VALUES OF CONSTANTS AND CONVERSION-FACTORS USED IN ASSAM-CALCU v3.1 2.71828E+00 e, the base of natural logarithm [equals exp(1) in Assam-Calcu] 3.67879E-01 inverse of e, the base of natural logarithm [equals exp(-1) in Assam-Calcu] 2.30259E+00 natural (e-based) logarithm of 10 [equals log (10) in Assam-Calcu] 6.93147E-01 natural (e-based) logarithm of 2 [equals log (2) in Assam-Calcu] 3.01030E-01 decimal (10-based) logarithm of 2 [equals log10 (2) in Assam-Calcu] 4.77121E-01 decimal (10-based) logarithm of 3 [equals log10 (3) in Assam-Calcu] 3.14159E+00 pi, the ratio of perimeter to diameter of a perfect circle [equals pi() ] 8.66025E-01 sine of 60 degree [cosine of 30 degree, equals sin (pi()/3) in Assam-Calcu] 7.07107E-01 sine of 45 degree [cosine of 45 degree, equals sin (pi()/4) in Assam-Calcu] 1.41421E+00 square-root of 2 [equals sqrt (2) in Assam-Calcu] 1.73205E+00 square-root of 3 [equals sqrt (3) in Assam-Calcu] 5.77350E-01 tangent of 30 degree [equals tan (pi()/6) in Assam-Calcu] 9.80665E+00 standard acceleration due to earth's gravity in m/s2 4.04686E-01 acre (ac), the unit of area, in hectare (ha) 1.01325E+05 standard atmosphere in N/m2 (Pa) 1.49242E-10 atomic mass constant (amu) energy equivalent (as per E = mc2 relation) in J 9.31494E+08 atomic mass constant (amu) energy equivalent in electron volt (eV) 1.07868E+02 relative atomic mass of the element silver (Ag) 2.69815E+01 relative atomic mass of the element aluminium (Al) 3.9948E+01 relative atomic mass of the element argon (Ar) 7.49216E+01 relative atomic mass of the element arsenic (As) 1.96967E+02 relative atomic mass of the element gold (Au) 1.081E+01 relative atomic mass of the element boron (B) 1.3733E+02 relative atomic mass of the element barium (Ba) 9.01218E+00 relative atomic mass of the element beryllium (Be) 2.08980E+02 relative atomic mass of the element bismuth (Bi) 7.9904E+01 relative atomic mass of the element bromine (Br) 1.20107E+01 relative atomic mass of the element carbon (C) 4.0078E+01 relative atomic mass of the element calcium (Ca) 1.1241E+02 relative atomic mass of the element cadmium (Cd) 3.5453E+01 relative atomic mass of the element chlorine (Cl) 5.89332E+01 relative atomic mass of the element cobalt (Co) 5.19961E+01 relative atomic mass of the element chromium (Cr) 6.3546E+01 relative atomic mass of the element copper (Cu) 1.89984E+01 relative atomic mass of the element fluorine (F) 5.5845E+01 relative atomic mass of the element iron (Fe) 1.00794E+00 relative atomic mass of the element hydrogen (H) 4.00260E+00 relative atomic mass of the element helium (He), & also of isotope He-4 2.0059E+02 relative atomic mass of the element mercury (Hg) 1.26904E+02 relative atomic mass of the element iodine (I) 1.92217E+02 relative atomic mass of the element irridium (Ir) 3.90983E+01 relative atomic mass of the element potassium (K) 6.941E+00 relative atomic mass of the element lithium (Li) 2.43050E+01 relative atomic mass of the element magnesium (Mg) 5.49380E+01 relative atomic mass of the element manganese (Mn) 9.594E+01 relative atomic mass of the element molybdenum (Mo) 1.40067E+01 relative atomic mass of the element nitrogen (N) 2.29898E+01 relative atomic mass of the element sodium (Na) 5.86934E+01 relative atomic mass of the element nickel (Ni) 1.59994E+01 relative atomic mass of the element oxygen (O) 1.9023E+02 relative atomic mass of the element osmium (Os) 3.09738E+01 relative atomic mass of the element phosphorus (P), & also of isotope P-31 2.072E+02 relative atomic mass of the element lead (Pb) 1.95078E+02 relative atomic mass of the element platinum (Pt) 3.2065E+01 relative atomic mass of the element sulphur (S) 1.21760E+02 relative atomic mass of the element antimony (Sb) 2.80855E+01 relative atomic mass of the element silicon (Si) 1.1871E+02 relative atomic mass of the element tin (Sn) 8.762E+01 relative atomic mass of the element strontium (Sr) 2.32038E+02 relative atomic mass of the element thorium (Th), & also of isotope Th-232 4.7867E+01 relative atomic mass of the element titanium (Ti) 2.38029E+02 relative atomic mass of the element uranium (U) 5.09415E+01 relative atomic mass of the element vanadium (V) 1.8384E+02 relative atomic mass of the element tungsten (W) 6.5409E+01 relative atomic mass of the element zinc (Zn) 1.08120E+12 atomic unit of charge density in C/ m3 1.60218E-19 atomic unit of charge (the charge of a proton) in Coulomb (C) 4.35974E-18 atomic unit of energy (Hartree) in J 2.72114E+01 atomic unit of energy (Hartree) in electron volt (eV) 5.29177E-11 atomic unit of length (Bohr radius, i.e., 0.529177 Angstrom) in meter (m) 9.10938E-31 atomic unit of mass (i.e., the electron rest-mass) in kg 6.02214E+23 Avogadro constant (per mole) 1.33780E+03 bigha (bighaa, South-Asian unit of land-area, Assamese version) in m2 9.27400E-24 Bohr magneton in Joule/ Tesla 1.38065E-23 Boltzmann constant 1.05506E+03 British thermal unit (BTU) in Joule (J) 1.00000E+03 Calorie (with capitalized C) i.e., kilocalorie (kcal) in calorie unit 4.18400E+00 calorie (the thermochemical calorie unit) in Joule (J) 2.83169E-02 cubic foot (cu ft) in cubic meter (cu m) 8.64000E+04 day, as a unit of time, in second (i.e., number of seconds in a day) 8.85419E-12 electric constant (also called permitivity of vacuum) in SI unit (F/m) 8.98755E+09 proportionality constant in Coulomb law of Electrostatics, SI unit (Nm2/C2) 1.37093E-04 electron to alpha particle mass ratio -1.75882E+11 electron charge to mass ratio in C/ kg 9.60921E+02 electron-neutron magnetic moment ratio 5.43867E-04 electron-neutron mass ratio -6.58211E+02 electron-proton magnetic moment ratio 5.44617E-04 electron-proton mass ratio 5.48580E-04 electron mass in u (amu) 8.18710E-14 electron mass energy-equivalent (as per E = mc2 relation) in J 1.60218E-19 electron volt (eV) in Joule 9.64853E+04 Faraday constant in Coulomb (C) 7.29735E-03 fine-structure constant (a pure number) 3.04800E-01 foot (ft), the US unit of length, in m 4.54545E+00 gallon (Canadian) in liter (litre) 3.78500E+00 gallon (US) in liter (litre) 1.07374E+09 the number of bytes (the basic unit of information) in one gigabyte (GB) 7.47496E+00 hectare in bighaa, the South-Asian (Assamese version) area-unit 1.00000E+04 hectare (unit of area) in m2 7.45700E+02 horsepower (hp, 550 ft-lb/sec) in Watt (W) 2.54000E+00 inch (in), the US unit of length, in cm 1.40032E+01 relative atomic mass of the isotope C-14 of the element carbon (C) 2.01410E+00 relative atomic mass of the isotope deuterium (D) of the element hydrogen 1.79992E+01 relative atomic mass of the isotope O-18 of the element oxygen (O) 2.35044E+02 relative atomic mass of the isotope U-235 of the element uranium (U) 2.38051E+02 relative atomic mass of the isotope U-238 of the element uranium (U) 2.05974E+02 relative atomic mass of the isotope Pb-206 of the element lead (Pb) 2.07977E+02 relative atomic mass of the isotope Pb-208 of the element lead (Pb) 5.00000E-01 jin, the Chinese (modern-era standardized) unit of mass, in kg 2.67560E+02 kathaa (cottah, South-Asian unit of land-area, Assamese version) in m2 1.02400E+03 the number of bytes in one kilobyte (KB), or number of kilobytes in one MB 1.00000E+02 square km (sq km) in hectare (Ha) 3.60000E+06 kilowatt-hour (kwh) in Joule (J) 5.43102E-10 lattice parameter of silicon in m 5.00000E+02 li, the Chinese (standardized) unit of distance, in m 9.46051E+15 light-year (the distance light travels in vacuum in an year) in meter (m) 2.68678E+25 Loschmidt constant (273.15 K, 101.325 kPa) per m3 1.25664E-06 magnetic constant (also called permeability of vacuum) in SI unit (N/ A2) 1.66054E-27 atomic mass constant (unit), amu or u (1/12 of mass of a C-12 atom) in kg 3.73242E+01 maund (Assamese mon), the traditional South Asian unit of mass, in kg 1.04858E+06 the number of bytes in one megabyte (MB), or number of kilobytes in one GB 1.60935E+00 mile, the US statutory unit of distance, in km 2.59001E+02 square mile (US) in hectare 8.31447E+00 molar gas constant in Joule per Kelvin per mole 2.24140E-02 molar volume of ideal gas (at 273.15 K & 101.325 kPa) in m3 1.20000E-02 molar mass of carbon-12 in kg/mol 1.20588E-05 molar volume of silicon in m3 1.80156E+02 relative molecular mass of glucose (also called dextrose) 1.26065E+02 relative molecular mass of oxalic acid dihydrate 1.05989E+02 relative molecular mass of sodium carbonate (washing soda) 1.85200E+03 nautical mile, unit of distance internationally used in navigation, in m -3.82609E+00 neutron g factor 1.67493E-27 neutron mass in kg 1.00866E+00 neutron mass in amu (u) 1.83247E+08 neutron gyromagnetic ratio (per second per Tesla) -9.66236E-27 neutron magnetic moment in Joule per Tesla 6.674E-11 Newtonian constant of gravitation in metre-cube per kg per second-square 2.13333E-01 nimesha, the ancient Indian unit of time, in second 5.05078E-27 nuclear magneton in Joule per Tesla 2.95735E+01 fluid ounce (fl oz) in ml (cm3) 2.83500E-02 ounce (oz) in kg 6.62607E-34 Planck constant in Joule second (Js) 1.05457E-34 Planck constant divided by 2 pi (in Js) 4.44822E+00 pound force (lb) in Newton (N) 4.53592E-01 pound (unit of mass) in kg 6.89476E+03 pound (force) per square inch pressure (psi) in Pascal (Pa) 5.58569E+00 proton g factor 1.67262E-27 proton mass in kg 1.00728E+00 proton mass in amu (u) 2.67522E+08 proton gyromagnetic ratio (per second per Tesla) 1.41061E-26 proton magnetic moment in Joule per Tesla 1.21498E-04 ratti (rati), a South-Asian unit of mass (as standardized in India), in kg 2.0158E+00 ratio of relative molecular mass of a gas and its relative vapor density 1.09737E+07 Rydberg constant (per meter) -1.16487E+00 Sackur-Tetrode constant (1 K, 101.325 kPa) 9.33104E-01 seer (ser, Assamese hkher), the traditional South Asian unit of mass, in kg 2.99792E+08 speed of light in vacuum in m/s 9.29030E-02 square foot (sq ft) in square meter 2.59000E+00 square mile (sq mile) in square kilometer (sq km) 5.6704E-08 Stefan-Boltzmann constant in W per m2 per K4 1.16638E-02 tola, the old South-Asian unit of mass as standardized in India, in kg 1.25000E-02 tola, the old South-Asian unit of mass as standardized in Pakistan, in kg 9.07185E+02 traditional ton (2000 lb) in kg 2.89777E-03 Wien wavelength displacement law constant in m K 9.14400E-01 yard (ft), the US unit of length, in m 3.65242E+02 year (tropical, not sidereal) in days (i.e., the number of days in an year) 3.15569E+07 year in second (i.e., the number of seconds in an year) 1.46E+01 yojana, the ancient Indian unit of distance, in km REFERENCES: 1. "The NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty." Prepared by Barry N. Taylor in collaboration with Peter J. Mohr, NIST Physics Laboratory, USA. Retrieved 27 Jul 2007 . 2. "NIST: Atomic Weights and Isotopic Compositions - Elements." J. S. Coursey, D. J. Schwab, and R. A. Dragoset, NIST Physics Laboratory, Office of Electronic Commerce in Scientific and Engineering Data, USA. Retrieved 27 Aug 2007 . 3. "WSDOT - Metric Conversion Factors." Washington State Department of Transportation, USA. Retrieved 27 Jul 2007 . 4. "Science and technology in ancient India." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 22 Jul 2007, 20:25 UTC. Retrieved 27 Jul 2007 . 5. "History of measurement systems in India." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 22 Jan 2007, 07:43 UTC. Retrieved 27 Jul 2007 . 6. "Li (unit)." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 28 May 2007, 19:52 UTC. Retrieved 27 Jul 2007 . 7. "Chinese units of measurement." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 13 Aug 2007, 16:16 UTC. Retrieved 27 Aug 2007 . 8. "Calorie." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 13 Aug 2008, 18:26 UTC. Retrieved 26 Aug 2008 . 9. "Quantum Chemistry", Ira N. Levine, 3rd Ed., Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2003. 10. WordWeb 3.03 © Antony Lewis, 2004 and WordNet Database © Princeton University (USA) 2003.