I wish I had more time but that is a feeling I’m used to.  They put it upon you.  When they want to.  Sometimes, you accidentally put it on yourself.  Don’t let them grind you down. 

Five Live.  They have announced a crackdown on organised crime.  Translated into commonspeak, they have announced a crackdown on any organised crime that is not associated with freemasonry.  Every gang must pay their dues to The Lodge or they will be stopped.  Am I supposed to feel happy that they are going to crack down on organised crime while freemasonry continues?  Surely The Monopolies Commission would have something to say on this.  Oh no.  Of course.  Freemasons control The Monopolies Commission.  They are everywhere.  They are in Rugby Borough Council.  What is so disbelievable about that? 

I’ve got to tell you about the man at The Council who has stolen my life.  I’ve got to tell you about the ones who helped him.  I’ve got to tell you how it fits with the bigger picture.  I have two and a half thousand documents which I wish I could finish scanning and updating.  I intend to incorporate the important stuff that goes along with this story into it in digital pictorial format.  It will be up to The Internet user to utilise this resource.  I cannot see that a film could be made viable showing this many documents.  As a medium, The Net fits much better with making this part of it public.  That’s the main reason for putting it on The Net.  The film can refer to the site and vice versa.  It all fits.  Sweet. 

Now I’ve gone around the houses I’m happy.  I’m going to tell you quick.  I can add the documentary and video evidence later.  I can also fill this out and come back to it later if I’ve missed anything.  As it goes live later today, I’ve got to do a rush job.  It’s a good job that I can’t print the documents yet because I want you to believe that this is a film for now.  Which is odd, seeings as how it’s all getting a bit real.  The problem. 

I used to have a council flat.  I used to pay my rent.  Things got done.  Slowly.  I had little cause to complain.  Then they knocked our front wall out early in the morning with mechanical jackhammers, with no notification that it was going to happen.  Our door disappeared, as did our tannoy.  If I could explain how it felt to walk three or four miles to The Town Hall, in all weathers over and over again, to be fobbed off or lied to, I would.  I cannot.  It is an abuse of your Humanity.  They break The Tenancy Agreement and then they abuse your Human Rights.  Of course, when it first starts to happen, it’s normal.  Pretty soon, you get concerned.  It gets stupid.  Repetitive.  I heard it all before.  Many times. 

The work should have been completed within seven days.  It took seven  months. 

Five Live.  They are going to allow taped telephone calls to be used in court.  Are they going to allow all tapes in court?  That would stop the freemason cops from being able to twist your interview on ROTI.  This is one of their most effective tools.  The interview may as well not exist.  Only their side.  Presented in their way.  The freemasons can’t allow that to happen.  No, they must have been on about specific types of thing like terrorism.  That’s how they erode your Rights.  By fear.  By terror. 

Ron Walsh, Housing Officer, Vyv Wilkins, Tenant Support Officer, and their boss, Paul Barnes, Head of Housing Management lied to me many times. 

Five Live.  They are going to give lighter sentences for supergrasses.  Give us some news.  This has been going on for years behind the scenes.  Freemasons have allowed it to happen.  They like to know who the competition is.  They have fingers in all the pies and that is a few too many.  Everybody knows the cops and the judges talk.  Behind the scenes.  At The Lodge.  I’ll tell you something else as well.  They plea bargain with you using your solicitor as a tool.  Unless he really is representing you.  Which is rare.  You normally have to flog them to get them to do what you want.  They advise, then they do what you decide.  That’s how it isn’t.  This shorter sentences for grasses, it’s just the freemasons making it official.  They will announce plea-bargaining next, you watch. 

I complained and asked for a lock to be put on the drying room door, which although hidden away on the top floor, was nonetheless, accessible by anyone who chose to walk in off the street in search of hidden places.  I told the council that kids using my drying room as a summer camp at the same time as intravenous drug-users using it as a safe place to jack up was not a good mix.  Nothing happened and I decided to make my complaints formal.  I had had enough.  If only I had known that it was only the start, I’d have got out then.  I’d have gone to Brighton and tried to forget it all.  I’d already been down for a month or two to get away from the work and from a person I was having emotional problems with.  Now, I have to stay. 

I didn’t get out while I could.  I didn’t know then that I would have to.  I wish that I had.  Saying that, I’m sort of happy that I didn’t.  Okay, so I am going to die, but at least I’m going down shouting and I’m doing it for the people.  Genuinely.  Way to go! 

I would have liked the free choice.  I had the Right.  You have the free choice.  Stop reading this and try to forget it.  Get on with your own life.  This does not affect you.  Not if you keep your head down.  Not until it gets worse.  Let’s hope we don’t live that long, eh?  It couldn’t happen in our life times, couldn’t it?  It could.  It is.  It’s happening in this film.  It’s happening to me.  Crazy Rainbow, he has White Feather from White Eagle hidden in ghost shirt.  White Eagle has lost White Feather and cannot fly.  Crazy Rainbow, he is lost in land of Paleface, surrounded by white man who speak with forked tongue.  Crazy Rainbow run and get nowhere.  Crazy Rainbow, he protect White Feather, until Crazy Rainbow die.  Geronimo!  It all means something. 

The Council men did nothing.  I was astounded.  Drugs, kids, my washing.  Then my clothes were stolen.  Of course, this was where I started to take it very personally and the snowball really started rolling.  They got off so much on lying to me in the subsequent months, it makes me half believe that maybe, just maybe, the council men came and took my clothes just so that I did take it personally.  Looking back, nothing would surprise me.  I know how much they enjoy making people suffer.  Especially Barnes.  He laughed in my face.  Freemasons laugh in everyone’s faces.  Even the good ones.  All of them.  Except the ones who are genuinely ashamed, afraid and feel trapped in The Club.  Six months after my clothes got stolen Paul Barnes laughed in my face. 

After the theft I put in another formal complaint and demanded compensation and a move to more suitable accommodation.  Walsh, Wilkins and Barnes pretended to be sorry and said they would do something about it.  I received a letter from Tom Cudlip, Director of Housing to the effect that I would be re housed and a social worker was present when Walsh, Wilkins and Barnes confirmed compensation would be paid.  I made sure I got a statement from her to this effect because The Director had politically excluded this from his formal apology.  To these men, an apology is a tool to make you think that one, they care, and two, that something will be done about it.  They enjoy wasting your time.  They enjoy lying to you.  It is funny to them.  They feel powerful.  It is an abuse of process and their office.  It is also an abuse of Tenant’s Rights and Human Rights in general.  Freemasons have contravened every single one of my Human Rights according to The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948.  Even if I am wrong and the billion to one outside chance that all these people who have conspired against me, just happen to know each other outside of freemasonry, just by the token that the nature of The Lodge is such that it allows these things to happen and go unseen and unpunished.  If it didn’t happen to me, you can be guaranteed it is happening to someone else somewhere.  Maybe it is happening to you and you only now realise it.  Maybe you know perfectly well how it feels so all of this already makes perfect sense.  Join the club. 

Weird how no-one wants to talk about it isn’t it? 

Freemasonry contravenes the spirit of The Declaration, and freemasons contravene every Article, every day.  They tell us they set this Declaration up to stop things like The Holocaust of The Jews ever happening again.  It was set up to stop freemasonry.  I am taking The Queen of England, The British Government and The United Grand Lodge of England to The European Court of Human Rights.  I’ve sent the application off.  If that doesn’t work because they consider that they can get away with it because they control The Court, then I’ll take it to The United Nations for Resolution. 

I’ll tell everyone, me.  I’ll write to anyone, me.  I wrote to The Chief Constable a month ago asking him to investigate the conspiracy against me, the abuse of process and perversion of the course of justice, and the tampering of police custody video-tapes by John Burrows, Civilian Transportation Officer, ex-policeman, and freemason.  I sent copies to Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Police and a copy to Police Standards.  I also sent copies to many other people and organisations but this covers the cops.  Needless, to say I’ve heard nothing yet.  I put No Fixed Abode as my address.  That was a month ago.  Let them stew.  Last week, Councillor Wyatt sent a letter of support, asking to be kept updated.  The Crown Prosecution are clearly involved.  After all, someone in The CPS is a freemason.  I do not know of any but it stands to reason.  One in twenty and it’s not the picker/packer.  It is The Crown Prosecution Service.  It is the appointees and representatives of The Royal Family.  It is The Royal Family.  It is the Local Government Ombudsman.    I’ve complained and I’ll carry on complaining.  They can reveal themselves right up to the highest level if they insist.  I’m always on the look out and everything from here on in is proof absolute for my case.  Give them more rope and they’ll fall further before they hang.  Simple.  I’ve won.  They took my life and I’ve made them pay.  They will pay more.  I will take freemasons’ lives.  And I will give them back to the Human in front of the freemason, if they want me to.  I know the way out.  It involves courage and God’s mercy.  I hope they consider this.  The only way out when you have sold your soul to the devil is to sue for God’s mercy.  Even if they kill me tomorrow and take this off my site, it will have got through to enough people to make it a very questionable murder, or accident.  If I can save even one person from the suffering they have made me endure, it will have been worth it.  I don’t think anyone else could have endured the mental torture.  The mortal fear.  The paranoia.  The voices.  Mocking. 

If I didn’t know God exists and if I wasn’t quite as resolute in my self-belief in my own logic, I could not have handled it.  I know I could not have.  I nearly didn’t.  I nearly am not.  This film.  This is not handling it.  Or perhaps it is sorting it out.  Heads or tails?  I love gambling, especially when there’s no cut, no percentage, a fair split.  Fifty-fifty.  That’s life.  I could spend my whole life gambling.  I mostly have.  But I would not gamble my life.  Not unless I was forced or circumstance dictated it.  I’d never do it for the hit.  I hope.  If I did I’d like it and die in short order.  That’s not gambling.  If you want to play Russian Roulette, put your chips where your mouth is and fill all the chambers.  Think of the hit when you know you are going to die.  It’s got to be better than knowing you might escape. 

For six months I was living out of cardboard boxes, because I had been told I was going to be rehoused.  Ron Walsh said two or three weeks.  Not soon enough, but acceptable.  Six months was unacceptable. 

Did I mention that when I turned the machine on earlier, this document was unmaximised.  The clock had changed.  I saw it change earlier when the clocks went forward.  It has changed again.  I am under surveillance.  They cannot let me live.  The risk outweighs the risk.  Will I be able to put this out later, or will they stop me first?  When will they stop me?  When will The Grand Inquisitor Generals see fit to exterminate me?  Suddenly I am The Last Revolutionary.  Suddenly I am freemason enemy number one.  No-one has heard of me.  Odd.  Damn right! 

They will all hear about me now.  In a couple of hours this goes live whether I’ve hit the target or not.  If I haven’t it’ll have to wait until next week.  There’s nothing wrong with a bit of mystery.  But why did this box asking about date format just pop up for no reason?  The machine has been on for hours.  I had to grab some zeds but it’s now half three p.m.  I should be breaking down this office.  I ship out in fifteen minutes. 

I’ve shipped out.  On the streets and on the run.  All the safe places with people around and maybe a CCTV system are not available.  I am not allowed to enter the premises of St. Cross Hospital, except via Accident & Emergency, and only then, in case of a genuine emergency.  I have been banned from entering The Town Hall for any purpose whatsoever.  I don’t know the legality of this ban, but I am also banned, except by pre-arranged appointment as a condition of the Interim Anti-Social Behaviour Order that they have imposed upon me.  That is the invalid Order I mentioned earlier, the one I shall challenge by peacefully hand delivering a letter to The Reception.  Once the pieces are set.  It is clearly going  to take a day or two longer than I wished.  Oh well, here’s to Mum.  Fifteen years.  I may see you soon Mum.  If it is the will of God to resurrect me.

Apologies for the loss of Voice of the People site. We have been hacked by person(s) unknown.

Just to update you......

Dave has finished his hunger strike, but was falsely imprisoned for 82 days.......he will be writing on this site again soon....