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ABOUT US Since 1980 we have been engaged in the broking of accountancy practices and blocks of fees, and been involved in the successful transfer of many practices & fee-blocks. Statistics Although there is quite a wide range, the average multiple we have attained for the sale of accountancy practices and blocks of fees is 1.09x. The average up-front payment we have attained is 72%, with the balance being payable on average 18 months thereafter.

Enough about us. On to the main purpose of this Public Service page:-


Over the years, connected as we are with the acquisition and disposal of accountancy practices and blocks of fees, we have encountered a number of individuals who are either time-wasters or who seek to take advantage of vulnerable vendors - i.e. when the selling accountant is ill, or harassed, or where an accountant's widow is involved.

The type of tactic usually employed is to put-in an offer, and then state at the last minute that the purchaser's funds have not been made available - but that the purchaser is prepared to make a much lower offer. Often, the vendor is vulnerable, and grudgingly acquiesces. The purchaser who has stated that his funds are held-up, can then be seen in following weeks chasing after other blocks - having mysteriously obtained the required funds.

As a public service, we have built-up - and are adding to - a list containing the names of these time-wasters and morally-challenged people. We call it the PPP List (Practice-Purchasing Parasites). If anyone has any names to add to the list, please help us to help fellow accountants to avoid falling victim to these individuals, either by leaving a message in our GuestBook or by emailing us at:- and giving details of the individual concerned and the tactics employed by him/her.

HOW IT WORKS IS THIS We will not give-out any names on the list. If anyone has any doubts about a prospective purchaser, all he or she has to do is to email us and ask if the person's name is on the list.

(a) If the person is on the list, we will endeavour to reply within 48 hours to confirm the enquirer's email, but we will make absolutely no comment.

(b) If the person is not on the list, we will endeavour to reply within 48 hours, and will re-assure the enquirer that the person is not on the list.

(c) If the person is not on the list, but there have been other enquiries about him/her, we will reply to inform the enquirer as to how many enquiries there have been about the person, and the enquirer can make-up his or her own mind.

It is hoped that this free service will be of use to accountants wishing to dispose of their practices, in that it may assist them in not being duped, and it is fervently hoped that we can help put a stop to the activities of these morally-challenged people.

DISCLAIMER Just because an individual does not appear on our list does not mean that he or she is completely trustworthy, nor that he or she is not a timewaster.

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