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Romeo and Juliet Study Guide Act Two


Scene One
1.Summarize the prologue in act II.
2.Why are Benvolio and Mercutio calling for Romeo?
They are teasing his love for Rosaline.

3. Where do they believe he has gone?
They think he went to see Rosaline.

Scene Two
1.Explain the metaphor Romeo uses for Juliet.
She is the bright sun, which means she’s very beautiful.

2.What solution does Juliet suggest to deal with the problems of their families’ enmity?
She suggests that they remove their last names

3. What does Juliet mean by “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would still smell as sweet.”?
If his name were different, he would still be the same person she loves.

4.What have the two lovers decided to do at the end of the scene? Explain.
They will be married in the morning and they will give up their names.

Scene Three
1.What is friar Lawrence doing when Romeo enters? What is the importance of herbs and plants?
He is looking at a special plant. They can bring life but they can also take it.

2. Who does Friar Lawrence believe Romeo was out with all night?

3. What does Friar Lawrence think of Romeo’s love for Juliet? Why does he mistrust it?
He thinks it might not be true because Romeo was just in love with Rosaline yesterday.

4.Why does Friar Lawrence decide to marry Romeo and Juliet?
He thinks their families might stop fighting.

5. Compare the personalities of Romeo and friar.
Romeo likes to drag everything out while friar gets right to the point.

Scene Four 1. Why does Mercutio believe Romeo is not up to Tybalt’s challenge?
Because Romeo is too lovesick

2. According to Mercutio, what kind of man is Tybalt?
A sly man, he doesn’t like him.

3.Compare Romeo’s mood in this scene to the scene in the beginning of the play.
He is very happy now whereas in the beginning he was sad and lovesick for Rosaline

4. Why is Mercutio so happy with Romeo?
Because Romeo is back to being himself

5. What message does Romeo give the nurse for Juliet?
That they will be married at Friar Lawrence’s cell that afternoon

Scene five
1. How is Juliet acting when she is waiting for the nurse?
Nervous, excited, anxious

2. How is the nurse teasing Juliet when she comes home?
She won’t tell Juliet what she heard from Romeo

3. What is the plan for marriage revealed by the nurse?
Juliet will go to “confession” at Friar Lawrence’s cell and get married while the nurse is getting a ladder for Romeo to spend the night with Juliet.

Scene Six
1. How does Friar Lawrence serve as a dramatic foil to Romeo in the scene?
Romeo is so excited and Friar is so calm and wants Romeo to be more careful while Romeo wants to take things head on.

2. Summarize this short scene.
Romeo & Friar talk, Romeo wants to kiss Juliet but Friar wants them to be married first. Then Romeo and Juliet get married.