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"The Land-Mine Specialists"

Mission Viejo, CA
||| Mp3's ||| 411 ||| E-mail ||| Matt's Great Balls of Fire ||| LINX |||
This is where I need to find something to talk about the company. Maybe how most Americans after a long day at work prefer not touching their dog's poop and having to throw it away, not to mention the horrific aroma that follows :)

Again another paragraph on the reasonings of why it is the wiser who can afford someone like myself to do the sanitary duties of the faniliews dog for an average price of twenty dollars a week on Mondays and Fridays. To have the services on those two days would be optimised by the people being serviced due to the possibilities of company and pure enjoyment of the backyard physilities. You all suck the big one if you do not hire me to be the pro poop-scoop sanitary boy!

O.K. so I still need to add a page or three to this here web page for my new business I started with an idea from some islanders.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! you may be wondering what a piocture of King Kong is doing on the here page. Well people, it's quite necessary to explain the sizes of poops. yes, this picture will be the example size for the giant poops with the appropiate pricings peer week, bi-weekly, or month! Also there will be other pictures that the viewer can click onto to describe the size poops their dogs leave behind.
