Everyone is special in their own way. Everyone is gifted, even if one does not believe he/she is. I see a special something in all my friends, and I'd like to just take a minute and tell you all about them.

Mike Burgner: I believe you are the first person I've ever had sleep over here at my current residence. I've known you since freshman year, but we hadn't talked much until this year. I think you're a great guy, with an awesome sense of humor. I see depth in you, and feel you're so misunderstood, but I want to tell you that I'm your friend and I'm here for you. We've gone through a lot together, and I really do enjoy your company.

Taylor Shieve: Today, June 11th, 2003, may be the day you showed reality to me. It saddens me that it came down to what it did. However, it's a good thing you were finally honest, you finally decided to show me your reality. I've noticed in your eyes that you were a sad person, it wasn't hard to miss. An actor in this world, and a good friend indeed. Your antics annoy me more often than not, but it's okay, since I know where you're coming from most of the time. Take it easy, and be real, Tig.

Derek Elsrod: My good bud from Indiana. We've shared a lot of laughs over the year and a half we've known each other, and have a lot in common. I can't wait to meet you one day. Hopefully it'll be this summer. You're a really nice guy, and a really hard worker. You're not only my boss (online e-fed), but you're also my friend and now a part of the PbWo.

Jory Johnson: Ha, how long have we known each other? It's been about three years, and the good times don't know how to end. Every time we talk, it's like we always have to reflect upon the past.  I hope you can come out and visit me this summer. When I first met you, I thought you were an amazing guy with one hell of a sense of humor. It seems to me that you've always been a form of therapy, a place where I could release my tension, and you've always seemed to be like an older brother, considering you had good advice a lot for me. Thank you, my friend.

Omar Sandoval: I've known you since when? You're probably one of the few guys that gets to see a side of me that I choose not to show often. You're kind, courteous, and a great guy. I'll never forget the times we've hung out, you definitely know how to have fun. You've got a loving family, and I'm glad good people have good fortune. I know you don't like to let your guard down and show you've got weaknesses, but guess what, I've seen it. Your sense of reality is well, true. I just wish there was something I could do to show you the beauty of life. I think I've officially labeled You, Jake, and myself as the "Three Musketeers" even though we haven't done that in a while. I care you, my dear friend, don't ever forget that.

Jake Prisk: There's so much to say....and yet it's so difficult to express how I feel. I met you last year during lunch, you had just sat at that table. It's weird how I make my closest friends when sitting alone. I mean, you, Omar, Emily, I met you all when I was alone in life. I still consider you and Omar as my best friends, but that little circle of best friends grow and I've added Emily, Allison, and JP to that group. You're so easy to talk to, and when you let me read that passage in the Co-Dependency book, I began to analyze my life and realized that it wasn't going in the healthy direction. Who am I to say what's healthy and what isn't? My body isn't healthy, but our friendship is. Thank you for being there not only in the good times, but also in the bad. I hope life turns out the way you want it to, you deserve all that comes to you. I still think your car rocks, and I'll never forget that you beat Zach in a drag! Keep it real, and I'm happy for you that you're in love. It's a great feeling, isn't it? Take care, brother.

Sarah VanLandSchoot: I still can't spell your last name. I admired you from afar last year in Biology and never had the nerve to come talk to you face to face until it was too late. We said our "hi's" in the hallway, but didn't really get a good understanding of one another until the summer. I got your screen name from Dan, and that was definitely a good thing. We talked nights on end, the entire summer. I got to know you, you got to know me. Happy memories, hurray for that! I miss talking to you though, I miss saying "lol" every time I send a message to you. It's okay though, I know we'll talk again..want to know something? That note I gave you once...it was feeling poured onto paper..and you know that very well..I don't know what you thought and it really doesn't matter too much...I just had to let you know that I had a huge crush on you for the longest time, but why do I sense that you already knew? I hope you're having fun in your life, and your boyfriend Jason is a real good guy. I hope the best for you two. By the way, you're still the only person I let call me Ron Ron.

Allison Niedzielko: Aha, the first girl to be like a sister to me! I met you freshman year, and I know you still don't remember that. This past year was one of ups and downs. We were in Davito's evil class together, and didn't really start talking until you found out I was good friends with Jake. One thing led to another and you two got together. Then after a short while, things went sour and you two went your separate ways. I know you still resent him to a certain extent, but it all worked out for the better, didn't it? I mean, it was that point in time, where we grew really close.  I won't forget my birthday, since I can't believe I had us all running around like that for hours. You've got a really stupid big brother, you know that?



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