I guess there's a little something everyone needs to know. Jacob Angel is the main character in most of these stories.  I've run with this character since about June of 2001, so it's been about two years. He's been married twice, had four females involved in his life, and a lot of interesting things have gone down. A few of these stories are just stories I've written in some weird mindset. My writing style has changed  significantly, many of you might not like the way I write now, but the way I write now, is completely different from two years ago. The newest stories, which I have yet to add to this site, are written in a mixture of third person omniscient and first person. Details details details...anyway...enjoy!

An Angel Falls-A story I wrote in English class this year. My first attempt at story book format in writing.

Blitzkrieg 1- A story I started with a new character. It didn't last two long.

Blitzkrieg 2- Involves Luisa, his girlfriend. It's not that great of a story but it's a decent read.

Divorce- Jacob and Christina divorce. This is the second longest piece I wrote in like January of 2002.

Four Day Journey- A four part story written in play format which deals with a guy searching for his love in a dessert.

The New Era- After a year's hiatus, I began to write again. This story was written earlier this year when Bree and I were together. I still look back at this and remember the love. Much of the description is realistic.

Old School 1- A very old story I wrote...among my first bits with gothic flavor.

Old School 2- This is a story where Jacob spends some time with his then wife's love child.

Old School 3- Just something I wrote to pass some time. Again it was written a long time ago.

Old School 4- Jacob and Christina go choose an engagement ring for Christina.

The Party- My most enjoyable piece to write with Christina. There's a lot of imagination in it. Again, written a long long long time ago.

Prometheus 1- This is the FIRST thing I ever wrote. It's very bad compared to what I'm capable of writing now. I was immature and had a lot to develop. I believe it was written back in July or August of 2001.

The Game- This was the first longest piece I wrote. It was written in December of 2001. Jacob and Christina begin to split at this point.

Jacob in UEA- A fresh new start on my character in a different e-fed. He's in high school obviously and a lot of it is based off real characters. I wrote it during a time of obsession with Sarah.

Copyrighted by Jacob Angel Enterprises