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Recon Team Pennsylvania

Pictures of RTPA/TRAP

What is an airsoft gun?

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Off-site message boards for RTPA

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum

February 21st, 2004

How is everyone? I'm a lazy s-o-b considering I haven't touched this site since I put it up. Although that doesn't really matter considering everything worth doing happens on the forum anyhow. The biggest change to the team was the disbanding of RTPA as a whole and the formation of TRAP or Three Rivers Airsoft Players. TRAP will serve the same purpose as HALO, being the parent team, the governing body if you will. Other teams will form beneath TRAP, hopefully those other teams will become close and work well together. Unity is a good thing here folks.

As far as this site being updated, it will be left to Tim. I'm going to the Air Force on the 20th of April (don't miss me too much) I'm sure he'll keep up on it better than I did.

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