Category: Windows Software - Personal Information Manager

Name: Abhibhavak Organizer: As if Guardian in Life (AO)        Version: 3.2.1

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Developer: Rituraj Kalita, Guwahati, India                 Homepage URL:

Publisher: Eastern Star Software, Guwahati                       Organization URL:

Download-zip File-Size: 3.26 MB           Setup-exe File-Size: 3.30 MB

PAD (.xml) File URL:

Short Description (128 Character):

Description (1000 Char): Most organizers remind only once about an activity (or a current turn of a periodic activity). But, as it may not always be possible to perform that activity (task) immediately, so there lies a need to be reminded about it also on the next few days, if the task is not done till then. This user-password enabled 20-user package, AO, satisfies the need for management of many longer-term task-reminders on such a daily rather than an instaneous basis. Naturally, AO also waits for an answer (Y/N user-response) about whether each activity (or its current turn) has been performed, depending on which response it would behave differently about that particular task-reminder the next day. AO, so, doesn't get auto-opened whenever something is to be reminded, but reminds in one go about all the user's present tasks only when it is opened (either by a user or by, say, Windows Task Sceduler). In addition, it allows writing password-protected daily diary and maintains a shared auto-sorted address-book.

Special Requirement, if any: Windows Task Scheduler should be properly working, and system date should remain OK.

Functionality Limitations: Without undergoing an authentication (registration) process, this software works as a Free (unregistered) 7-Reminder Variety, allowing to have only 7 living reminders per user (for each of the 20 users), but however without any similar limitations in address-book length or in number of diary-pages written per user. (No time period limitations)

Special Benefits: AO is extremely easy and intuitive to use, and is very fast to be learnt. One need only a very rudimentary knowledge of computers. Behaves like a human guardian (in most Indian languages, Abhibhavak means guardian). AO not only reminds, but asks whether one actually did the activity or not; if not, the user will be asked that again whenever she meets her software-guardian. It’s ideal for the works that one may not be able to do after a first reminder. A digital diary or organizer software generally serves only one;  but AO may easily serve 20 users (and through a mechanism detailed in its help file, can even serve an unlimited number of users). It is difficult to search for a specific entry (e.g., a word) in a diary written on paper; but the diary written in AO can be instantly searched for any particular entry, and yet remain password-protected. The address book maintained in AO gets alphabetically auto-sorted instantly, even if the users keep tens of thousands of addresses, making it easy to find a particular address.

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Notes to Editors, if any: This software has been extensively used over a period of several years by the developer. A Note: The zip-file pointing direct-download URL is now given. If that doesn't work (as geocities server may not allow) please try manually from: