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Gallery of Art

Psychological counseling
There are many reasons to ask help, at least
once in a lifetime(I'm an optimist) and there
are also many reasons for not asking help.
We think that many reasons for not sharing our
problems in our community are related to the
same resons at the origin of the problems.
In our psychological practice we found that
sometimes it is easier and more helpful to open
our heart to a perfect stranger than to our
neighboroug, especially when we are adult.
We are here to help you. You don't even need
to tell your true name.

Personal growth

Sometime we feel we need something more from
our daily life.
There are also moments in which we need answers
and all the traditional and routinary helps seem
This is the moment to look in ourselves to find
the answers. It needs practice and method to
find the path to our inner wisdom.
There are no problems around but we need
something more, we need to grow, to feed
our mind with something fresh.